Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project  18.5.0
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 _private.hPrototypes for public functions only of internal interest,
 abstract_jb.cCommon implementation-independent jitterbuffer stuff
 abstract_jb.hCommon implementation-independent jitterbuffer stuff
 acl.cVarious sorts of access control
 acl.hAccess Control of various sorts
 adsi.cADSI Support (built upon Caller*ID)
 adsi.hADSI Support (built upon Caller*ID) Grammar description of AEL2
 ael_lex.cFlex scanner description of tokens used in AEL2
 ael_structs.hStructures for AEL - the Asterisk extension language
 agent.cSNMP Agent / SubAgent support for Asterisk
 agent.hSNMP Agent / SubAgent support for Asterisk
 agi.hAGI Extension interfaces - Asterisk Gateway Interface
 alaw.cA-Law to Signed linear conversion
 alaw.hA-Law to Signed linear conversion
 alertpipe.cAlert Pipe API
 aoc.cGeneric AOC payload generation encoding and decoding
 aoc.hGeneric Advice of Charge encode and decode routines
 main/app.cConvenient Application Routines
 res/stasis/app.cStasis application support
 include/asterisk/app.hApplication convenience functions, designed to give consistent look and feel to Asterisk apps
 res/stasis/app.hInternal API for the Stasis application controller
 app_adsiprog.cProgram Asterisk ADSI Scripts into phone
 app_agent_pool.cCall center agent pool
 app_alarmreceiver.cCentral Station Alarm receiver for Ademco Contact ID
 app_amd.cAnswering machine detection
 app_attended_transfer.cAttended transfer by caller channel
 app_audiosocket.cAudioSocket application – transmit and receive audio through a TCP socket
 app_authenticate.cExecute arbitrary authenticate commands
 app_blind_transfer.cBlind transfer by caller channel
 app_bridgeaddchan.cApplication to place the channel into an existing Bridge
 app_bridgewait.cApplication to place the channel into a holding Bridge
 app_cdr.cApplications connected with CDR engine
 app_celgenuserevent.cGenerate User-Defined CEL event
 app_chanisavail.cCheck if Channel is Available
 app_channelredirect.cChannelRedirect application
 app_chanspy.cChanSpy: Listen in on any channel
 app_confbridge.cConference Bridge application
 app_controlplayback.cTrivial application to control playback of a sound file
 app_dahdiras.cExecute an ISDN RAS
 app_db.cDatabase access functions
 app_dial.cDial() & retrydial() - Trivial application to dial a channel and send an URL on answer
 app_dictate.cVirtual Dictation Machine Application For Asterisk
 app_directed_pickup.cDirected Call Pickup Support
 app_directory.cProvide a directory of extensions
 app_disa.cDISA – Direct Inward System Access Application
 app_dtmfstore.cTechnology independent asynchronous DTMF collection
 app_dumpchan.cApplication to dump channel variables
 app_echo.cEcho application – play back what you hear to evaluate latency
 app_exec.cExec application
 app_externalivr.cExternal IVR application interface
 app_festival.cConnect to festival
 app_flash.cApp to flash a DAHDI trunk
 app_followme.cFind-Me Follow-Me application
 app_forkcdr.cFork CDR application
 app_getcpeid.cGet ADSI CPE ID
 app_ices.cStream to an icecast server via ICES (see contrib/asterisk-ices.xml)
 app_if.cIf Branch Implementation
 app_image.cApp to transmit an image
 app_ivrdemo.cIVR Demo application
 app_jack.cJack Application
 app_macro.cDial plan macro Implementation
 app_meetme.cMeet me conference bridge and Shared Line Appearances
 app_mf.cMF sender and receiver applications
 app_milliwatt.cDigital Milliwatt Test
 app_minivm.cMiniVoiceMail - A Minimal Voicemail System for Asterisk
 app_mixmonitor.cMixMonitor() - Record a call and mix the audio during the recording
 app_morsecode.cMorsecode application
 app_mp3.cSilly application to play an MP3 file – uses mpg123
 app_mysql.cMYSQL dialplan application
 app_nbscat.cSilly application to play an NBScat file – uses nbscat8k
 app_originate.cOriginate application
 app_osplookup.cOpen Settlement Protocol (OSP) Applications
 app_page.cPage() - Paging application
 app_playback.cTrivial application to playback a sound file
 app_playtones.cPlaytones application
 app_privacy.cBlock all calls without Caller*ID, require phone # to be entered
 app_queue.cTrue call queues with optional send URL on answer
 app_read.cTrivial application to read a variable
 app_readexten.cTrivial application to read an extension into a variable
 app_record.cTrivial application to record a sound file
 app_saycounted.cApplications to decline words according to current language
 app_sayunixtime.cSayUnixTime application
 app_senddtmf.cApp to send DTMF digits
 app_sendtext.cApp to transmit a text message
 app_skel.cSkeleton application
 app_sms.cSMS application - ETSI ES 201 912 protocol 1 implementation
 app_softhangup.cSoftHangup application
 app_speech_utils.cSpeech Recognition Utility Applications
 app_stack.cStack applications Gosub, Return, etc
 app_stasis.cStasis dialplan application
 app_stream_echo.cStream echo application
 app_system.cExecute arbitrary system commands
 app_talkdetect.cPlayback a file with audio detect
 app_test.cApplications to test connection and produce report in text file
 app_tonedetect.cTone detection module
 app_transfer.cTransfer a caller
 app_url.cApp to transmit a URL
 app_userevent.cUserEvent application – send manager event
 app_verbose.cVerbose logging application
 app_voicemail.cComedian Mail - Voicemail System
 app_waitforring.cWait for Ring Application
 app_waitforsilence.cWait for Silence
 app_waituntil.cSleep until the given epoch
 app_while.cWhile Loop Implementation
 app_zapateller.cPlayback the special information tone to get rid of telemarketers
 arch.hVarious architecture definitions Speex
 ari.hAsterisk RESTful API hooks
 ari_model_validators.cGenerated file - Build validators for ARI model objects
 ari_model_validators.hGenerated file - Build validators for ARI model objects
