Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project  18.5.0
Here is a list of all modules:
 Enhanced Messaging
 Named mutex and read-write locks
 PJSIP Threading Model
 Stasis topics, and their messages.This group contains the topics, messages and corresponding message types found within Asterisk
 Main Configuration OptionsMain configuration options from asterisk.conf or OS command line on starting Asterisk
 Configuration Files
 Module: CDR DriversCDR drivers are loaded dynamically, each loaded CDR driver produce a billing record for each call
 Module: Asterisk Channel DriversChannel drivers are loaded dynamically
 Dial plan applicationsApplications support the dialplan. They register dynamically with
 Module: Dial plan functionsFunctions support the dialplan. They do not change any property of a channel or touch a channel in any way
 Module: Codecs
 Module: Media File Formats
 Module: RTP Engines
 AMI functions