Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project  18.5.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
3  *
4  * Copyright 2007-2008, Sergio Fadda, Luigi Rizzo
5  *
6  * See for more information about
7  * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
8  * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
9  * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
10  * channels for your use.
11  *
12  * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
13  * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
14  * at the top of the source tree.
15  */
17 /*
18  * Video codecs support for console_video.c
19  * $Revision$
20  */
23  <support_level>extended</support_level>
24  ***/
26 #include "asterisk.h"
27 #include "console_video.h"
28 #include "asterisk/frame.h"
29 #include "asterisk/utils.h" /* ast_calloc() */
31 struct video_out_desc;
32 struct video_dec_desc;
33 struct fbuf_t;
35 /*
36  * Each codec is defined by a number of callbacks
37  */
38 /*! \brief initialize the encoder */
39 typedef int (*encoder_init_f)(AVCodecContext *v);
41 /*! \brief actually call the encoder */
42 typedef int (*encoder_encode_f)(struct video_out_desc *v);
44 /*! \brief encapsulate the bistream in RTP frames */
45 typedef struct ast_frame *(*encoder_encap_f)(struct fbuf_t *, int mtu,
46  struct ast_frame **tail);
48 /*! \brief inizialize the decoder */
49 typedef int (*decoder_init_f)(AVCodecContext *enc_ctx);
51 /*! \brief extract the bitstream from RTP frames and store in the fbuf.
52  * return 0 if ok, 1 on error
53  */
54 typedef int (*decoder_decap_f)(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *data, int len);
56 /*! \brief actually call the decoder */
57 typedef int (*decoder_decode_f)(struct video_dec_desc *v, struct fbuf_t *b);
60  const char *name; /* format name */
61  int format; /* AST_FORMAT_* */
68 };
70 /*
71  * Descriptor for the incoming stream, with multiple buffers for the bitstream
72  * extracted from the RTP packets, RTP reassembly info, and a frame buffer
73  * for the decoded frame (buf).
74  * The descriptor is allocated as the first frame comes in.
75  *
76  * Incoming payload is stored in one of the dec_in[] buffers, which are
77  * emptied by the video thread. These buffers are organized in a circular
78  * queue, with dec_in_cur being the buffer in use by the incoming stream,
79  * and dec_in_dpy is the one being displayed. When the pointers need to
80  * be changed, we synchronize the access to them with dec_lock.
81  * When the list is full dec_in_cur = NULL (we cannot store new data),
82  * when the list is empty dec_in_dpy = NULL (we cannot display frames).
83  */
85  struct video_codec_desc *d_callbacks; /* decoder callbacks */
86  AVCodecContext *dec_ctx; /* information about the codec in the stream */
87  AVCodec *codec; /* reference to the codec */
88  AVFrame *d_frame; /* place to store the decoded frame */
89  AVCodecParserContext *parser;
90  uint16_t next_seq; /* must be 16 bit */
91  int discard; /* flag for discard status */
92 #define N_DEC_IN 3 /* number of incoming buffers */
93  struct fbuf_t *dec_in_cur; /* buffer being filled in */
94  struct fbuf_t *dec_in_dpy; /* buffer to display */
95  struct fbuf_t dec_in[N_DEC_IN]; /* incoming bitstream, allocated/extended in fbuf_append() */
96  struct fbuf_t dec_out; /* decoded frame, no buffer (data is in AVFrame) */
97 };
99 #ifdef debugging_only
101 /* some debugging code to check the bitstream:
102  * declare a bit buffer, initialize it, and fetch data from it.
103  */
104 struct bitbuf {
105  const uint8_t *base;
106  int bitsize; /* total size in bits */
107  int ofs; /* next bit to read */
108 };
110 static struct bitbuf bitbuf_init(const uint8_t *base, int bitsize, int start_ofs)
111 {
112  struct bitbuf a;
113  a.base = base;
114  a.bitsize = bitsize;
115  a.ofs = start_ofs;
116  return a;
117 }
119 static int bitbuf_left(struct bitbuf *b)
120 {
121  return b->bitsize - b->ofs;
122 }
124 static uint32_t getbits(struct bitbuf *b, int n)
125 {
126  int i, ofs;
127  const uint8_t *d;
128  uint8_t mask;
129  uint32_t retval = 0;
130  if (n> 31) {
131  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "too many bits %d, max 32\n", n);
132  return 0;
133  }
134  if (n + b->ofs > b->bitsize) {
135  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "bitbuf overflow %d of %d\n", n + b->ofs, b->bitsize);
136  n = b->bitsize - b->ofs;
137  }
138  ofs = 7 - b->ofs % 8; /* start from msb */
139  mask = 1 << ofs;
140  d = b->base + b->ofs / 8; /* current byte */
141  for (i=0 ; i < n; i++) {
142  retval += retval + (*d & mask ? 1 : 0); /* shift in new byte */
143  b->ofs++;
144  mask >>= 1;
145  if (mask == 0) {
146  d++;
147  mask = 0x80;
148  }
149  }
150  return retval;
151 }
153 static void check_h261(struct fbuf_t *b)
154 {
155  struct bitbuf a = bitbuf_init(b->data, b->used * 8, 0);
156  uint32_t x, y;
158  x = getbits(&a, 20); /* PSC, 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 */
159  if (x != 0x10) {
160  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "bad PSC 0x%x\n", x);
161  return;
162  }
163  x = getbits(&a, 5); /* temporal reference */
164  y = getbits(&a, 6); /* ptype */
165  if (0)
166  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "size %d TR %d PTY spl %d doc %d freeze %d %sCIF hi %d\n",
167  b->used,
168  x,
169  (y & 0x20) ? 1 : 0,
170  (y & 0x10) ? 1 : 0,
171  (y & 0x8) ? 1 : 0,
172  (y & 0x4) ? "" : "Q",
173  (y & 0x2) ? 1:0);
174  while ( (x = getbits(&a, 1)) == 1)
175  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "PSPARE 0x%x\n", getbits(&a, 8));
176  // ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "PSPARE 0 - start GOB LAYER\n");
177  while ( (x = bitbuf_left(&a)) > 0) {
178  // ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "GBSC %d bits left\n", x);
179  x = getbits(&a, 16); /* GBSC 0000 0000 0000 0001 */
180  if (x != 0x1) {
181  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "bad GBSC 0x%x\n", x);
182  break;
183  }
184  x = getbits(&a, 4); /* group number */
185  y = getbits(&a, 5); /* gquant */
186  if (x == 0) {
187  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, " bad GN %d\n", x);
188  break;
189  }
190  while ( (x = getbits(&a, 1)) == 1)
191  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "GSPARE 0x%x\n", getbits(&a, 8));
192  while ( (x = bitbuf_left(&a)) > 0) { /* MB layer */
193  break;
194  }
195  }
196 }
198 void dump_buf(struct fbuf_t *b);
199 void dump_buf(struct fbuf_t *b)
200 {
201  int i, x, last2lines;
202  char buf[80];
204  last2lines = (b->used - 16) & ~0xf;
205  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "buf size %d of %d\n", b->used, b->size);
206  for (i = 0; i < b->used; i++) {
207  x = i & 0xf;
208  if ( x == 0) { /* new line */
209  if (i != 0)
210  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s\n", buf);
211  memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
212  sprintf(buf, "%04x: ", (unsigned)i);
213  }
214  sprintf(buf + 6 + x*3, "%02hhx ", b->data[i]);
215  if (i > 31 && i < last2lines)
216  i = last2lines - 1;
217  }
218  if (buf[0])
219  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s\n", buf);
220 }
221 #endif /* debugging_only */
223 /*!