 ari_websockets.cWebSocket support for RESTful API's
 ast_expr2f.cDialplan Expression Lexical Scanner
 ast_version.hAsterisk version information
 astdb.hPersistant data storage (akin to *doze registry)
 astdb2bdb.cSQLite 3 astdb to Berkeley DB converter
 astdb2sqlite3.cBerkeley DB to SQLite3 converter
 asterisk.cTop level source file for Asterisk - the Open Source PBX. Implementation of PBX core functions and CLI interface
 asterisk.hAsterisk main include file. File version handling, generic pbx functions
 astfd.cDebugging routines for file descriptor leaks
 astmm.cMemory Management
 astmm.hAsterisk memory management routines
 astobj.hObject Model for Asterisk
 astobj2.cFunctions implementing astobj2 objects
 astobj2_container.cFunctions implementing astobj2 objects
 astobj2_container_private.hCommon, private definitions for astobj2 containers
 astobj2_global.cFunctions implementing ao2_global_obj routines
 astobj2_hash.cHash table functions implementing astobj2 containers
 astobj2_private.hCommon, private definitions for astobj2
 astobj2_rbtree.cRBTree functions implementing astobj2 containers
 audiohook.cAudiohooks Architecture
 audiohook.hAudiohooks Architecture
 autochan.c"smart" channels
 autochan.h"smart" channels that update automatically if a channel is masqueraded
 autoservice.cAutomatic channel service routines
 backtrace.cAsterisk backtrace generation
 backtrace.hAsterisk backtrace generation
 beep.hPeriodic beeps into the audio of a call
 bridge.cBridging API
 bridge.hBridging API
 bridge_after.cAfter Bridge Execution API
 bridge_after.hAfter Bridge Execution API
 bridge_basic.cBasic bridge class. It is a subclass of struct ast_bridge
 bridge_basic.hBasic bridge subclass API
 bridge_builtin_features.cBuilt in bridging features
 bridge_builtin_interval_features.cBuilt in bridging interval features
 bridge_channel.cBridging Channel API
 bridge_channel_internal.hPrivate Bridging Channel API
 bridge_features.hChannel Bridging API
 bridge_holding.cBridging technology for storing channels in a bridge for the purpose of holding, parking, queues, and other such states where a channel may need to be in a bridge but not actually communicating with anything
 bridge_internal.hPrivate Bridging API
 bridge_native_dahdi.cNative DAHDI bridging support
 bridge_native_dahdi.hNative DAHDI bridging support
 bridge_native_rtp.cNative RTP bridging technology module
 bridge_roles.cChannel Bridging Roles API
 bridge_roles.hChannel Bridging Roles API
 bridge_simple.cSimple two channel bridging module
 bridge_softmix.cMulti-party software based channel mixing
 bridge_softmix_binaural.cMulti-party software based binaural mixing
 bridge_softmix_internal.hMulti-party software based channel mixing (header)
 bridge_technology.hChannel Bridging API
 bridges.cPrometheus Bridge Metrics
 bucket.cBucket File API
 bucket.hBucket File API
 buildinfo.cBuild timestamp variables
 calendar.hA general API for managing calendar events with Asterisk
 callerid.cCallerID Generation support
 callerid.hCallerID (and other GR30) management and generation Includes code and algorithms from the Zapata library
 causes.hInternal Asterisk hangup causes
 ccss.cCall Completion Supplementary Services implementation
 ccss.hCall Completion Supplementary Services API
 cdr.cCall Detail Record API
 cdr.hCall Detail Record API
 cdr_adaptive_odbc.cAdaptive ODBC CDR backend
 cdr_beanstalkd.cAsterisk Beanstalkd CDR records
 cdr_csv.cComma Separated Value CDR records
 cdr_custom.cCustom Comma Separated Value CDR records
 cdr_manager.cAsterisk Call Manager CDR records
 cdr_mysql.cMySQL CDR backend
 cdr_odbc.cODBC CDR Backend
 cdr_pgsql.cPostgreSQL CDR logger
 cdr_radius.cRADIUS CDR Support
 cdr_sqlite3_custom.cCustom SQLite3 CDR records
 cdr_syslog.cSyslog CDR logger
 cdr_tds.cFreeTDS CDR logger
 cel.cChannel Event Logging API
 cel.hCall Event Logging API
 cel_beanstalkd.cAsterisk Channel Event Beanstalkd backend
 cel_custom.cCustom Comma Separated Value CEL records
 cel_manager.cAsterisk Channel Event records
 cel_odbc.cODBC CEL backend
 cel_pgsql.cPostgreSQL CEL logger
 cel_radius.cRADIUS CEL Support
 cel_sqlite3_custom.cCustom SQLite3 CEL records
 cel_tds.cFreeTDS CEL logger
 celt.hCELT Format Attributes
 chan_alsa.cALSA sound card channel driver
 chan_audiosocket.cAudioSocket Channel
 chan_bridge_media.cBridge Media Channels driver
 chan_console.cCross-platform console channel driver
 chan_dahdi.cDAHDI for Pseudo TDM
 chan_dahdi.hDAHDI internal API definitions
 chan_iax2.cImplementation of Inter-Asterisk eXchange Version 2 as specified in RFC 5456
 chan_mgcp.cImplementation of Media Gateway Control Protocol
 chan_misdn.cChan_misdn channel driver for Asterisk
 chan_misdn_config.hInterface to mISDN - Config
 chan_mobile.cBluetooth Mobile Device channel driver
 chan_motif.cMotif Jingle Channel Driver
 chan_nbs.cNetwork broadcast sound support channel driver
 chan_oss.cChannel driver for OSS sound cards
 chan_phone.cGeneric Linux Telephony Interface driver
 chan_phone.h8-bit raw data
 chan_pjsip.cPSJIP SIP Channel Driver
 chan_pjsip.hPJSIP Channel Driver shared data structures
 chan_rtp.cRTP (Multicast and Unicast) Media Channel
 chan_sip.cImplementation of Session Initiation Protocol
 chan_skinny.cImplementation of the Skinny protocol
 chan_unistim.cChan_unistim channel driver for Asterisk
 channel.cChannel Management
 channel.hGeneral Asterisk PBX channel definitions
 channel_internal.hInternal channel functions for channel.c to use
 channel_internal_api.cChannel Accessor API
 channels.cPrometheus Channel Metrics
 channelstate.hChannel states
 chanvars.cChannel Variables
 chanvars.hChannel Variables
 main/cli.cStandard Command Line Interface
 res/ari/cli.cCommand line for ARI
 res/prometheus/cli.cPrometheus CLI Commands
 cli.hStandard Command Line Interface
 cli_commands.cPJSIP channel CLI functions
 cli_functions.hPJSIP CLI functions header file
