29 #ifndef _ASTERISK_RES_HEPV3_H 30 #define _ASTERISK_RES_HEPV3_H 32 #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) 131 #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) struct ast_sockaddr src_addr
enum hepv3_capture_type capture_type
struct ast_sockaddr dst_addr
HEPv3 Packet Capture Types.
Socket address structure.
struct hepv3_capture_info * hepv3_create_capture_info(const void *payload, size_t len)
Create a hepv3_capture_info object.
enum hep_uuid_type hepv3_get_uuid_type(void)
Get the preferred UUID type.
int hepv3_is_loaded(void)
Return whether or not we're currently loaded and active.
struct timeval capture_time
int hepv3_send_packet(struct hepv3_capture_info *capture_info)
Send a generic packet capture to HEPv3.