Asterisk - The Open Source Telephony Project  18.5.0
json.c File Reference

JSON abstraction layer. More...

#include "asterisk.h"
#include "asterisk/json.h"
#include "asterisk/localtime.h"
#include "asterisk/module.h"
#include "asterisk/utils.h"
#include "asterisk/astobj2.h"
#include "asterisk/channel.h"
#include "asterisk/callerid.h"
#include <jansson.h>
#include <time.h>
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int ast_json_array_append (struct ast_json *array, struct ast_json *value)
 Append to an array. More...
int ast_json_array_clear (struct ast_json *array)
 Remove all elements from an array. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_array_create (void)
 Create a empty JSON array. More...
int ast_json_array_extend (struct ast_json *array, struct ast_json *tail)
 Append all elements from tail to array. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_array_get (const struct ast_json *array, size_t index)
 Get an element from an array. More...
int ast_json_array_insert (struct ast_json *array, size_t index, struct ast_json *value)
 Insert into an array. More...
int ast_json_array_remove (struct ast_json *array, size_t index)
 Remove an element from an array. More...
int ast_json_array_set (struct ast_json *array, size_t index, struct ast_json *value)
 Change an element in an array. More...
size_t ast_json_array_size (const struct ast_json *array)
 Get the size of a JSON array. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_boolean (int value)
 Get the JSON boolean corresponding to value. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_channel_vars (struct varshead *channelvars)
 Construct a JSON object from a ast_var_t list. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_copy (const struct ast_json *value)
 Copy a JSON value, but not its children. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_deep_copy (const struct ast_json *value)
 Copy a JSON value, and its children. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_dialplan_cep (const char *context, const char *exten, int priority)
 Construct a context/exten/priority as JSON. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_dialplan_cep_app (const char *context, const char *exten, int priority, const char *app_name, const char *app_data)
 Construct a context/exten/priority/application/application_data as JSON. More...
int ast_json_dump_file_format (struct ast_json *root, FILE *output, enum ast_json_encoding_format format)
 Encode a JSON value to a FILE. More...
int ast_json_dump_new_file_format (struct ast_json *root, const char *path, enum ast_json_encoding_format format)
 Encode a JSON value to a file at the given location. More...
int ast_json_dump_str_format (struct ast_json *root, struct ast_str **dst, enum ast_json_encoding_format format)
 Encode a JSON value to an ast_str. More...
char * ast_json_dump_string_format (struct ast_json *root, enum ast_json_encoding_format format)
 Encode a JSON value to a string. More...
int ast_json_equal (const struct ast_json *lhs, const struct ast_json *rhs)
 Compare two JSON objects. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_false (void)
 Get the JSON false value. More...
void ast_json_free (void *p)
 Asterisk's custom JSON allocator. Exposed for use by unit tests. More...
int ast_json_init (void)
 Initialize the JSON library. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_integer_create (intmax_t value)
 Create a JSON integer. More...
intmax_t ast_json_integer_get (const struct ast_json *integer)
 Get the value from a JSON integer. More...
int ast_json_integer_set (struct ast_json *integer, intmax_t value)
 Set the value of a JSON integer. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_ipaddr (const struct ast_sockaddr *addr, enum ast_transport transport_type)
 Construct an IP address as JSON. More...
int ast_json_is_false (const struct ast_json *json)
 Check if value is JSON false. More...
int ast_json_is_null (const struct ast_json *json)
 Check if value is JSON null. More...
int ast_json_is_true (const struct ast_json *json)
 Check if value is JSON true. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_load_buf (const char *buffer, size_t buflen, struct ast_json_error *error)
 Parse buffer with known length into a JSON object or array. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_load_file (FILE *input, struct ast_json_error *error)
 Parse a FILE into JSON object or array. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_load_new_file (const char *path, struct ast_json_error *error)
 Parse file at path into JSON object or array. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_load_str (const struct ast_str *input, struct ast_json_error *error)
 Parse ast_str into a JSON object or array. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_load_string (const char *input, struct ast_json_error *error)
 Parse null terminated string into a JSON object or array. More...
void * ast_json_malloc (size_t size)
 Asterisk's custom JSON allocator. Exposed for use by unit tests. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_name_number (const char *name, const char *number)
 Common JSON rendering functions for common 'objects'. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_null (void)
 Get the JSON null value. More...
int ast_json_object_clear (struct ast_json *object)
 Delete all elements from a JSON object. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_object_create (void)