 codec.cCodecs API
 codec.hCodec API
 codec_a_mu.cCodec_a_mu.c - translate between alaw and ulaw directly
 codec_adpcm.cCodec_adpcm.c - translate between signed linear and Dialogic ADPCM
 codec_alaw.cCodec_alaw.c - translate between signed linear and alaw
 codec_builtin.cBuilt-in supported codecs
 codec_codec2.cTranslate between signed linear and Codec 2
 codec_dahdi.cTranslate between various formats natively through DAHDI transcoding
 codec_g722.cCodec_g722.c - translate between signed linear and ITU G.722-64kbps
 codec_g726.cCodec_g726.c - translate between signed linear and ITU G.726-32kbps (both RFC3551 and AAL2 codeword packing)
 codec_gsm.cTranslate between signed linear and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
 codec_ilbc.cTranslate between signed linear and Internet Low Bitrate Codec
 codec_lpc10.cTranslate between signed linear and LPC10 (Linear Predictor Code)
 codec_pref.cMedia Format Bitfield Compatibility API
 codec_pref.hMedia Format Bitfield Compatibility API
 codec_resample.cResample slinear audio
 codec_speex.cTranslate between signed linear and Speex (Open Codec)
 codec_ulaw.cCodec_ulaw.c - translate between signed linear and ulaw
 command.cStasis application command support
 command.hInternal API for the Stasis application commands
 include/asterisk/compat.hGeneral Definitions for Asterisk top level program Included by asterisk.h to handle platform-specific issues especially those related to header files
 compiler.hCompiler-specific macros and other items
 conf_chan_announce.cConfBridge announcer channel driver
 conf_chan_record.cConfBridge recorder channel driver
 conf_config_parser.cConfBridge config parser
 conf_state.cConfbridge state handling
 conf_state.hConfbridge state handling
 conf_state_empty.cConfbridge state handling for the EMPTY state
 conf_state_inactive.cConfbridge state handling for the INACTIVE state
 conf_state_multi.cConfbridge state handling for the MULTI state
 conf_state_multi_marked.cConfbridge state handling for the MULTI_MARKED state
 conf_state_single.cConfbridge state handling for the SINGLE state
 conf_state_single_marked.cConfbridge state handling for the SINGLE_MARKED state
 confbridge_manager.cConfbridge manager events for stasis messages
 main/config.cConfiguration File Parser
 res/ari/config.cConfig framework stuffz for ARI
 include/asterisk/config.hConfiguration File Parser
 config_options.cConfiguration Option-handling
 config_options.hConfiguration option-handling
 config_parser.cSip config parsing functions and unit tests
 config_parser.hSip.conf parser header file
 control.cStasis application control support
 control.hInternal API for the Stasis application controller
 conversions.cConversion utility functions
 conversions.hConversion utility functions
 core_local.cLocal proxy channel driver
 core_local.hLocal proxy channel special access
 core_unreal.cUnreal channel derivatives framework for channel drivers like local channels
 core_unreal.hUnreal channel derivative framework
 crypt.cAsterisk wrapper for crypt(3)
 crypto.hProvide cryptographic signature routines
 cygload.cLoader for Asterisk under Cygwin/windows. Open the dll, locate main, run
 data_buffer.cData Buffer API
 data_buffer.hData Buffer API
 datastore.cAsterisk datastore objects
 datastore.hAsterisk datastore objects
 main/db.cASTdb Management
 devicestate.cDevice state management
 devicestate.hDevice state management
 dial.cDialing API
 dial.hDialing API
 dialog.hSip dialog management header file
 pjsip/dialplan_functions.cPJSIP channel dialplan functions
 sip/dialplan_functions.cSip channel dialplan functions and unit tests
 pjsip/include/dialplan_functions.hPJSIP dialplan functions header file
 sip/include/dialplan_functions.hSIP dialplan functions header file
 dlinkedlists.hA set of macros to manage doubly-linked lists
 dns.cDNS Support for Asterisk
 dns.hDNS support for Asterisk
 dns_core.cCore DNS Functionality
 dns_core.hCore DNS API
 dns_internal.hInternal DNS structure definitions
 dns_naptr.cDNS NAPTR Record Support
 dns_naptr.hDNS NAPTR Record Parsing API
 dns_query_set.cDNS Query Set API
 dns_query_set.hDNS Query Set API
 dns_recurring.cDNS Recurring Query Support
 dns_recurring.hDNS Recurring Resolution API
 dns_resolver.hDNS Resolver API
 dns_srv.cDNS SRV Record Support
 dns_srv.hDNS SRV Record Parsing API
 dns_system_resolver.cThe default DNS resolver for Asterisk
 dns_tlsa.cDNS TLSA Record Support
 dns_tlsa.hDNS TLSA Record Parsing API
 dns_txt.cDNS TXT Record Parsing API
 dns_txt.hDNS TXT Record Parsing API
 dnsmgr.cBackground DNS update manager
 dnsmgr.hBackground DNS update manager
 dsp.cConvenience Signal Processing routines
 dsp.hConvenient Signal Processing routines
 dundi-parser.cDistributed Universal Number Discovery (DUNDi)
 dundi.hDistributed Universal Number Discovery (DUNDi) See also
 endian.hAsterisk architecture endianess compatibility definitions
 main/endpoints.cAsterisk endpoint API
 res/prometheus/endpoints.cPrometheus Endpoint Metrics
 endpoints.hEndpoint abstractions
 enum.cENUM Support for Asterisk
 enum.hDNS and ENUM functions
 event.cInternal generic event system
 event_defs.hGeneric event system
 ex_adpcm.h4-bit ADPCM data
 ex_alaw.h8-bit data
 ex_codec2.h8-bit raw data
 ex_g722.h8-bit data
 ex_g726.h4-bit G.726 data
 ex_gsm.h8-bit raw data
 ex_ilbc.hRaw 8-bit data
 ex_lpc10.hCopyright (C) 2008, Digium, Inc
 ex_speex.hRandom Data
 ex_ulaw.h8-bit data
 extconf.hExternal configuration handlers (realtime and static configuration)
 features.cRoutines implementing call features as call pickup, parking and transfer
 features.hCall Parking and Pickup API Includes code and algorithms from the Zapata library
 file.cGeneric File Format Support
 file.hGeneric File Format Support. Should be included by clients of the file handling routines. File service providers should instead include mod_format.h
 firmware.cIAX Firmware Support