224  * Build an ast_frame for a given chunk of data, and link it into
225  * the queue, with possibly 'head' bytes at the beginning to
226  * fill in some fields later.
227  */
228 static struct ast_frame *create_video_frame(uint8_t *start, uint8_t *end,
229  int format, int head, struct ast_frame *prev)
230 {
231  int len = end-start;
232  uint8_t *data;
233  struct ast_frame *f;
235  data = ast_calloc(1, len+head);
236  f = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*f));
237  if (f == NULL || data == NULL) {
238  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "--- frame error f %p data %p len %d format %d\n",
239  f, data, len, format);
240  if (f)
241  ast_free(f);
242  if (data)
243  ast_free(data);
244  return NULL;
245  }
246  memcpy(data+head, start, len);
247  f->data.ptr = data;
249  //f->has_timing_info = 1;
250  //f->ts = ast_tvdiff_ms(ast_tvnow(), out->ts);
251  f->datalen = len+head;
253  f->subclass = format;
254  f->samples = 0;
255  f->offset = 0;
256  f->src = "Console";
257  f->delivery.tv_sec = 0;
258  f->delivery.tv_usec = 0;
259  f->seqno = 0;
262  if (prev)
263  AST_LIST_NEXT(prev, frame_list) = f;
265  return f;
266 }
269 /*
270  * Append a chunk of data to a buffer taking care of bit alignment
271  * Return 0 on success, != 0 on failure
272  */
273 static int fbuf_append(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *src, int len,
274  int sbit, int ebit)
275 {
276  /*
277  * Allocate buffer. ffmpeg wants an extra FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE,
278  * and also wants 0 as a buffer terminator to prevent trouble.
279  */
280  int need = len + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE;
281  int i;
282  uint8_t *dst, mask;
284  if (b->data == NULL) {
285  b->size = need;
286  b->used = 0;
287  b->ebit = 0;
288  b->data = ast_calloc(1, b->size);
289  } else if (b->used + need > b->size) {
290  b->size = b->used + need;
291  b->data = ast_realloc(b->data, b->size);
292  }
293  if (b->data == NULL) {
294  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "alloc failure for %d, discard\n",
295  b->size);
296  return 1;
297  }
298  if (b->used == 0 && b->ebit != 0) {
299  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ebit not reset at start\n");
300  b->ebit = 0;
301  }
302  dst = b->data + b->used;
303  i = b->ebit + sbit; /* bits to ignore around */
304  if (i == 0) { /* easy case, just append */
305  /* do everything in the common block */
306  } else if (i == 8) { /* easy too, just handle the overlap byte */
307  mask = (1 << b->ebit) - 1;
308  /* update the last byte in the buffer */
309  dst[-1] &= ~mask; /* clear bits to ignore */
310  dst[-1] |= (*src & mask); /* append new bits */
311  src += 1; /* skip and prepare for common block */
312  len --;
313  } else { /* must shift the new block, not done yet */
314  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "must handle shift %d %d at %d\n",
315  b->ebit, sbit, b->used);
316  return 1;
317  }
318  memcpy(dst, src, len);
319  b->used += len;
320  b->ebit = ebit;
321  b->data[b->used] = 0; /* padding */
322  return 0;
323 }
325 /*
326  * Here starts the glue code for the various supported video codecs.
327  * For each of them, we need to provide routines for initialization,
328  * calling the encoder, encapsulating the bitstream in ast_frames,
329  * extracting payload from ast_frames, and calling the decoder.
330  */
332 /*--- h263+ support --- */
334 /*! \brief initialization of h263p */
335 static int h263p_enc_init(AVCodecContext *enc_ctx)
336 {
337  /* modes supported are
338  - Unrestricted Motion Vector (annex D)
339  - Advanced Prediction (annex F)
340  - Advanced Intra Coding (annex I)
341  - Deblocking Filter (annex J)
342  - Slice Structure (annex K)
343  - Alternative Inter VLC (annex S)
344  - Modified Quantization (annex T)
345  */
346  enc_ctx->flags |=CODEC_FLAG_H263P_UMV; /* annex D */
347  enc_ctx->flags |=CODEC_FLAG_AC_PRED; /* annex f ? */
348  enc_ctx->flags |=CODEC_FLAG_H263P_SLICE_STRUCT; /* annex k */
349  enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_H263P_AIC; /* annex I */
351  return 0;
352 }
355 /*
356  * Create RTP/H.263 fragments to avoid IP fragmentation. We fragment on a
357  * PSC or a GBSC, but if we don't find a suitable place just break somewhere.
358  * Everything is byte-aligned.
359  */
360 static struct ast_frame *h263p_encap(struct fbuf_t *b, int mtu,
361  struct ast_frame **tail)
362 {
363  struct ast_frame *cur = NULL, *first = NULL;
364  uint8_t *d = b->data;
365  int len = b->used;
366  int l = len; /* size of the current fragment. If 0, must look for a psc */
368  for (;len > 0; len -= l, d += l) {
369  uint8_t *data;
370  struct ast_frame *f;
371  int i, h;
373  if (len >= 3 && d[0] == 0 && d[1] == 0 && d[2] >= 0x80) {
374  /* we are starting a new block, so look for a PSC. */
375  for (i = 3; i < len - 3; i++) {
376  if (d[i] == 0 && d[i+1] == 0 && d[i+2] >= 0x80) {
377  l = i;
378  break;
379  }
380  }
381  }
382  if (l > mtu || l > len) { /* psc not found, split */
383  l = MIN(len, mtu);
384  }
385  if (l < 1 || l > mtu) {
386  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "--- frame error l %d\n", l);
387  break;
388  }
390  if (d[0] == 0 && d[1] == 0) { /* we start with a psc */
391  h = 0;
392  } else { /* no psc, create a header */
393  h = 2;
394  }
396  f = create_video_frame(d, d+l, AST_FORMAT_H263_PLUS, h, cur);
397  if (!f)
398  break;
400  data = f->data.ptr;
401  if (h == 0) { /* we start with a psc */
402  data[0] |= 0x04; // set P == 1, and we are done
403  } else { /* no psc, create a header */
404  data[0] = data[1] = 0; // P == 0
405  }
407  if (!cur)
408  first = f;
409  cur = f;
410  }
412  if (cur)
413  cur->subclass |= 1; // RTP Marker
415  *tail = cur; /* end of the list */
416  return first;
417 }
419 /*! \brief extract the bitstreem from the RTP payload.