 Create a new JSON object. More...
int ast_json_object_del (struct ast_json *object, const char *key)
 Delete a field from a JSON object. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_object_get (struct ast_json *object, const char *key)
 Get a field from a JSON object. More...
struct ast_json_iterast_json_object_iter (struct ast_json *object)
 Get an iterator pointing to the first field in a JSON object. More...
struct ast_json_iterast_json_object_iter_at (struct ast_json *object, const char *key)
 Get an iterator pointing to a specified key in object. More...
const char * ast_json_object_iter_key (struct ast_json_iter *iter)
 Get the key from an iterator. More...
struct ast_json_iterast_json_object_iter_next (struct ast_json *object, struct ast_json_iter *iter)
 Get the next iterator. More...
int ast_json_object_iter_set (struct ast_json *object, struct ast_json_iter *iter, struct ast_json *value)
 Set the value of the field pointed to by an iterator. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_object_iter_value (struct ast_json_iter *iter)
 Get the value from an iterator. More...
int ast_json_object_set (struct ast_json *object, const char *key, struct ast_json *value)
 Set a field in a JSON object. More...
size_t ast_json_object_size (struct ast_json *object)
 Get size of JSON object. More...
int ast_json_object_update (struct ast_json *object, struct ast_json *other)
 Update object with all of the fields of other. More...
int ast_json_object_update_existing (struct ast_json *object, struct ast_json *other)
 Update existing fields in object with the fields of other. More...
int ast_json_object_update_missing (struct ast_json *object, struct ast_json *other)
 Add new fields to object with the fields of other. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_pack (char const *format,...)
 Helper for creating complex JSON values. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_party_id (struct ast_party_id *party)
 Construct an ast_party_id as JSON. More...
struct ast_json_payloadast_json_payload_create (struct ast_json *json)
 Create an ao2 object to pass json blobs as data payloads for stasis. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_real_create (double value)
 Create a JSON real number. More...
double ast_json_real_get (const struct ast_json *real)
 Get the value from a JSON real number. More...
int ast_json_real_set (struct ast_json *real, double value)
 Set the value of a JSON real number. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_ref (struct ast_json *json)
 Increase refcount on value. More...
void ast_json_reset_alloc_funcs (void)
 Change alloc funcs back to the resource module defaults. More...
void ast_json_set_alloc_funcs (void *(*malloc_fn)(size_t), void(*free_fn)(void *))
 Set custom allocators instead of the standard ast_malloc() and ast_free(). More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_string_create (const char *value)
 Construct a JSON string from value. More...
const char * ast_json_string_get (const struct ast_json *string)
 Get the value of a JSON string. More...
int ast_json_string_set (struct ast_json *string, const char *value)
 Change the value of a JSON string. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_stringf (const char *format,...)
 Create a JSON string, printf style. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_timeval (const struct timeval tv, const char *zone)
 Construct a timeval as JSON. More...
enum ast_json_to_ast_vars_code ast_json_to_ast_variables (struct ast_json *json_variables, struct ast_variable **variables)
 Convert a ast_json list of key/value pair tuples into a ast_variable list. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_true (void)
 Get the JSON true value. More...
const char * ast_json_typename (enum ast_json_type type)
 Get the string name for the given type. More...
enum ast_json_type ast_json_typeof (const struct ast_json *json)
 Get the type of value. More...
void ast_json_unref (struct ast_json *json)
 Decrease refcount on value. If refcount reaches zero, value is freed. More...
int ast_json_utf8_check (const char *str)
 Check the nul terminated string for UTF-8 format. More...
int ast_json_utf8_check_len (const char *str, size_t len)
 Check the string of the given length for UTF-8 format. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_vpack (char const *format, va_list ap)
 Helper for creating complex JSON values simply. More...
struct ast_jsonast_json_vstringf (const char *format, va_list args)
 Create a JSON string, vprintf style. More...
static void copy_error (struct ast_json_error *error, const json_error_t *jansson_error)
 Copy Jansson error struct to ours. More...
static size_t dump_flags (enum ast_json_encoding_format format)
 Default flags for JSON encoding. More...
static struct ast_jsonjson_party_name (struct ast_party_name *name)
static struct ast_jsonjson_party_number (struct ast_party_number *number)
static struct ast_jsonjson_party_subaddress (struct ast_party_subaddress *subaddress)
static void json_payload_destructor (void *obj)
static size_t json_utf8_check_first (char byte)
static size_t json_utf8_check_full (const char *str, size_t len)
static void parse_error (struct ast_json_error *error, const char *text, const char *source)
static int write_to_ast_str (const char *buffer, size_t size, void *data)

Detailed Description

JSON abstraction layer.