 firmware.hIAX Firmware Support header file
 fixed_generic.hGeneric fixed-point operations
 fixedjitterbuf.cJitterbuffering algorithm
 fixedjitterbuf.hJitterbuffering algorithm
 format.cMedia Format API
 format.hMedia Format API
 format_cache.cMedia Format Cache API
 format_cache.hMedia Format Cache API
 format_cap.cFormat Capabilities API
 format_cap.hFormat Capabilities API
 channels/iax2/format_compatibility.cMedia Format Bitfield Compatibility API
 main/format_compatibility.cMedia Format Bitfield Compatibility API
 channels/iax2/include/format_compatibility.hMedia Format Bitfield Compatibility API
 include/asterisk/format_compatibility.hMedia Format Bitfield Compatibility API
 format_g719.cITU G.719 , 64kbps bitrate only
 format_g723.cOld-style G.723.1 frame/timestamp format
 format_g726.cHeaderless G.726 (16/24/32/40kbps) data format for Asterisk
 format_g729.cSave to raw, headerless G729 data
 format_gsm.cSave to raw, headerless GSM data
 format_h263.cSave to raw, headerless h263 data
 format_h264.cSave to raw, headerless h264 data
 format_ilbc.cSave to raw, headerless iLBC data
 format_mp3.cMP3 Format Handler
 format_ogg_speex.cOGG/Speex streams
 format_ogg_vorbis.cOGG/Vorbis streams
 format_pcm.cFlat, binary, ulaw PCM file format
 format_siren14.cITU G.722.1 Annex C (Siren14, licensed from Polycom) format, 48kbps bitrate only
 format_siren7.cITU G.722.1 (Siren7, licensed from Polycom) format, 32kbps bitrate only
 format_sln.cRAW SLINEAR Formats
 format_vox.cFlat, binary, ADPCM vox file format
 format_wav.cWork with WAV in the proprietary Microsoft format. Microsoft WAV format (8000hz Signed Linear)
 format_wav_gsm.cSave GSM in the proprietary Microsoft format
 main/frame.cFrame and codec manipulation routines
 include/asterisk/frame.hAsterisk internal frame definitions
 framehook.cFrameHooks Architecture
 framehook.hFrameHook Architecture
 fskmodem.cFSK Modem Support
 fskmodem.hFSK Modem Support
 fskmodem_float.cFSK Modulator/Demodulator
 fskmodem_float.hFSK Modem Support
 fskmodem_int.cFSK Modulator/Demodulator
 fskmodem_int.hFSK Modem Support
 func_aes.cAES encryption/decryption dialplan functions
 func_base64.cUse the base64 as functions
 func_blacklist.cFunction to lookup the callerid number, and see if it is blacklisted
 func_callcompletion.cCall Completion Supplementary Services implementation
 func_callerid.cParty ID related dialplan functions (Caller-ID, Connected-line, Redirecting)
 func_cdr.cCall Detail Record related dialplan functions
 func_channel.cChannel info dialplan functions
 func_config.cA function to retrieve variables from an Asterisk configuration file
 func_curl.cCurl - Load a URL
 func_cut.cCUT function
 func_db.cFunctions for interaction with the Asterisk database
 func_devstate.cManually controlled blinky lights
 func_dialgroup.cDial group dialplan function
 func_dialplan.cDialplan group functions check if a dialplan entry exists
 func_enum.cENUM Functions
 func_env.cEnvironment related dialplan functions
 func_evalexten.cDialplan extension evaluation function
 func_extstate.cGet the state of a hinted extension for dialplan control
 func_frame_drop.cFunction that drops specified frames from channels
 func_frame_trace.cTrace internal ast_frames on a channel
 func_global.cGlobal variable dialplan functions
 func_groupcount.cChannel group related dialplan functions
 func_hangupcause.cFunctions related to retreiving per-channel hangupcause information
 func_holdintercept.cFunction that intercepts HOLD frames from channels and raises events
 func_iconv.cCharset conversions
 func_jitterbuffer.cPut a jitterbuffer on the read side of a channel
 func_lock.cDialplan mutexes
 func_logic.cConditional logic dialplan functions
 func_math.cMath related dialplan function
 func_md5.cMD5 digest related dialplan functions
 func_module.cSimple module check function
 func_odbc.cODBC lookups
 func_periodic_hook.cPeriodic dialplan hooks
 func_pitchshift.cPitch Shift Audio Effect
 func_pjsip_aor.cGet information about a PJSIP AOR
 func_pjsip_contact.cGet information about a PJSIP contact
 func_pjsip_endpoint.cGet information about a PJSIP endpoint
 func_presencestate.cCustom presence provider
 func_rand.cGenerate Random Number
 func_realtime.cREALTIME dialplan function
 func_sayfiles.cReturns files played by Say applications
 func_scramble.cFrequency inverter
 func_sha1.cSHA1 digest related dialplan functions
 func_sorcery.cGet a field from a sorcery object
 func_speex.cNoise reduction and automatic gain control (AGC)
 func_sprintf.cString manipulation dialplan functions
 func_srv.cSRV Functions
 func_strings.cString manipulation dialplan functions
 func_talkdetect.cFunction that raises events when talking is detected on a channel
 func_timeout.cChannel timeout related dialplan functions
 func_uri.cURI encoding / decoding
 func_version.cReturn the current Version strings
 func_vmcount.cVMCOUNT dialplan function
 func_volume.cTechnology independent volume control
 global_datastores.cGlobally-accessible datastore information and callbacks
 global_datastores.hGlobally accessible channel datastores
 globals.hSip global declaration header file
 hashtab.cCode to implement generic hash tables
 hashtab.hGeneric (perhaps overly so) hashtable implementation Hash Table support in Asterisk
 heap.cMax Heap data structure
 heap.hMax Heap data structure
 hrirs.hMulti-party software binaural channel HRIRS
 hrirs_configuration.hMulti-party software binaural channel mixing (header)
 http.cHttp server for AMI access
 http.hSupport for Private Asterisk HTTP Servers
 http_websocket.hSupport for WebSocket connections within the Asterisk HTTP server and client WebSocket connections to a server
 iax2.hImplementation of Inter-Asterisk eXchange, version 2 iax2-parser::c iax2-parser.h chan_iax2.c
 ie.cInterface to mISDN
 image.cImage Management
 image.hGeneral Asterisk channel definitions for image handling
 indications.cIndication Tone Handling