420  * This is format dependent.
421  * For h263+, the format is defined in RFC 2429
422  * and basically has a fixed 2-byte header as follows:
423  * 5 bits RR reserved, shall be 0
424  * 1 bit P indicate a start/end condition,
425  * in which case the payload should be prepended
426  * by two zero-valued bytes.
427  * 1 bit V there is an additional VRC header after this header
428  * 6 bits PLEN length in bytes of extra picture header
429  * 3 bits PEBIT how many bits to be ignored in the last byte
430  *
431  * XXX the code below is not complete.
432  */
433 static int h263p_decap(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *data, int len)
434 {
435  int PLEN;
437  if (len < 2) {
438  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "invalid framesize %d\n", len);
439  return 1;
440  }
441  PLEN = ( (data[0] & 1) << 5 ) | ( (data[1] & 0xf8) >> 3);
443  if (PLEN > 0) {
444  data += PLEN;
445  len -= PLEN;
446  }
447  if (data[0] & 4) /* bit P */
448  data[0] = data[1] = 0;
449  else {
450  data += 2;
451  len -= 2;
452  }
453  return fbuf_append(b, data, len, 0, 0); /* ignore trail bits */
454 }
457 /*
458  * generic encoder, used by the various protocols supported here.
459  * We assume that the buffer is empty at the beginning.
460  */
461 static int ffmpeg_encode(struct video_out_desc *v)
462 {
463  struct fbuf_t *b = &v->enc_out;
464  int i;
466  b->used = avcodec_encode_video(v->enc_ctx, b->data, b->size, v->enc_in_frame);
467  i = avcodec_encode_video(v->enc_ctx, b->data + b->used, b->size - b->used, NULL); /* delayed frames ? */
468  if (i > 0) {
469  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "have %d more bytes\n", i);
470  b->used += i;
471  }
472  return 0;
473 }
475 /*
476  * Generic decoder, which is used by h263p, h263 and h261 as it simply
477  * invokes ffmpeg's decoder.
478  * av_parser_parse should merge a randomly chopped up stream into
479  * proper frames. After that, if we have a valid frame, we decode it
480  * until the entire frame is processed.
481  */
482 static int ffmpeg_decode(struct video_dec_desc *v, struct fbuf_t *b)
483 {
484  uint8_t *src = b->data;
485  int srclen = b->used;
486  int full_frame = 0;
488  if (srclen == 0) /* no data */
489  return 0;
490  while (srclen) {
491  uint8_t *data;
492  int datalen, ret;
493  int len = av_parser_parse(v->parser, v->dec_ctx, &data, &datalen, src, srclen, 0, 0);
495  src += len;
496  srclen -= len;
497  /* The parser might return something it cannot decode, so it skips
498  * the block returning no data
499  */
500  if (data == NULL || datalen == 0)
501  continue;
502  ret = avcodec_decode_video(v->dec_ctx, v->d_frame, &full_frame, data, datalen);
503  if (full_frame == 1) /* full frame */
504  break;
505  if (ret < 0) {
506  ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Error decoding\n");
507  break;
508  }
509  }
510  if (srclen != 0) /* update b with leftover data */
511  memmove(b->data, src, srclen);
512  b->used = srclen;
513  b->ebit = 0;
514  return full_frame;
515 }
517 static struct video_codec_desc h263p_codec = {
518  .name = "h263p",
519  .format = AST_FORMAT_H263_PLUS,
520  .enc_init = h263p_enc_init,
521  .enc_encap = h263p_encap,
522  .enc_run = ffmpeg_encode,
523  .dec_init = NULL,
524  .dec_decap = h263p_decap,
525  .dec_run = ffmpeg_decode
526 };
528 /*--- Plain h263 support --------*/
530 static int h263_enc_init(AVCodecContext *enc_ctx)
531 {
532  /* XXX check whether these are supported */
533  enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_H263P_UMV;
534  enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_H263P_AIC;
535  enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_H263P_SLICE_STRUCT;
536  enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_AC_PRED;
538  return 0;
539 }
541 /*
542  * h263 encapsulation is specified in RFC2190. There are three modes
543  * defined (A, B, C), with 4, 8 and 12 bytes of header, respectively.
544  * The header is made as follows
545  * 0.....................|.......................|.............|....31
546  * F:1 P:1 SBIT:3 EBIT:3 SRC:3 I:1 U:1 S:1 A:1 R:4 DBQ:2 TRB:3 TR:8
547  * FP = 0- mode A, (only one word of header)
548  * FP = 10 mode B, and also means this is an I or P frame
549  * FP = 11 mode C, and also means this is a PB frame.
550  * SBIT, EBIT nuber of bits to ignore at beginning (msbits) and end (lsbits)
551  * SRC bits 6,7,8 from the h263 PTYPE field
552  * I = 0 intra-coded, 1 = inter-coded (bit 9 from PTYPE)
553  * U = 1 for Unrestricted Motion Vector (bit 10 from PTYPE)
554  * S = 1 for Syntax Based Arith coding (bit 11 from PTYPE)
555  * A = 1 for Advanced Prediction (bit 12 from PTYPE)
556  * R = reserved, must be 0
557  * DBQ = differential quantization, DBQUANT from h263, 0 unless we are using
558  * PB frames
559  * TRB = temporal reference for bframes, also 0 unless this is a PB frame
560  * TR = temporal reference for P frames, also 0 unless PB frame.
561  *
562  * Mode B and mode C description omitted.
563  *
564  * An RTP frame can start with a PSC 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0
565  * or with a GBSC, which also has the first 17 bits as a PSC.
566  * Note - PSC are byte-aligned, GOB not necessarily. PSC start with
567  * PSC:22 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 00 picture start code
568  * TR:8 .... .... temporal reference
569  * PTYPE:13 or more ptype...
