38 #define BUFFER_SAMPLES 8096 48 unsigned char *src = f->
A-Law to Signed linear conversion.
int datalen
actual space used in outbuf
Asterisk main include file. File version handling, generic pbx functions.
Descriptor of a translator.
Support for translation of data formats. translate.c.
static int alawtolin_framein(struct ast_trans_pvt *pvt, struct ast_frame *f)
decode frame into lin and fill output buffer.
static int load_module(void)
static struct ast_frame * slin8_sample(void)
Configuration File Parser.
#define ast_register_translator(t)
See __ast_register_translator()
int ast_unregister_translator(struct ast_translator *t)
Unregister a translator Unregisters the given tranlator.
static struct ast_translator alawtolin
union ast_trans_pvt::@327 outbuf
Default structure for translators, with the basic fields and buffers, all allocated as part of the sa...
Module has failed to load, may be in an inconsistent state.
AST_MODULE_INFO(ASTERISK_GPL_KEY, AST_MODFLAG_GLOBAL_SYMBOLS|AST_MODFLAG_LOAD_ORDER, "HTTP Phone Provisioning",.support_level=AST_MODULE_SUPPORT_EXTENDED,.load=load_module,.unload=unload_module,.reload=reload,.load_pri=AST_MODPRI_CHANNEL_DEPEND,.requires="http",)
static int unload_module(void)
static struct ast_translator lintoalaw
Data structure associated with a single frame of data.
static struct ast_frame * alaw_sample(void)
union ast_frame::@263 data
The text the key() function should return.
Asterisk module definitions.
static int lintoalaw_framein(struct ast_trans_pvt *pvt, struct ast_frame *f)
convert and store input samples in output buffer