This is a very thin wrapper around the Jansson API. For more details on it, see its docs at

David M. Lee, II

Definition in file json.c.

Function Documentation

◆ ast_json_array_append()

int ast_json_array_append ( struct ast_json array,
struct ast_json value 

Append to an array.

The array steals the value reference even if it returns error; use ast_json_ref() to safely keep a pointer to it.
arrayJSON array to modify.
valueNew JSON value to store at the end of array.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 368 of file json.c.

Referenced by add_format_information_cb(), app_to_json(), append_json(), append_sound_cb(), ast_ari_bridges_list(), ast_ari_channels_list(), ast_ari_endpoints_list(), ast_ari_endpoints_list_by_tech(), ast_ari_recordings_list_stored(), ast_bucket_json(), ast_endpoint_snapshot_to_json(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), conf_send_event_to_participants(), container_to_json_array(), device_to_json_cb(), generate_filenames_json(), json_array_from_list(), process_log_list(), process_module_list(), report_receive_fax_status(), return_sorcery_object(), rtcp_report_to_json(), s_to_json(), send_start_msg_snapshots(), stasis_app_device_states_to_json(), stasis_app_exec(), stasis_app_mailboxes_to_json(), test_handler(), and units_to_json().

369 {
370  return json_array_append_new((json_t *)array, (json_t *)value);
371 }

◆ ast_json_array_clear()

int ast_json_array_clear ( struct ast_json array)

Remove all elements from an array.

arrayJSON array to clear.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 380 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

381 {
382  return json_array_clear((json_t *)array);
383 }

◆ ast_json_array_create()

struct ast_json* ast_json_array_create ( void  )

◆ ast_json_array_extend()

int ast_json_array_extend ( struct ast_json array,
struct ast_json tail 

Append all elements from tail to array.


The tail argument is not changed, so ast_json_unref() it when you are done with it.

arrayJSON array to modify.
tailJSON array with contents to append to array.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 384 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

385 {
386  return json_array_extend((json_t *)array, (json_t *)tail);
387 }

◆ ast_json_array_get()

struct ast_json* ast_json_array_get ( const struct ast_json array,
size_t  index 

Get an element from an array.


The returned element is a borrowed reference; use ast_json_ref() to safely keep a pointer to it.

arrayJSON array.
indexZero-based index into array.
The specified element.
NULL if array not an array.
NULL if index is out of bounds.

Definition at line 360 of file json.c.

Referenced by app_event_filter_matched(), app_event_filter_set(), ast_ari_applications_subscribe_parse_body(), ast_ari_applications_unsubscribe_parse_body(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_info_parse_body(), ast_ari_asterisk_update_object(), ast_ari_bridges_add_channel_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_play_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_play_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_remove_channel_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_play_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_play_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_events_user_event_parse_body(), ast_ari_validate_list(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), channel_fax_cb(), and manager_json_to_ast_str().

361 {
362  return (struct ast_json *)json_array_get((json_t *)array, index);
363 }
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_array_insert()

int ast_json_array_insert ( struct ast_json array,
size_t  index,
struct ast_json value 

Insert into an array.

The array steals the value reference even if it returns error; use ast_json_ref() to safely keep a pointer to it.
arrayJSON array to modify.
indexZero-based index into array.
valueNew JSON value to store in array at index.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 372 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

373 {
374  return json_array_insert_new((json_t *)array, index, (json_t *)value);
375 }

◆ ast_json_array_remove()

int ast_json_array_remove ( struct ast_json array,
size_t  index 

Remove an element from an array.

arrayJSON array to modify.
indexZero-based index into array.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 376 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

377 {
378  return json_array_remove((json_t *)array, index);
379 }

◆ ast_json_array_set()

int ast_json_array_set ( struct ast_json array,
size_t  index,
struct ast_json value 

Change an element in an array.

The array steals the value reference even if it returns error; use ast_json_ref() to safely keep a pointer to it.
arrayJSON array to modify.
indexZero-based index into array.
valueNew JSON value to store in array at index.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 364 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

365 {
366  return json_array_set_new((json_t *)array, index, (json_t *)value);
367 }

◆ ast_json_array_size()

size_t ast_json_array_size ( const struct ast_json array)

◆ ast_json_boolean()

struct ast_json* ast_json_boolean ( int  value)

Get the JSON boolean corresponding to value.

JSON true if value is true (non-zero).
JSON false if value is false (zero).

Definition at line 243 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE(), attended_transfer_to_json(), and blind_transfer_to_json().