 indications.hTone Indication Support
 inline_api.hInlinable API function macro
 internal.hInternal API's for res_ari
 io.cI/O Managment (Derived from Cheops-NG)
 io.hI/O Management (derived from Cheops-NG)
 iostream.hGeneric abstraction for input/output streams
 isdn_lib.cInterface to mISDN
 isdn_lib.hInterface to mISDN
 isdn_msg_parser.cInterface to mISDN - message parser
 jitterbuf.cJitterbuf: an application-independent jitterbuffer
 jitterbuf.hJitterbuf: an application-independent jitterbuffer jitterbuf.c
 json.cJSON abstraction layer
 json.hAsterisk JSON abstraction layer
 libasteriskpj.cLoader stub for static pjproject libraries
 libasteriskssl.cCommon OpenSSL support code
 linkedlists.hA set of macros to manage forward-linked lists
 loader.cModule Loader
 localtime.hCustom localtime functions for multiple timezones
 lock.cGeneral Asterisk locking
 lock.hAsterisk locking-related definitions:
 log2comp.hLog2comp.h - various base 2 log computation versions
 logger.cAsterisk Logger
 logger.hSupport for logging to various files, console and syslog Configuration in file logger.conf
 manager.cThe Asterisk Management Interface - AMI
 manager.hThe AMI - Asterisk Manager Interface - is a TCP protocol created to manage Asterisk with third-party software
 manager_bridges.cThe Asterisk Management Interface - AMI (bridge event handling)
 manager_channels.cThe Asterisk Management Interface - AMI (channel event handling)
 manager_endpoints.cThe Asterisk Management Interface - AMI (endpoint handling)
 manager_mwi.cThe Asterisk Management Interface - AMI (MWI event handling)
 manager_system.cSystem AMI event handling
 md5.cMD5 checksum routines used for authentication. Not covered by GPL, but in the public domain as per the copyright below
 md5.hMD5 digest functions
 media_cache.cAn in-memory media cache
 media_cache.hAn in-memory media cache
 media_index.cSound file format and description indexer
 media_index.hMedia file format and description indexing engine
 message.cOut-of-call text message support
 message.hOut-of-call text message support
 messaging.cStasis out-of-call text message support
 messaging.hStasis out-of-call text message support
 misdn_config.cChan_misdn configuration management
 mixmonitor.cLoadable MixMonitor functionality
 mixmonitor.hLoadable MixMonitor functionality
 mod_format.hHeader for providers of file and format handling routines. Clients of these routines should include "asterisk/file.h" instead
 module.hAsterisk module definitions
 monitor.hChannel monitoring
 musiconhold.hMusic on hold handling
 muted.cMute Daemon
 mwi.hAsterisk MWI API
 named_acl.cNamed Access Control Lists
 named_locks.cNamed Locks
 named_locks.hNamed Locks
 netsock.cNetwork socket handling
 netsock.hNetwork socket handling
 netsock2.cNetwork socket handling
 netsock2.hNetwork socket handling
 network.hWrapper for network related headers, masking differences between various operating systems. On passing, we also provide here trivial functions or other simple wrappers to network-related functions
 optional_api.hOptional API function macros
 options.cSymbols related to asterisk.conf options and paths
 options.hOptions provided by main asterisk program
 opus.hCodec opus externals and format attributes
 parking.cParking Core
 parking.hCall Parking API
 parking_applications.cCall Parking Applications
 parking_bridge.cParking Bridge Class
 parking_bridge_features.cParking Bridge DTMF and Interval features
 parking_controller.cParking Entry, Exit, and other assorted controls
 parking_devicestate.cCall Parking Device State Management
 parking_manager.cCall Parking Manager Actions and Events
 parking_tests.cCall Parking Unit Tests
 parking_ui.cCall Parking CLI commands
 parser.cImplementation of Inter-Asterisk eXchange Protocol, v 2
 parser.hImplementation of the IAX2 protocol
 paths.hAsterisk file paths, configured in asterisk.conf
 pbx.cCore PBX routines
 pbx.hCore PBX routines and definitions
 pbx_ael.cCompile symbolic Asterisk Extension Logic into Asterisk extensions, version 2
 pbx_app.cCustom function management routines
 pbx_builtins.cCore PBX builtin routines
 pbx_config.cPopulate and remember extensions from static config file
 pbx_dundi.cDistributed Universal Number Discovery (DUNDi)
 pbx_functions.cCustom function management routines
 pbx_hangup_handler.cPBX Hangup Handler management routines
 pbx_ignorepat.cDialplan context ignorepat routines
 pbx_include.cDialplan context include routines
 pbx_loopback.cLoopback PBX Module
 pbx_lua.cLua PBX Switch
 pbx_private.hPrivate include file for pbx
 pbx_realtime.cRealtime PBX Module
 pbx_spool.cFull-featured outgoing call spool support
 pbx_sw.cDialplan switch routines
 pbx_switch.cPBX switch routines
 pbx_timing.cPBX timing routines
 pbx_variables.cPBX variables routines
 pickup.cRoutines implementing call pickup
 pickup.hCall Pickup API
 pjsip_outbound_registrations.cPrometheus PJSIP Outbound Registration Metrics
 pjsip_scheduler.cRes_pjsip Scheduler
 pjsip_transport_events.cManages the global transport event notification callbacks
 pktccops.hPacketCable COPS
 plc.cSpanDSP - a series of DSP components for telephony
 plc.hSpanDSP - a series of DSP components for telephony
 portinfo.cInterface to mISDN - port info
 presencestate.cPresence state management
 presencestate.hPresence state management
 privacy.cPrivacy Routines
 privacy.hPersistant data storage (akin to *doze registry)
 provision.cIAX Provisioning Protocol
 provision.hIAX2 Provisioning protocol
 pval.cCompile symbolic Asterisk Extension Logic into Asterisk extensions, version 2
 reqresp_parser.cSip request parsing functions and unit tests
 reqresp_parser.hSip request response parser header file
 res_adsi.cADSI support
 res_ael_share.cShareable AEL code – mainly between internal and external modules
 res_agi.cAGI - the Asterisk Gateway Interface
 res_ari.cHTTP binding for the Stasis API