570  * If we don't fragment a GOB SBIT and EBIT = 0.
571  * reference, 8 bit)
572  *
573  * The assumption below is that we start with a PSC.
574  */
575 static struct ast_frame *h263_encap(struct fbuf_t *b, int mtu,
576  struct ast_frame **tail)
577 {
578  uint8_t *d = b->data;
579  int start = 0, i, len = b->used;
580  struct ast_frame *f, *cur = NULL, *first = NULL;
581  const int pheader_len = 4; /* Use RFC-2190 Mode A */
582  uint8_t h263_hdr[12]; /* worst case, room for a type c header */
583  uint8_t *h = h263_hdr; /* shorthand */
585 #define H263_MIN_LEN 6
586  if (len < H263_MIN_LEN) /* unreasonably small */
587  return NULL;
589  memset(h263_hdr, '\0', sizeof(h263_hdr));
590  /* Now set the header bytes. Only type A by now,
591  * and h[0] = h[2] = h[3] = 0 by default.
592  * PTYPE starts 30 bits in the picture, so the first useful
593  * bit for us is bit 36 i.e. within d[4] (0 is the msbit).
594  * SRC = d[4] & 0x1c goes into data[1] & 0xe0
595  * I = d[4] & 0x02 goes into data[1] & 0x10
596  * U = d[4] & 0x01 goes into data[1] & 0x08
597  * S = d[5] & 0x80 goes into data[1] & 0x04
598  * A = d[5] & 0x40 goes into data[1] & 0x02
599  * R = 0 goes into data[1] & 0x01
600  * Optimizing it, we have
601  */
602  h[1] = ( (d[4] & 0x1f) << 3 ) | /* SRC, I, U */
603  ( (d[5] & 0xc0) >> 5 ); /* S, A, R */
605  /* now look for the next PSC or GOB header. First try to hit
606  * a '0' byte then look around for the 0000 0000 0000 0000 1 pattern
607  * which is both in the PSC and the GBSC.
608  */
609  for (i = H263_MIN_LEN, start = 0; start < len; start = i, i += 3) {
610  //ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "search at %d of %d/%d\n", i, start, len);
611  for (; i < len ; i++) {
612  uint8_t x, rpos, lpos;
613  int rpos_i; /* index corresponding to rpos */
614  if (d[i] != 0) /* cannot be in a GBSC */
615  continue;
616  if (i > len - 1)
617  break;
618  x = d[i+1];
619  if (x == 0) /* next is equally good */
620  continue;
621  /* see if around us we can make 16 '0' bits for the GBSC.
622  * Look for the first bit set on the right, and then
623  * see if we have enough 0 on the left.
624  * We are guaranteed to end before rpos == 0
625  */
626  for (rpos = 0x80, rpos_i = 8; rpos; rpos >>= 1, rpos_i--)
627  if (x & rpos) /* found the '1' bit in GBSC */
628  break;
629  x = d[i-1]; /* now look behind */
630  for (lpos = rpos; lpos ; lpos >>= 1)
631  if (x & lpos) /* too early, not a GBSC */
632  break;
633  if (lpos) /* as i said... */
634  continue;
635  /* now we have a GBSC starting somewhere in d[i-1],
636  * but it might be not byte-aligned
637  */
638  if (rpos == 0x80) { /* lucky case */
639  i = i - 1;
640  } else { /* XXX to be completed */
641  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "unaligned GBSC 0x%x %d\n",
642  rpos, rpos_i);
643  }
644  break;
645  }
646  /* This frame is up to offset i (not inclusive).
647  * We do not split it yet even if larger than MTU.
648  */
649  f = create_video_frame(d + start, d+i, AST_FORMAT_H263,
650  pheader_len, cur);
652  if (!f)
653  break;
654  memmove(f->data.ptr, h, 4); /* copy the h263 header */
655  /* XXX to do: if not aligned, fix sbit and ebit,
656  * then move i back by 1 for the next frame
657  */
658  if (!cur)
659  first = f;
660  cur = f;
661  }
663  if (cur)
664  cur->subclass |= 1; // RTP Marker
666  *tail = cur;
667  return first;
668 }
670 /* XXX We only drop the header here, but maybe we need more. */
671 static int h263_decap(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *data, int len)
672 {
673  if (len < 4) {
674  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "invalid framesize %d\n", len);
675  return 1; /* error */
676  }
678  if ( (data[0] & 0x80) == 0) {
679  len -= 4;
680  data += 4;
681  } else {
682  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "unsupported mode 0x%x\n",
683  data[0]);
684  return 1;
685  }
686  return fbuf_append(b, data, len, 0, 0); /* XXX no bit alignment support yet */
687 }
689 static struct video_codec_desc h263_codec = {
690  .name = "h263",
691  .format = AST_FORMAT_H263,
692  .enc_init = h263_enc_init,
693  .enc_encap = h263_encap,
694  .enc_run = ffmpeg_encode,
695  .dec_init = NULL,
696  .dec_decap = h263_decap,
697  .dec_run = ffmpeg_decode
699 };
701 /*---- h261 support -----*/
702 static int h261_enc_init(AVCodecContext *enc_ctx)
703 {
704  /* It is important to set rtp_payload_size = 0, otherwise
705  * ffmpeg in h261 mode will produce output that it cannot parse.
706  * Also try to send I frames more frequently than with other codecs.
707  */
708  enc_ctx->rtp_payload_size = 0; /* important - ffmpeg fails otherwise */
710  return 0;
711 }
713 /*
714  * The encapsulation of H261 is defined in RFC4587 which obsoletes RFC2032
715  * The bitstream is preceded by a 32-bit header word:
716  * SBIT:3 EBIT:3 I:1 V:1 GOBN:4 MBAP:5 QUANT:5 HMVD:5 VMVD:5
717  * SBIT and EBIT are the bits to be ignored at beginning and end,
718  * I=1 if the stream has only INTRA frames - cannot change during the stream.
719  * V=0 if motion vector is not used. Cannot change.
720  * GOBN is the GOB number in effect at the start of packet, 0 if we
721  * start with a GOB header
722  * QUANT is the quantizer in effect, 0 if we start with GOB header
723  * HMVD reference horizontal motion vector. 10000 is forbidden
724  * VMVD reference vertical motion vector, as above.
725  * Packetization should occur at GOB boundaries, and if not possible
726  * with MacroBlock fragmentation. However it is likely that blocks
727  * are not bit-aligned so we must take care of this.