244 {
245  return (struct ast_json *)json_boolean(value);
246 }
int value
Definition: syslog.c:37
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_channel_vars()

struct ast_json* ast_json_channel_vars ( struct varshead channelvars)

Construct a JSON object from a ast_var_t list.

channelvarsThe list of ast_var_t to represent as JSON
JSON object with variable names as keys and variable values as values

Definition at line 843 of file json.c.

References ast_json_object_create(), ast_json_object_set(), ast_json_string_create(), AST_LIST_TRAVERSE, ast_var_t::entries, ast_var_t::name, ast_var_t::value, and var.

Referenced by ast_channel_snapshot_to_json(), external_media_audiosocket_tcp(), and external_media_rtp_udp().

844 {
845  struct ast_json *ret;
846  struct ast_var_t *var;
848  ret = ast_json_object_create();
849  AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(channelvars, var, entries) {
851  }
853  return ret;
854 }
#define var
Definition: ast_expr2f.c:614
struct ast_json * ast_json_object_create(void)
Create a new JSON object.
Definition: json.c:389
int ast_json_object_set(struct ast_json *object, const char *key, struct ast_json *value)
Set a field in a JSON object.
Definition: json.c:404
char name[0]
Definition: chanvars.h:31
char * value
Definition: chanvars.h:30
#define AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(head, var, field)
Loops over (traverses) the entries in a list.
Definition: linkedlists.h:490
struct ast_var_t::@249 entries
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).
struct ast_json * ast_json_string_create(const char *value)
Construct a JSON string from value.
Definition: json.c:268

◆ ast_json_copy()

struct ast_json* ast_json_copy ( const struct ast_json value)

Copy a JSON value, but not its children.


If value is a JSON object or array, its children are shared with the returned copy.

valueJSON value to copy.
Shallow copy of value.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 616 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE(), channel_blob_to_json(), channel_to_json(), and test_handler().

617 {
618  return (struct ast_json *)json_copy((json_t *)value);
619 }
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_deep_copy()

struct ast_json* ast_json_deep_copy ( const struct ast_json value)

Copy a JSON value, and its children.


If value is a JSON object or array, they are also copied.

valueJSON value to copy.
Deep copy of value.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 620 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE(), and stir_shaken_verify_json().

621 {
622  return (struct ast_json *)json_deep_copy((json_t *)value);
623 }
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_dialplan_cep()

struct ast_json* ast_json_dialplan_cep ( const char *  context,
const char *  exten,
int  priority 

Construct a context/exten/priority as JSON.

If a NULL is passed for context or exten, or -1 for priority, the fields is set to ast_json_null().

contextContext name.
priorityDialplan priority.
JSON object with context, exten and priority fields

Definition at line 644 of file json.c.

References ast_json_dialplan_cep_app().

645 {
647 }
static char exten[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
Definition: chan_alsa.c:118
static int priority
struct ast_json * ast_json_dialplan_cep_app(const char *context, const char *exten, int priority, const char *app_name, const char *app_data)
Construct a context/exten/priority/application/application_data as JSON.
Definition: json.c:632
static char context[AST_MAX_CONTEXT]
Definition: chan_alsa.c:116

◆ ast_json_dialplan_cep_app()

struct ast_json* ast_json_dialplan_cep_app ( const char *  context,
const char *  exten,
int  priority,
const char *  app_name,
const char *  app_data 

Construct a context/exten/priority/application/application_data as JSON.

If a NULL is passed for context or exten or app_name or app_data, or -1 for priority, the fields is set to ast_json_null().

contextContext name.
priorityDialplan priority.
app_nameApplication name.
app_dataApplication argument.
JSON object with context, exten and priority app_name app_data fields

Definition at line 632 of file json.c.

References ast_json_integer_create(), ast_json_null(), and ast_json_pack().

Referenced by ast_channel_snapshot_to_json(), ast_json_dialplan_cep(), and AST_TEST_DEFINE().