 res_ari_applications.cStasis application resources
 res_ari_asterisk.cAsterisk resources
 res_ari_bridges.cBridge resources
 res_ari_channels.cChannel resources
 res_ari_device_states.cDevice state resources
 res_ari_endpoints.cEndpoint resources
 res_ari_events.cWebSocket resource
 res_ari_mailboxes.cMailboxes resources
 res_ari_model.cImplementation Swagger validators
 res_ari_playbacks.cPlayback control resources
 res_ari_recordings.cRecording resources
 res_ari_sounds.cSound resources
 res_audiosocket.cAudioSocket support for Asterisk
 res_audiosocket.hAudioSocket support functions
 res_calendar.cCalendaring API
 res_calendar_caldav.cResource for handling CalDAV calendars
 res_calendar_ews.cResource for handling MS Exchange Web Service calendars
 res_calendar_exchange.cResource for handling MS Exchange calendars
 res_calendar_icalendar.cResource for handling iCalendar calendars
 res_clialiases.cCLI Aliases
 res_clioriginate.cOriginate calls via the CLI
 res_config_curl.cCurl plugin for portable configuration engine
 res_config_ldap.cLDAP plugin for portable configuration engine (ARA)
 res_config_mysql.cMySQL CDR backend
 res_config_odbc.cOdbc+odbc plugin for portable configuration engine
 res_config_pgsql.cPostgreSQL plugin for Asterisk RealTime Architecture
 res_config_sqlite.cRes_config_sqlite module
 res_config_sqlite3.cSQLite 3 configuration engine
 res_convert.cFile format conversion CLI command using Asterisk formats and translators
 res_crypto.cProvide Cryptographic Signature capability
 res_curl.cCurl resource engine
 res_fax.cGeneric FAX Resource for FAX technology resource modules
 res_fax_spandsp.cSpandsp T.38 and G.711 FAX Resource
 res_format_attr_celt.cCELT format attribute interface
 res_format_attr_h263.cH.263 Format Attribute Module
 res_format_attr_h264.cH.264 Format Attribute Module
 res_format_attr_ilbc.cILBC format attribute interface
 res_format_attr_opus.cOpus format attribute interface
 res_format_attr_silk.cSILK format attribute interface
 res_format_attr_siren14.cSiren14 format attribute interface
 res_format_attr_siren7.cSiren7 format attribute interface
 res_format_attr_vp8.cVP8 format attribute interface
 res_hep.cRoutines for integration with Homer using HEPv3
 res_hep.hRoutines for integration with Homer using HEPv3
 res_hep_pjsip.cPJSIP logging with Homer
 res_hep_rtcp.cRTCP logging with Homer
 res_http_post.cHTTP POST upload support for Asterisk HTTP server
 res_http_websocket.cWebSocket support for the Asterisk internal HTTP server
 res_limit.cResource limits
 res_monitor.cPBX channel monitoring
 res_musiconhold.cRoutines implementing music on hold
 res_mutestream.cMUTESTREAM audiohooks
 res_mwi_external.cCore external MWI support
 res_mwi_external.hCore external MWI support
 res_mwi_external_ami.cAMI wrapper for external MWI
 res_odbc.cODBC resource manager
 res_odbc.hODBC resource manager
 res_parking.cCall Parking Resource
 res_parking.hCall Parking Resource Internal API
 res_phoneprov.cPhone provisioning application for the asterisk internal http server
 res_pjproject.cBridge PJPROJECT logging to Asterisk logging
 res_pjsip_config_wizard.cPJSIP Configuration Wizard
 res_pjsip_history.cPJSIP History
 res_pjsip_phoneprov_provider.cPJSIP Phoneprov Configuration Provider
 res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.cSIP SDP media stream handling
 res_pjsip_send_to_voicemail.cModule for managing send to voicemail requests in SIP REFER messages against PJSIP channels
 res_pjsip_t38.cSIP T.38 handling
 res_pktccops.cPacketCable COPS
 res_prometheus.cCore Prometheus metrics API
 res_realtime.cRealTime CLI
 res_remb_modifier.cREMB Modifier Module
 res_rtp_asterisk.cSupports RTP and RTCP with Symmetric RTP support for NAT traversal
 res_rtp_multicast.cMulticast RTP Engine
 res_security_log.cSecurity Event Logging
 res_smdi.cSMDI support for Asterisk
 res_snmp.cSNMP Agent / SubAgent support for Asterisk
 res_sorcery_astdb.cSorcery Astdb Object Wizard
 res_sorcery_config.cSorcery Configuration File Object Wizard
 res_sorcery_memory.cSorcery In-Memory Object Wizard
 res_sorcery_memory_cache.cSorcery Memory Cache Object Wizard
 res_sorcery_realtime.cSorcery Realtime Object Wizard
 res_speech.cGeneric Speech Recognition API
 res_srtp.cSecure RTP (SRTP)
 res_srtp.hSRTP resource
 res_stasis.cStasis application support
 res_stasis_answer.cStasis application control support
 res_stasis_playback.cRes_stasis playback support
 res_stasis_recording.cRes_stasis recording support
 res_stasis_snoop.cStasis application snoop control support
 res_stasis_test.cTest infrastructure for dealing with Stasis
 res_stun_monitor.cSTUN Network Monitor
 res_timing_dahdi.cDAHDI timing interface
 res_timing_kqueue.cKqueue timing interface
 res_timing_pthread.cPthread timing interface
 res_timing_timerfd.cTimerfd timing interface
 res_xmpp.cXMPP client and component module
 resample_sse.hResampler functions (SSE version)
 resource_applications.c/api-docs/applications.{format} implementation - Stasis application resources
 resource_applications.hGenerated file - declares stubs to be implemented in res/ari/resource_applications.c
 resource_asterisk.cImplementation for ARI stubs
 resource_asterisk.hGenerated file - declares stubs to be implemented in res/ari/resource_asterisk.c
 resource_bridges.cImplementation for ARI stubs
 resource_bridges.hGenerated file - declares stubs to be implemented in res/ari/resource_bridges.c
 resource_channels.cImplementation for ARI stubs
 resource_channels.hGenerated file - declares stubs to be implemented in res/ari/resource_channels.c
 resource_device_states.c/api-docs/deviceStates.{format} implementation- Device state resources
 resource_device_states.hGenerated file - declares stubs to be implemented in res/ari/resource_deviceStates.c
 resource_endpoints.c/api-docs/endpoints.{format} implementation- Endpoint resources
 resource_endpoints.hGenerated file - declares stubs to be implemented in res/ari/resource_endpoints.c