728  */
729 static struct ast_frame *h261_encap(struct fbuf_t *b, int mtu,
730  struct ast_frame **tail)
731 {
732  uint8_t *d = b->data;
733  int start = 0, i, len = b->used;
734  struct ast_frame *f, *cur = NULL, *first = NULL;
735  const int pheader_len = 4;
736  uint8_t h261_hdr[4];
737  uint8_t *h = h261_hdr; /* shorthand */
738  int sbit = 0, ebit = 0;
740 #define H261_MIN_LEN 10
741  if (len < H261_MIN_LEN) /* unreasonably small */
742  return NULL;
744  memset(h261_hdr, '\0', sizeof(h261_hdr));
746  /* Similar to the code in h263_encap, but the marker there is longer.
747  * Start a few bytes within the bitstream to avoid hitting the marker
748  * twice. Note we might access the buffer at len, but this is ok because
749  * the caller has it oversized.
750  */
751  for (i = H261_MIN_LEN, start = 0; start < len - 1; start = i, i += 4) {
752 #if 0 /* test - disable packetization */
753  i = len; /* wrong... */
754 #else
755  int found = 0, found_ebit = 0; /* last GBSC position found */
756  for (; i < len ; i++) {
757  uint8_t x, rpos, lpos;
758  if (d[i] != 0) /* cannot be in a GBSC */
759  continue;
760  x = d[i+1];
761  if (x == 0) /* next is equally good */
762  continue;
763  /* See if around us we find 15 '0' bits for the GBSC.
764  * Look for the first bit set on the right, and then
765  * see if we have enough 0 on the left.
766  * We are guaranteed to end before rpos == 0
767  */
768  for (rpos = 0x80, ebit = 7; rpos; ebit--, rpos >>= 1)
769  if (x & rpos) /* found the '1' bit in GBSC */
770  break;
771  x = d[i-1]; /* now look behind */
772  for (lpos = (rpos >> 1); lpos ; lpos >>= 1)
773  if (x & lpos) /* too early, not a GBSC */
774  break;
775  if (lpos) /* as i said... */
776  continue;
777  /* now we have a GBSC starting somewhere in d[i-1],
778  * but it might be not byte-aligned. Just remember it.
779  */
780  if (i - start > mtu) /* too large, stop now */
781  break;
782  found_ebit = ebit;
783  found = i;
784  i += 4; /* continue forward */
785  }
786  if (i >= len) { /* trim if we went too forward */
787  i = len;
788  ebit = 0; /* hopefully... should ask the bitstream ? */
789  }
790  if (i - start > mtu && found) {
791  /* use the previous GBSC, hope is within the mtu */
792  i = found;
793  ebit = found_ebit;
794  }
795 #endif /* test */
796  if (i - start < 4) /* XXX too short ? */
797  continue;
798  /* This frame is up to offset i (not inclusive).
799  * We do not split it yet even if larger than MTU.
800  */
801  f = create_video_frame(d + start, d+i, AST_FORMAT_H261,
802  pheader_len, cur);
804  if (!f)
805  break;
806  /* recompute header with I=0, V=1 */
807  h[0] = ( (sbit & 7) << 5 ) | ( (ebit & 7) << 2 ) | 1;
808  memmove(f->data.ptr, h, 4); /* copy the h261 header */
809  if (ebit) /* not aligned, restart from previous byte */
810  i--;
811  sbit = (8 - ebit) & 7;
812  ebit = 0;
813  if (!cur)
814  first = f;
815  cur = f;
816  }
817  if (cur)
818  cur->subclass |= 1; // RTP Marker
820  *tail = cur;
821  return first;
822 }
824 /*
825  * Pieces might be unaligned so we really need to put them together.
826  */
827 static int h261_decap(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *data, int len)
828 {
829  int ebit, sbit;
831  if (len < 8) {
832  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "invalid framesize %d\n", len);
833  return 1;
834  }
835  sbit = (data[0] >> 5) & 7;
836  ebit = (data[0] >> 2) & 7;
837  len -= 4;
838  data += 4;
839  return fbuf_append(b, data, len, sbit, ebit);
840 }
842 static struct video_codec_desc h261_codec = {
843  .name = "h261",
844  .format = AST_FORMAT_H261,
845  .enc_init = h261_enc_init,
846  .enc_encap = h261_encap,
847  .enc_run = ffmpeg_encode,
848  .dec_init = NULL,
849  .dec_decap = h261_decap,
850  .dec_run = ffmpeg_decode
851 };
853 /* mpeg4 support */
854 static int mpeg4_enc_init(AVCodecContext *enc_ctx)
855 {
856 #if 0
857  //enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_LOW_DELAY; /*don't use b frames ?*/
858  enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_AC_PRED;
859  enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_H263P_UMV;
860  enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_QPEL;
861  enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_4MV;
862  enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GMC;
863  enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_LOOP_FILTER;
864  enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_H263P_SLICE_STRUCT;
865 #endif
866  enc_ctx->rtp_payload_size = 0; /* important - ffmpeg fails otherwise */
867  return 0;
868 }
870 /* simplistic encapsulation - just split frames in mtu-size units */
871 static struct ast_frame *mpeg4_encap(struct fbuf_t *b, int mtu,
872  struct ast_frame **tail)
873 {
874  struct ast_frame *f, *cur = NULL, *first = NULL;
875  uint8_t *d = b->data;
876  uint8_t *end = d + b->used;
877  int len;
879  for (;d < end; d += len, cur = f) {
880  len = MIN(mtu, end - d);
881  f = create_video_frame(d, d + len, AST_FORMAT_MP4_VIDEO, 0, cur);
882  if (!f)
883  break;
884  if (!first)
885  first = f;
886  }
887  if (cur)
888  cur->subclass |= 1;
889  *tail = cur;
890  return first;
891 }
893 static int mpeg4_decap(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *data, int len)
894 {
895  return fbuf_append(b, data, len, 0, 0);
896 }
898 static int mpeg4_decode(struct video_dec_desc *v, struct fbuf_t *b)
899 {
900  int full_frame = 0, datalen = b->used;
901  int ret = avcodec_decode_video(v->dec_ctx, v->d_frame, &full_frame,
902  b->data, datalen);
903  if (ret < 0) {
904  ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Error decoding\n");
905  ret = datalen; /* assume we used everything. */
906  }
907  datalen -= ret;
908  if (datalen > 0) /* update b with leftover bytes */
909  memmove(b->data, b->data + ret, datalen);
910  b->used = datalen;
911  b->ebit = 0;
912  return full_frame;
913 }
915 static struct video_codec_desc mpeg4_codec = {
916  .name = "mpeg4",
917  .format = AST_FORMAT_MP4_VIDEO,
918  .enc_init = mpeg4_enc_init,
919  .enc_encap = mpeg4_encap,
920  .enc_run = ffmpeg_encode,
921  .dec_init = NULL,
922  .dec_decap = mpeg4_decap,
923  .dec_run = mpeg4_decode
924 };
926 static int h264_enc_init(AVCodecContext *enc_ctx)
927 {
928  enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED;
929  //enc_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;
930  //enc_ctx->flags2 |= CODEC_FLAG2_FASTPSKIP;
931  /* TODO: Maybe we need to add some other flags */
932  enc_ctx->rtp_mode = 0;
933  enc_ctx->rtp_payload_size = 0;
934  enc_ctx->bit_rate_tolerance = enc_ctx->bit_rate;
935  return 0;
936 }
938 static int h264_dec_init(AVCodecContext *dec_ctx)
939 {
940  dec_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED;
942  return 0;
943 }
945 /*
946  * The structure of a generic H.264 stream is:
947  * - 0..n 0-byte(s), unused, optional. one zero-byte is always present
948  * in the first NAL before the start code prefix.