634 {
635  return ast_json_pack("{s: s?, s: s?, s: o, s: s?, s: s?}",
636  "context", context,
637  "exten", exten,
638  "priority", priority != -1 ? ast_json_integer_create(priority) : ast_json_null(),
639  "app_name", app_name,
640  "app_data", app_data
641  );
642 }
static char exten[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]
Definition: chan_alsa.c:118
static int priority
struct ast_json * ast_json_null(void)
Get the JSON null value.
Definition: json.c:248
struct ast_json * ast_json_pack(char const *format,...)
Helper for creating complex JSON values.
Definition: json.c:591
const char * app_name(struct ast_app *app)
Definition: pbx_app.c:463
static char context[AST_MAX_CONTEXT]
Definition: chan_alsa.c:116
struct ast_json * ast_json_integer_create(intmax_t value)
Create a JSON integer.
Definition: json.c:317

◆ ast_json_dump_file_format()

int ast_json_dump_file_format ( struct ast_json root,
FILE *  output,
enum ast_json_encoding_format  format 

Encode a JSON value to a FILE.

rootJSON value.
outputFile to write JSON encoding to.
formatencoding format type.
0 on success.
-1 on error. The contents of output are undefined.

Definition at line 505 of file json.c.

References dump_flags().

506 {
507  if (!root || !output) {
508  return -1;
509  }
510  return json_dumpf((json_t *)root, output, dump_flags(format));
511 }
static snd_pcm_format_t format
Definition: chan_alsa.c:102
static size_t dump_flags(enum ast_json_encoding_format format)
Default flags for JSON encoding.
Definition: json.c:457

◆ ast_json_dump_new_file_format()

int ast_json_dump_new_file_format ( struct ast_json root,
const char *  path,
enum ast_json_encoding_format  format 

Encode a JSON value to a file at the given location.

rootJSON value.
pathPath to file to write JSON encoding to.
formatencoding format type.
0 on success.
-1 on error. The contents of output are undefined.

Definition at line 512 of file json.c.

References dump_flags().

513 {
514  if (!root || !path) {
515  return -1;
516  }
517  return json_dump_file((json_t *)root, path, dump_flags(format));
518 }
static snd_pcm_format_t format
Definition: chan_alsa.c:102
static size_t dump_flags(enum ast_json_encoding_format format)
Default flags for JSON encoding.
Definition: json.c:457

◆ ast_json_dump_str_format()

int ast_json_dump_str_format ( struct ast_json root,
struct ast_str **  dst,
enum ast_json_encoding_format  format 

Encode a JSON value to an ast_str.


If dst is too small, it will be grown as needed.

rootJSON value.
dstast_str to store JSON encoding.
formatencoding format type.
0 on success.
-1 on error. The contents of dst are undefined.

Definition at line 499 of file json.c.

References dump_flags(), and write_to_ast_str().

Referenced by ast_ari_callback().

500 {
501  return json_dump_callback((json_t *)root, write_to_ast_str, dst, dump_flags(format));
502 }
static int write_to_ast_str(const char *buffer, size_t size, void *data)
Definition: json.c:468
static snd_pcm_format_t format
Definition: chan_alsa.c:102
static size_t dump_flags(enum ast_json_encoding_format format)
Default flags for JSON encoding.
Definition: json.c:457

◆ ast_json_dump_string_format()

char* ast_json_dump_string_format ( struct ast_json root,
enum ast_json_encoding_format  format 

Encode a JSON value to a string.


Returned string must be freed by calling ast_json_free().

rootJSON value.
formatencoding format type.
String encoding of root.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 463 of file json.c.

References dump_flags().

Referenced by ast_ari_callback(), ast_ari_websocket_session_write(), send_message(), and stasis_app_message_handler().

464 {
465  return json_dumps((json_t *)root, dump_flags(format));
466 }
static snd_pcm_format_t format
Definition: chan_alsa.c:102
static size_t dump_flags(enum ast_json_encoding_format format)
Default flags for JSON encoding.
Definition: json.c:457

◆ ast_json_equal()

int ast_json_equal ( const struct ast_json lhs,
const struct ast_json rhs 

Compare two JSON objects.


Two JSON objects are equal if they are of the same type, and their contents are equal.

lhsValue to compare.
rhsOther value to compare.
True (non-zero) if lhs and rhs are equal.
False (zero) if they are not.

Definition at line 347 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE(), and test_name_number().

348 {
349  return json_equal((json_t *)lhs, (json_t *)rhs);
350 }

◆ ast_json_false()

struct ast_json* ast_json_false ( void  )

Get the JSON false value.


The returned value is a singleton, and does not need to be ast_json_unref()'ed.

JSON false.

Definition at line 238 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

239 {
240  return (struct ast_json *)json_false();
241 }
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_free()

void ast_json_free ( void *  p)

◆ ast_json_init()

int ast_json_init ( void  )

Initialize the JSON library.

Definition at line 705 of file json.c.

References ast_json_reset_alloc_funcs(), ast_log, LOG_ERROR, and NULL.

Referenced by asterisk_daemon().