 resource_events.c/api-docs/events.{format} implementation- WebSocket resource
 resource_events.hGenerated file - declares stubs to be implemented in res/ari/resource_events.c
 resource_mailboxes.c/api-docs/mailboxes.{format} implementation- Mailboxes resources
 resource_mailboxes.hGenerated file - declares stubs to be implemented in res/ari/resource_mailboxes.c
 resource_playbacks.c/api-docs/playbacks.{format} implementation- Playback control resources
 resource_playbacks.hGenerated file - declares stubs to be implemented in res/ari/resource_playbacks.c
 resource_recordings.c/api-docs/recordings.{format} implementation- Recording resources
 resource_recordings.hGenerated file - declares stubs to be implemented in res/ari/resource_recordings.c
 resource_sounds.c/api-docs/sounds.{format} implementation- Sound resources
 resource_sounds.hGenerated file - declares stubs to be implemented in res/ari/resource_sounds.c
 route.cSip_route functions
 route.hSip_route header file
 rtp_engine.cPluggable RTP Architecture
 rtp_engine.hPluggable RTP Architecture
 say.cSay numbers and dates (maybe words one day too)
 say.hSay numbers and dates (maybe words one day too)
 sched.cScheduler Routines (from cheops-NG)
 sched.hScheduler Routines (derived from cheops)
 sdp_srtp.cSRTP and SDP Security descriptions
 sdp_srtp.hSRTP and SDP Security descriptions
 channels/sip/security_events.cGenerate security events in the SIP channel
 main/security_events.cSecurity Event Reporting Helpers
 res/res_pjsip/security_events.cGenerate security events in the PJSIP channel
 channels/sip/include/security_events.hGenerate security events in the SIP channel
 include/asterisk/security_events.hSecurity Event Reporting API
 security_events_defs.hSecurity Event Reporting Data Structures
 select.hBitfield expansions for ast_select
 sem.cAsterisk semaphore support
 sem.hAsterisk semaphore API
 sha1.cBased on the RFC 6234
 sig_analog.cAnalog signaling module
 sig_analog.hInterface header for analog signaling module
 sig_pri.cPRI signaling module
 sig_pri.hInterface header for PRI signaling module
 sig_ss7.cSS7 signaling module
 sig_ss7.hInterface header for SS7 signaling module
 silk.hSILK Format Attributes
 sip.hChan_sip header file
 sip_utils.hSip utils header file
 slinfactory.cA machine to gather up arbitrary frames and convert them to raw slinear on demand
 slinfactory.hA machine to gather up arbitrary frames and convert them to raw slinear on demand
 smdi.hSMDI support for Asterisk
 smoother.cFrame smoother manipulation routines
 smoother.hAsterisk internal frame definitions
 sorcery.cSorcery Data Access Layer API
 sorcery.hSorcery Data Access Layer API
 sounds.cSound file format and description index
 sounds_index.hSound file format and description indexer
 speech.hGeneric Speech Recognition API
 spinlock.hSpin Locks
 srv.cDNS SRV Record Lookup Support for Asterisk
 srv.hSupport for DNS SRV records, used in to locate SIP services
 stack_alloc.hTemporary memory allocation on stack
 stasis.cStasis Message Bus API
 stasis.hStasis Message Bus API. See Stasis Message Bus API for detailed documentation
 stasis_app.hStasis Application API. See Stasis Application API for detailed documentation
 stasis_app_device_state.hStasis Application Device State API. See StasisApplication API" for detailed documentation
 stasis_app_impl.hBackend API for implementing components of res_stasis
 stasis_app_mailbox.hStasis Application Mailbox API. See StasisApplication API" for detailed documentation
 stasis_app_playback.hStasis Application Playback API. See StasisApplication API" for detailed documentation
 stasis_app_recording.hStasis Application Recording API. See StasisApplication API" for detailed documentation
 stasis_app_snoop.hStasis Application Snoop API. See StasisApplication API" for detailed documentation
 stasis_bridge.cStasis bridge subclass
 stasis_bridge.hInternal API for the Stasis bridge subclass
 stasis_bridges.cStasis Messages and Data Types for Bridge Objects
 stasis_cache.cStasis Message API
 stasis_cache_pattern.cTypical cache pattern for Stasis topics
 stasis_cache_pattern.hCaching pattern for Stasis Message Bus API topics
 stasis_channels.cStasis Messages and Data Types for Channel Objects
 stasis_endpoints.cStasis endpoint API
 stasis_endpoints.hEndpoint abstractions
 stasis_internal.hInternal Stasis APIs
 stasis_message.cStasis Message API
 stasis_message_router.cStasis message router implementation
 stasis_state.hStasis State API
 stasis_system.cStasis Messages and Data Types for System events
 stasis_test.hTest infrastructure for dealing with Stasis
 stir_shaken.cInternal stir/shaken utilities
 stored.cStored file operations for Stasis
 strcompat.cCompatibility functions for strsep and strtoq missing on Solaris
 stream.cMedia Stream API
 stream.hMedia Stream API
 streamplayer.cA utility for reading from a raw TCP stream
 stringfields.cString fields
 strings.cString manipulation API
 strings.hString manipulation functions
 stun.cSTUN Support
 stun.hSTUN support
 syslog.cAsterisk Syslog Utility Functions
 syslog.hSyslog support functions for Asterisk logging
 taskprocessor.cMaintain a container of uniquely-named taskprocessor threads that can be shared across modules
 taskprocessor.hAn API for managing task processing threads that can be shared across modules
 tcptls.cCode to support TCP and TLS server/client
 tcptls.hGeneric support for tcp/tls servers in Asterisk
 tdd.cTTY/TDD Generation support
 tdd.hTTY/TDD Generation support
 term.cTerminal Routines
 term.hHandy terminal functions for vt* terms
 stdtime/test.cTesting localtime functionality
 test.cUnit Test Framework
 test.hTest Framework API
 test_abstract_jb.cAbstract Jitterbuffer Tests
 test_acl.cACL unit tests
 test_amihooks.cTest AMI hook
 test_aoc.cGeneric AOC encode decode tests
 test_app.cApp unit test
 test_ari.cTest ARI API.