949  * - start code prefix (3 bytes): 0x000001
950  * (the first bytestream has a
951  * like these 0x00000001!)
952  * - NAL header byte ( F[1] | NRI[2] | Type[5] ) where type != 0
953  * - byte-stream
954  * - 0..n 0-byte(s) (padding, unused).
955  * Segmentation in RTP only needs to be done on start code prefixes.
956  * If fragments are too long... we don't support it yet.
957  * - encapsulate (or fragment) the byte-stream (with NAL header included)
958  */
959 static struct ast_frame *h264_encap(struct fbuf_t *b, int mtu,
960  struct ast_frame **tail)
961 {
962  struct ast_frame *f = NULL, *cur = NULL, *first = NULL;
963  uint8_t *d, *start = b->data;
964  uint8_t *end = start + b->used;
966  /* Search the first start code prefix - ITU-T H.264 sec. B.2,
967  * and move start right after that, on the NAL header byte.
968  */
969 #define HAVE_NAL(x) (x[-4] == 0 && x[-3] == 0 && x[-2] == 0 && x[-1] == 1)
970  for (start += 4; start < end; start++) {
971  int ty = start[0] & 0x1f;
972  if (HAVE_NAL(start) && ty != 0 && ty != 31)
973  break;
974  }
975  /* if not found, or too short, we just skip the next loop and are done. */
977  /* Here follows the main loop to create frames. Search subsequent start
978  * codes, and then possibly fragment the unit into smaller fragments.
979  */
980  for (;start < end - 4; start = d) {
981  int size; /* size of current block */
982  uint8_t hdr[2]; /* add-on header when fragmenting */
983  int ty = 0;
985  /* now search next nal */
986  for (d = start + 4; d < end; d++) {
987  ty = d[0] & 0x1f;
988  if (HAVE_NAL(d))
989  break; /* found NAL */
990  }
991  /* have a block to send. d past the start code unless we overflow */
992  if (d >= end) { /* NAL not found */
993  d = end + 4;
994  } else if (ty == 0 || ty == 31) { /* found but invalid type, skip */
995  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "skip invalid nal type %d at %d of %d\n",
996  ty, d - (uint8_t *)b->data, b->used);
997  continue;
998  }
1000  size = d - start - 4; /* don't count the end */
1002  if (size < mtu) { // test - don't fragment
1003  // Single NAL Unit
1004  f = create_video_frame(start, d - 4, AST_FORMAT_H264, 0, cur);
1005  if (!f)
1006  break;
1007  if (!first)
1008  first = f;
1010  cur = f;
1011  continue;
1012  }
1014  // Fragmented Unit (Mode A: no DON, very weak)
1015  hdr[0] = (*start & 0xe0) | 28; /* mark as a fragmentation unit */
1016  hdr[1] = (*start++ & 0x1f) | 0x80 ; /* keep type and set START bit */
1017  size--; /* skip the NAL header */
1018  while (size) {
1019  uint8_t *data;
1020  int frag_size = MIN(size, mtu);
1022  f = create_video_frame(start, start+frag_size, AST_FORMAT_H264, 2, cur);
1023  if (!f)
1024  break;
1025  size -= frag_size; /* skip this data block */
1026  start += frag_size;
1028  data = f->data.ptr;
1029  data[0] = hdr[0];
1030  data[1] = hdr[1] | (size == 0 ? 0x40 : 0); /* end bit if we are done */
1031  hdr[1] &= ~0x80; /* clear start bit for subsequent frames */
1032  if (!first)
1033  first = f;
1034  cur = f;
1035  }
1036  }
1038  if (cur)
1039  cur->subclass |= 1; // RTP Marker
1041  *tail = cur;
1043  return first;
1044 }
1046 static int h264_decap(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *data, int len)
1047 {
1048  /* Start Code Prefix (Annex B in specification) */
1049  uint8_t scp[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 };
1050  int retval = 0;
1051  int type, ofs = 0;
1053  if (len < 2) {
1054  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "--- invalid len %d\n", len);
1055  return 1;
1056  }
1057  /* first of all, check if the packet has F == 0 */
1058  if (data[0] & 0x80) {
1059  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "--- forbidden packet; nal: %02hhx\n",
1060  data[0]);
1061  return 1;
1062  }
1064  type = data[0] & 0x1f;
1065  switch (type) {
1066  case 0:
1067  case 31:
1068  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "--- invalid type: %d\n", type);
1069  return 1;
1070  case 24:
1071  case 25:
1072  case 26:
1073  case 27:
1074  case 29:
1075  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "--- encapsulation not supported : %d\n", type);
1076  return 1;
1077  case 28: /* FU-A Unit */
1078  if (data[1] & 0x80) { // S == 1, import F and NRI from next
1079  data[1] &= 0x1f; /* preserve type */
1080  data[1] |= (data[0] & 0xe0); /* import F & NRI */
1081  retval = fbuf_append(b, scp, sizeof(scp), 0, 0);
1082  ofs = 1;
1083  } else {
1084  ofs = 2;
1085  }
1086  break;
1087  default: /* From 1 to 23 (Single NAL Unit) */
1088  retval = fbuf_append(b, scp, sizeof(scp), 0, 0);
1089  }
1090  if (!retval)
1091  retval = fbuf_append(b, data + ofs, len - ofs, 0, 0);
1092  if (retval)
1093  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "result %d\n", retval);
1094  return retval;
1095 }
1097 static struct video_codec_desc h264_codec = {
1098  .name = "h264",
1099  .format = AST_FORMAT_H264,
1100  .enc_init = h264_enc_init,
1101  .enc_encap = h264_encap,
1102  .enc_run = ffmpeg_encode,
1103  .dec_init = h264_dec_init,
1104  .dec_decap = h264_decap,
1105  .dec_run = ffmpeg_decode
1106 };
1108 /*
1109  * Table of translation between asterisk and ffmpeg formats.