706 {
707  json_t *version_check;
709  /* Setup to use Asterisk custom allocators */
712  /* We depend on functionality of jansson-2.11 but don't actually use
713  * any symbols. If we link at runtime to less than 2.11 this json_pack
714  * will return NULL. */
715  version_check = json_pack("{s: o?, s: o*}",
716  "JSON", NULL,
717  "Bourne", NULL);
718  if (!version_check) {
719  ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "There was a problem finding jansson 2.11 runtime libraries.\n"
720  "Please rebuild Asterisk using ./configure --with-jansson-bundled.\n");
721  return -1;
722  }
724  json_decref(version_check);
726  return 0;
727 }
void ast_json_reset_alloc_funcs(void)
Change alloc funcs back to the resource module defaults.
Definition: json.c:62
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
#define ast_log
Definition: astobj2.c:42
#define LOG_ERROR
Definition: logger.h:285

◆ ast_json_integer_create()

struct ast_json* ast_json_integer_create ( intmax_t  value)

Create a JSON integer.

valueValue of the new JSON integer.
Newly allocated integer.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 317 of file json.c.

Referenced by alloc_security_event_json_object(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_info(), ast_endpoint_snapshot_to_json(), ast_json_dialplan_cep_app(), ast_rtp_convert_stats_json(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), dialog_info_generate_body_content(), identify_module(), meetme_stasis_generate_msg(), stasis_app_recording_to_json(), and stir_shaken_add_iat().

318 {
319  return (struct ast_json *)json_integer(value);
320 }
int value
Definition: syslog.c:37
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_integer_get()

intmax_t ast_json_integer_get ( const struct ast_json integer)

Get the value from a JSON integer.

integerJSON integer.
Value of a JSON integer.
0 if integer is not a JSON integer.

Definition at line 322 of file json.c.

Referenced by agent_logoff_to_ami(), ast_ari_bridges_play_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_play_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_record_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_continue_in_dialplan_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_dial_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_originate_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_originate_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_play_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_play_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_record_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_send_dtmf_parse_body(), ast_ari_mailboxes_update_parse_body(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), asterisk_publication_devicestate(), asterisk_publication_mailboxstate(), cc_available_to_ami(), cc_callerrecalling_to_ami(), cc_callerstartmonitoring_to_ami(), cc_callerstopmonitoring_to_ami(), cc_failure_to_ami(), cc_monitorfailed_to_ami(), cc_offertimerstart_to_ami(), cc_recallcomplete_to_ami(), cc_requestacknowledged_to_ami(), cc_requested_to_ami(), cel_generic_cb(), channel_dtmf_end_cb(), channel_hangup_request_cb(), check_range(), compare_timestamp(), dahdichannel_to_ami(), dialog_info_generate_body_content(), dtmf_end_to_json(), handle_local_optimization_begin(), handle_local_optimization_end(), local_message_to_ami(), manager_generic_msg_cb(), manager_json_value_str_append(), meetme_stasis_cb(), queue_agent_cb(), security_event_stasis_cb(), security_event_to_ami_blob(), talking_stop_to_ami(), and test_suite_event_to_ami().

323 {
324  return json_integer_value((json_t *)integer);
325 }

◆ ast_json_integer_set()

int ast_json_integer_set ( struct ast_json integer,
intmax_t  value 

Set the value of a JSON integer.

integerJSON integer to modify.
valueNew value for integer.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 327 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

328 {
329  return json_integer_set((json_t *)integer, value);
330 }
int value
Definition: syslog.c:37

◆ ast_json_ipaddr()

struct ast_json* ast_json_ipaddr ( const struct ast_sockaddr addr,
enum ast_transport  transport_type 

Construct an IP address as JSON.

XXX some comments describing the need for this here

addrast_sockaddr to encode
transport_typeast_transport to include in the address string if any. Should just be one.
JSON string containing the IP address with optional transport information
NULL on error.

Definition at line 661 of file json.c.

References ast_json_string_create(), ast_sockaddr_is_ipv4(), ast_sockaddr_is_ipv4_mapped(), ast_sockaddr_stringify_addr(), ast_sockaddr_stringify_port(), ast_str_alloca, ast_str_append(), ast_str_buffer(), ast_str_set(), AST_TRANSPORT_TCP, AST_TRANSPORT_TLS, AST_TRANSPORT_UDP, AST_TRANSPORT_WS, AST_TRANSPORT_WSS, and NULL.

Referenced by add_ip_json_object().