David M. Lee, II <[email protected]> 
 test_ari_model.cTest the native ARI JSON validators
 test_ast_format_str_reduce.cTest ast_format_str_reduce
 test_astobj2.cAstobj2 test module
 test_astobj2_weaken.cAstobj2 weakproxy test module
 test_bridging.cBridging unit tests
 test_bucket.cBucket Unit Tests
 test_callerid.cCallerid Tests
 test_cdr.cCDR unit tests
 test_cel.cCEL unit tests
 test_channel.cChannel unit tests
 test_channel_feature_hooks.cChannel features unit tests
 test_config.cConfiguration unit tests
 test_conversions.cConversions Unit Tests
 test_core_codec.cCore Codec API Unit Tests
 test_core_format.cCore Format API Unit Tests
 test_data_buffer.cData Buffer API Unit Tests
 test_db.cAstDB Unit Tests
 test_devicestate.cDevice State Test Module
 test_dlinklists.cDoubly-Linked List Tests
 test_endpoints.cTest endpoints
 test_event.cTests for the ast_event API
 test_expr.cExpression Tests
 test_format_cache.cFormat Cache API Unit Tests
 test_format_cap.cFormat Capabilities API Unit Tests
 test_func_file.cFunction FILE tests
 test_gosub.cGosub tests
 test_heap.cHeap data structure test module
 test_http_media_cache.cTests for the HTTP media cache backend
 test_jitterbuf.cUnit tests for jitterbuf.c
 test_json.cTest JSON API
 test_linkedlists.cLinked List Tests
 test_locale.cLocale Test
 test_logger.cTest module for the logging subsystem
 test_media_cache.cTests for the media cache API
 test_message.cTest module for out-of-call text message module
 test_named_lock.cNamed Lock unit tests
 test_netsock2.cNetsock2 Unit Tests
 test_optional_api.cTest optional API
 test_pbx.cPBX Tests
 test_poll.cPoll Tests
 test_res_pjsip_scheduler.cRes_pjsip scheduler tests
 test_res_pjsip_session_caps.cRes_pjsip_session format caps tests
 test_res_rtp.cRTP/RTCP Unit Tests
 test_res_stasis.cTest Stasis Application API.

David M. Lee, II <[email protected]> 
 test_sched.cAst_sched performance test module
 test_scope_trace.cTest for Scope Trace
 test_scoped_lock.cSCOPED_LOCK unit tests
 test_security_events.cTest security event generation
 test_skel.cSkeleton Test
 test_sorcery.cSorcery Unit Tests
 test_sorcery_astdb.cSorcery Unit Tests
 test_sorcery_memory_cache_thrash.cSorcery Unit Tests
 test_sorcery_realtime.cSorcery Unit Tests
 test_stasis.cTest Stasis message bus
 test_stasis_channels.cTest Stasis Channel messages and objects
 test_stasis_endpoints.cTest endpoints
 test_stream.cMedia Stream API Unit Tests
 test_stringfields.cString fields test
 test_strings.cDynamic string tests
 test_substitution.cSubstitution Test
 test_taskprocessor.cTaskprocessor unit tests
 test_threadpool.cThreadpool unit tests
 test_time.cTimezone tests
 test_uri.cURI Unit Tests
 test_utils.cUnit Tests for utils API
 test_uuid.cUniversally unique identifier tests
 test_vector.cVector tests
 test_voicemail_api.cSkeleton Test
 test_websocket_client.cWebsocket Client Unit Tests
 test_xml_escape.cTest ast_xml_escape
 threadstorage.cDebugging support for thread-local-storage objects
 threadstorage.hDefinitions to aid in the use of thread local storage
 time.cDate/Time utility functions
 time.hTime-related functions and macros
 timing.cTiming source management
 timing.hTiming source management
 transcap.hGeneral Asterisk channel transcoding definitions
 translate.cTranslate via the use of pseudo channels
 translate.hSupport for translation of data formats. translate.c
 udptl.cUDPTL support for T.38 faxing
 udptl.hUDPTL support for T.38
 ulaw.cU-Law to Signed linear conversion
 ulaw.hU-Law to Signed linear conversion
 unaligned.hHandle unaligned data access
 utf8.cUTF-8 information and validation functions
 utf8.hUTF-8 information and validation functions
 channels/sip/utils.cUtility functions for chan_sip
 main/utils.cUtility functions
 utils.hUtility functions
 uuid.cUniversally unique identifier support
 uuid.hUniversally unique identifier support
 vector.hVector container support
 xml.cXML abstraction layer
 xml.hAsterisk XML abstraction layer
 xmldoc.cXML Documentation API
 xmldoc.hAsterisk XML Documentation API
 xmpp.hXMPP Interface
 zones2indications.cPrint libtonozone data as Asterisk indications.conf