1110  * We need also a field for read and write (encoding and decoding), because
1111  * e.g. H263+ uses different codec IDs in ffmpeg when encoding or decoding.
1112  */
1113 struct _cm { /* map ffmpeg codec types to asterisk formats */
1114  uint32_t ast_format; /* 0 is a terminator */
1115  enum CodecID codec;
1116  enum { CM_RD = 1, CM_WR = 2, CM_RDWR = 3 } rw; /* read or write or both ? */
1117  //struct video_codec_desc *codec_desc;
1118 };
1120 static const struct _cm video_formats[] = {
1121  { AST_FORMAT_H263_PLUS, CODEC_ID_H263, CM_RD }, /* incoming H263P ? */
1122  { AST_FORMAT_H263_PLUS, CODEC_ID_H263P, CM_WR },
1123  { AST_FORMAT_H263, CODEC_ID_H263, CM_RD },
1124  { AST_FORMAT_H263, CODEC_ID_H263, CM_WR },
1125  { AST_FORMAT_H261, CODEC_ID_H261, CM_RDWR },
1126  { AST_FORMAT_H264, CODEC_ID_H264, CM_RDWR },
1128  { 0, 0, 0 },
1129 };
1132 /*! \brief map an asterisk format into an ffmpeg one */
1133 static enum CodecID map_video_format(uint32_t ast_format, int rw)
1134 {
1135  struct _cm *i;
1137  for (i = video_formats; i->ast_format != 0; i++)
1138  if (ast_format & i->ast_format && rw & i->rw) {
1139  return i->codec;
1140  }
1141  return CODEC_ID_NONE;
1142 }
1144 /* pointers to supported codecs. We assume the first one to be non null. */
1145 static const struct video_codec_desc *supported_codecs[] = {
1146  &h263p_codec,
1147  &h264_codec,
1148  &h263_codec,
1149  &h261_codec,
1150  &mpeg4_codec,
1151  NULL
1152 };
1154 /*
1155  * Map the AST_FORMAT to the library. If not recognised, fail.
1156  * This is useful in the input path where we get frames.
1157  */
1158 static struct video_codec_desc *map_video_codec(int fmt)
1159 {
1160  int i;
1162  for (i = 0; supported_codecs[i]; i++)
1163  if (fmt == supported_codecs[i]->format) {
1164  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "using %s for format 0x%x\n",
1165  supported_codecs[i]->name, fmt);
1166  return supported_codecs[i];
1167  }
1168  return NULL;
1169 }
1171 /*! \brief uninitialize the descriptor for remote video stream */
1172 static struct video_dec_desc *dec_uninit(struct video_dec_desc *v)
1173 {
1174  int i;
1176  if (v == NULL) /* not initialized yet */
1177  return NULL;
1178  if (v->parser) {
1179  av_parser_close(v->parser);
1180  v->parser = NULL;
1181  }
1182  if (v->dec_ctx) {
1183  avcodec_close(v->dec_ctx);
1184  av_free(v->dec_ctx);
1185  v->dec_ctx = NULL;
1186  }
1187  if (v->d_frame) {
1188  av_free(v->d_frame);
1189  v->d_frame = NULL;
1190  }
1191  v->codec = NULL; /* only a reference */
1192  v->d_callbacks = NULL; /* forget the decoder */
1193  v->discard = 1; /* start in discard mode */
1194  for (i = 0; i < N_DEC_IN; i++)
1195  fbuf_free(&v->dec_in[i]);
1196  fbuf_free(&v->dec_out);
1197  ast_free(v);
1198  return NULL; /* error, in case someone cares */
1199 }
1201 /*
1202  * initialize ffmpeg resources used for decoding frames from the network.
1203  */
1204 static struct video_dec_desc *dec_init(uint32_t the_ast_format)
1205 {
1206  enum CodecID codec;
1207  struct video_dec_desc *v = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*v));
1208  if (v == NULL)
1209  return NULL;
1211  v->discard = 1;
1213  v->d_callbacks = map_video_codec(the_ast_format);
1214  if (v->d_callbacks == NULL) {
1215  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "cannot find video codec, drop input 0x%x\n", the_ast_format);
1216  return dec_uninit(v);
1217  }
1219  codec = map_video_format(v->d_callbacks->format, CM_RD);
1221  v->codec = avcodec_find_decoder(codec);
1222  if (!v->codec) {
1223  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to find the decoder for format %d\n", codec);
1224  return dec_uninit(v);
1225  }
1226  /*
1227  * Initialize the codec context.
1228  */
1229  v->dec_ctx = avcodec_alloc_context();
1230  if (!v->dec_ctx) {
1231  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot allocate the decoder context\n");
1232  return dec_uninit(v);
1233  }
1234  /* XXX call dec_init() ? */
1235  if (avcodec_open(v->dec_ctx, v->codec) < 0) {
1236  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot open the decoder context\n");
1237  av_free(v->dec_ctx);
1238  v->dec_ctx = NULL;
1239  return dec_uninit(v);
1240  }
1242  v->parser = av_parser_init(codec);
1243  if (!v->parser) {
1244  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot initialize the decoder parser\n");
1245  return dec_uninit(v);
1246  }
1248  v->d_frame = avcodec_alloc_frame();
1249  if (!v->d_frame) {
1250  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot allocate decoding video frame\n");
1251  return dec_uninit(v);
1252  }
1253  v->dec_in_cur = &v->dec_in[0]; /* buffer for incoming frames */
1254  v->dec_in_dpy = NULL; /* nothing to display */
1256  return v; /* ok */
1257 }
1258 /*------ end codec specific code -----*/
decoder_init_f dec_init
Definition: vcodecs.c:65
#define HAVE_NAL(x)
static const char type[]
Definition: chan_ooh323.c:109
static int mpeg4_enc_init(AVCodecContext *enc_ctx)
Definition: vcodecs.c:854
Asterisk main include file. File version handling, generic pbx functions.