662 {
663  struct ast_str *string = ast_str_alloca(64);
665  if (!string) {
666  return NULL;
667  }
669  ast_str_set(&string, 0, (ast_sockaddr_is_ipv4(addr) ||
670  ast_sockaddr_is_ipv4_mapped(addr)) ? "IPV4/" : "IPV6/");
672  if (transport_type) {
673  char *transport_string = NULL;
675  /* NOTE: None will be applied if multiple transport types are specified in transport_type */
676  switch(transport_type) {
678  transport_string = "UDP";
679  break;
681  transport_string = "TCP";
682  break;
684  transport_string = "TLS";
685  break;
687  transport_string = "WS";
688  break;
690  transport_string = "WSS";
691  break;
692  }
694  if (transport_string) {
695  ast_str_append(&string, 0, "%s/", transport_string);
696  }
697  }
699  ast_str_append(&string, 0, "%s", ast_sockaddr_stringify_addr(addr));
700  ast_str_append(&string, 0, "/%s", ast_sockaddr_stringify_port(addr));
702  return ast_json_string_create(ast_str_buffer(string));
703 }
static char * ast_sockaddr_stringify_addr(const struct ast_sockaddr *addr)
Wrapper around ast_sockaddr_stringify_fmt() to return an address only.
Definition: netsock2.h:290
char * ast_str_buffer(const struct ast_str *buf)
Returns the string buffer within the ast_str buf.
Definition: strings.h:714
int ast_str_append(struct ast_str **buf, ssize_t max_len, const char *fmt,...)
Append to a thread local dynamic string.
Definition: strings.h:1091
#define ast_str_alloca(init_len)
Definition: strings.h:800
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
int ast_str_set(struct ast_str **buf, ssize_t max_len, const char *fmt,...)
Set a dynamic string using variable arguments.
Definition: strings.h:1065
static char * ast_sockaddr_stringify_port(const struct ast_sockaddr *addr)
Wrapper around ast_sockaddr_stringify_fmt() to return a port only.
Definition: netsock2.h:362
The descriptor of a dynamic string XXX storage will be optimized later if needed We use the ts field ...
Definition: strings.h:584
int ast_sockaddr_is_ipv4_mapped(const struct ast_sockaddr *addr)
Determine if this is an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.
Definition: netsock2.c:507
int ast_sockaddr_is_ipv4(const struct ast_sockaddr *addr)
Determine if the address is an IPv4 address.
Definition: netsock2.c:497
struct ast_json * ast_json_string_create(const char *value)
Construct a JSON string from value.
Definition: json.c:268

◆ ast_json_is_false()

int ast_json_is_false ( const struct ast_json value)

Check if value is JSON false.

True (non-zero) if value == ast_json_false().
False (zero) otherwise.

Definition at line 258 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

259 {
260  return json_is_false((const json_t *)json);
261 }

◆ ast_json_is_null()

int ast_json_is_null ( const struct ast_json value)

Check if value is JSON null.

True (non-zero) if value == ast_json_false().
False (zero) otherwise.

Definition at line 263 of file json.c.

Referenced by aoc_publish_blob(), ast_ari_callback(), ast_manager_str_from_json_object(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), and channel_blob_to_json().

264 {
265  return json_is_null((const json_t *)json);
266 }

◆ ast_json_is_true()

int ast_json_is_true ( const struct ast_json value)

Check if value is JSON true.

True (non-zero) if value == ast_json_true().
False (zero) otherwise..

Definition at line 253 of file json.c.

Referenced by ast_ari_bridges_add_channel_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_record_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_record_parse_body(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), channel_hangup_request_cb(), channel_mixmonitor_mute_cb(), get_bool_header(), and local_message_to_ami().

254 {
255  return json_is_true((const json_t *)json);
256 }

◆ ast_json_load_buf()

struct ast_json* ast_json_load_buf ( const char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
struct ast_json_error error 

Parse buffer with known length into a JSON object or array.

bufferBuffer to parse.
buflenLength of buffer.
[out]errorFilled with information on error.
Parsed JSON element.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 564 of file json.c.

References copy_error().

Referenced by ast_ari_websocket_session_read(), ast_http_get_json(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), asterisk_publication_devicestate_state_change(), and asterisk_publication_mwi_state_change().

565 {
566  json_error_t jansson_error = {};
567  struct ast_json *r = (struct ast_json *)json_loadb(buffer, buflen, 0, &jansson_error);
568  copy_error(error, &jansson_error);
569  return r;
570 }
static void copy_error(struct ast_json_error *error, const json_error_t *jansson_error)
Copy Jansson error struct to ours.
Definition: json.c:523
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_load_file()

struct ast_json* ast_json_load_file ( FILE *  input,
struct ast_json_error error 

Parse a FILE into JSON object or array.

inputFILE to parse.
[out]errorFilled with information on error.
Parsed JSON element.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 571 of file json.c.