#define N_DEC_IN
Definition: vcodecs.c:92
#define ast_realloc(p, len)
A wrapper for realloc()
Definition: astmm.h:228
enum _cm::@181 rw
encoder_encode_f enc_run
Definition: vcodecs.c:64
static int ffmpeg_encode(struct video_out_desc *v)
Definition: vcodecs.c:461
const char * name
Definition: vcodecs.c:60
AVFrame * d_frame
Definition: vcodecs.c:88
void fbuf_free(struct fbuf_t *)
#define H263_MIN_LEN
char buf[BUFSIZE]
Definition: eagi_proxy.c:66
struct fbuf_t dec_in[N_DEC_IN]
Definition: vcodecs.c:95
static struct ast_frame * h261_encap(struct fbuf_t *b, int mtu, struct ast_frame **tail)
Definition: vcodecs.c:729
static struct video_codec_desc h263p_codec
Definition: vcodecs.c:517
Definition: logger.h:274
static struct test_val d
#define H261_MIN_LEN
struct video_codec_desc * d_callbacks
Definition: vcodecs.c:85
#define AST_LIST_NEXT(elm, field)
Returns the next entry in the list after the given entry.
Definition: linkedlists.h:438
int used
Definition: console_video.h:63
static int h264_enc_init(AVCodecContext *enc_ctx)
Definition: vcodecs.c:926
static struct ast_frame * create_video_frame(uint8_t *start, uint8_t *end, int format, int head, struct ast_frame *prev)
Definition: vcodecs.c:228
Definition of a media format.
Definition: format.c:43
struct ast_frame *(* encoder_encap_f)(struct fbuf_t *, int mtu, struct ast_frame **tail)
encapsulate the bistream in RTP frames
Definition: vcodecs.c:45
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
char * end
Definition: eagi_proxy.c:73
int(* decoder_decode_f)(struct video_dec_desc *v, struct fbuf_t *b)
actually call the decoder
Definition: vcodecs.c:57
encoder_init_f enc_init
Definition: vcodecs.c:62
int(* decoder_decap_f)(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *data, int len)
extract the bitstream from RTP frames and store in the fbuf. return 0 if ok, 1 on error ...
Definition: vcodecs.c:54
uint16_t next_seq
Definition: vcodecs.c:90
static int fbuf_append(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *src, int len, int sbit, int ebit)
Definition: vcodecs.c:273
struct ast_frame_subclass subclass
Utility functions.
struct fbuf_t dec_out
Definition: vcodecs.c:96
AVCodecParserContext * parser
Definition: vcodecs.c:89
static enum CodecID map_video_format(uint32_t ast_format, int rw)
map an asterisk format into an ffmpeg one
Definition: vcodecs.c:1133
#define MIN(a, b)
Definition: utils.h:226
#define ast_log
Definition: astobj2.c:42
static int h263_decap(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *data, int len)
Definition: vcodecs.c:671
const char * src
static int h264_dec_init(AVCodecContext *dec_ctx)
Definition: vcodecs.c:938
Asterisk internal frame definitions.
struct fbuf_t * dec_in_dpy
Definition: vcodecs.c:94
static struct ast_frame * h263_encap(struct fbuf_t *b, int mtu, struct ast_frame **tail)
Definition: vcodecs.c:575
int(* decoder_init_f)(AVCodecContext *enc_ctx)
inizialize the decoder
Definition: vcodecs.c:49
struct fbuf_t * dec_in_cur
Definition: vcodecs.c:93
static struct video_codec_desc * map_video_codec(int fmt)
Definition: vcodecs.c:1158
AVCodecContext * dec_ctx
Definition: vcodecs.c:86
static int ffmpeg_decode(struct video_dec_desc *v, struct fbuf_t *b)
Definition: vcodecs.c:482
static struct ast_frame * h264_encap(struct fbuf_t *b, int mtu, struct ast_frame **tail)
Definition: vcodecs.c:959
static const struct _cm video_formats[]
Definition: vcodecs.c:1120
static struct ast_frame * mpeg4_encap(struct fbuf_t *b, int mtu, struct ast_frame **tail)
Definition: vcodecs.c:871
static int h263p_enc_init(AVCodecContext *enc_ctx)
initialization of h263p
Definition: vcodecs.c:335
uint8_t * data
Definition: console_video.h:60
uint32_t ast_format
Definition: vcodecs.c:1114
int(* encoder_init_f)(AVCodecContext *v)
initialize the encoder
Definition: vcodecs.c:39
static int len(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *cmd, char *data, char *buf, size_t buflen)
struct sla_ringing_trunk * first
Definition: app_meetme.c:1092
#define LOG_NOTICE
Definition: logger.h:263
static struct video_codec_desc h264_codec
Definition: vcodecs.c:1097
#define ast_free(a)
Definition: astmm.h:182
encoder_encap_f enc_encap
Definition: vcodecs.c:63
#define ast_calloc(num, len)
A wrapper for calloc()
Definition: astmm.h:204
static struct video_dec_desc * dec_uninit(struct video_dec_desc *v)
uninitialize the descriptor for remote video stream
Definition: vcodecs.c:1172
static int h263p_decap(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *data, int len)
extract the bitstreem from the RTP payload. This is format dependent. For h263+, the format is define...
Definition: vcodecs.c:433
static int h261_enc_init(AVCodecContext *enc_ctx)
Definition: vcodecs.c:702
static int mpeg4_decode(struct video_dec_desc *v, struct fbuf_t *b)
Definition: vcodecs.c:898
int ebit
Definition: console_video.h:64
struct timeval delivery
static int h261_decap(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *data, int len)
Definition: vcodecs.c:827
int(* encoder_encode_f)(struct video_out_desc *v)
actually call the encoder
Definition: vcodecs.c:42
Definition: vcodecs.c:1113
static ENTRY retval
Definition: hsearch.c:50
Data structure associated with a single frame of data.
static struct video_codec_desc h261_codec
Definition: vcodecs.c:842
static struct test_val b
static struct video_codec_desc h263_codec
Definition: vcodecs.c:689
union ast_frame::@263 data
enum ast_frame_type frametype
static int mpeg4_decap(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *data, int len)
Definition: vcodecs.c:893
static const struct video_codec_desc * supported_codecs[]
Definition: vcodecs.c:1145
enum CodecID codec
Definition: vcodecs.c:1115
static int h263_enc_init(AVCodecContext *enc_ctx)
Definition: vcodecs.c:530
decoder_decap_f dec_decap
Definition: vcodecs.c:66
static struct ast_frame * h263p_encap(struct fbuf_t *b, int mtu, struct ast_frame **tail)
Definition: vcodecs.c:360
int size
Definition: console_video.h:62
static struct video_codec_desc mpeg4_codec
Definition: vcodecs.c:915
static int h264_decap(struct fbuf_t *b, uint8_t *data, int len)
Definition: vcodecs.c:1046
AVCodec * codec
Definition: vcodecs.c:87
static struct test_val a
decoder_decode_f dec_run
Definition: vcodecs.c:67