References copy_error(), NULL, and parse_error().

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

572 {
573  json_error_t jansson_error = {};
574  struct ast_json *r = NULL;
575  if (input != NULL) {
576  r = (struct ast_json *)json_loadf(input, 0, &jansson_error);
577  copy_error(error, &jansson_error);
578  } else {
579  parse_error(error, "NULL input file", "<null>");
580  }
581  return r;
582 }
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
static int input(yyscan_t yyscanner)
Definition: ast_expr2f.c:1584
static void parse_error(struct ast_json_error *error, const char *text, const char *source)
Definition: json.c:535
static void copy_error(struct ast_json_error *error, const json_error_t *jansson_error)
Copy Jansson error struct to ours.
Definition: json.c:523
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_load_new_file()

struct ast_json* ast_json_load_new_file ( const char *  path,
struct ast_json_error error 

Parse file at path into JSON object or array.

pathPath of file to parse.
[out]errorFilled with information on error.
Parsed JSON element.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 583 of file json.c.

References copy_error().

Referenced by ast_ari_get_docs(), and AST_TEST_DEFINE().

584 {
585  json_error_t jansson_error = {};
586  struct ast_json *r = (struct ast_json *)json_load_file(path, 0, &jansson_error);
587  copy_error(error, &jansson_error);
588  return r;
589 }
static void copy_error(struct ast_json_error *error, const json_error_t *jansson_error)
Copy Jansson error struct to ours.
Definition: json.c:523
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_load_str()

struct ast_json* ast_json_load_str ( const struct ast_str input,
struct ast_json_error error 

Parse ast_str into a JSON object or array.

inputast_str to parse.
[out]errorFilled with information on error.
Parsed JSON element.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 559 of file json.c.

References ast_json_load_string(), and ast_str_buffer().

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

560 {
561  return ast_json_load_string(ast_str_buffer(input), error);
562 }
char * ast_str_buffer(const struct ast_str *buf)
Returns the string buffer within the ast_str buf.
Definition: strings.h:714
struct ast_json * ast_json_load_string(const char *input, struct ast_json_error *error)
Parse null terminated string into a JSON object or array.
Definition: json.c:546

◆ ast_json_load_string()

struct ast_json* ast_json_load_string ( const char *  input,
struct ast_json_error error 

Parse null terminated string into a JSON object or array.

inputString to parse.
[out]errorFilled with information on error.
Parsed JSON element.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 546 of file json.c.

References copy_error(), NULL, and parse_error().

Referenced by ast_json_load_str(), ast_stir_shaken_verify(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), compare_caller_id(), compare_timestamp(), fetch_access_token(), fetch_google_access_token(), get_attestation_from_payload(), persistence_generator_data_str2struct(), sorcery_astdb_retrieve_fields_common(), sorcery_astdb_retrieve_id(), sorcery_astdb_retrieve_prefix(), and sorcery_astdb_retrieve_regex().

547 {
548  json_error_t jansson_error = {};
549  struct ast_json *r = NULL;
550  if (input != NULL) {
551  r = (struct ast_json *)json_loads(input, 0, &jansson_error);
552  copy_error(error, &jansson_error);
553  } else {
554  parse_error(error, "NULL input string", "<null>");
555  }
556  return r;
557 }
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
static int input(yyscan_t yyscanner)
Definition: ast_expr2f.c:1584
static void parse_error(struct ast_json_error *error, const char *text, const char *source)
Definition: json.c:535
static void copy_error(struct ast_json_error *error, const json_error_t *jansson_error)
Copy Jansson error struct to ours.
Definition: json.c:523
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_malloc()

void* ast_json_malloc ( size_t  size)

Asterisk's custom JSON allocator. Exposed for use by unit tests.


Definition at line 47 of file json.c.

References ast_malloc.

Referenced by ast_json_reset_alloc_funcs(), and json_debug_malloc().

48 {
49  return ast_malloc(size);
50 }
#define ast_malloc(len)
A wrapper for malloc()
Definition: astmm.h:193

◆ ast_json_name_number()

struct ast_json* ast_json_name_number ( const char *  name,
const char *  number 

Common JSON rendering functions for common 'objects'.

Simple name/number pair.

NULL if error (non-UTF8 characters, NULL inputs, etc.)
JSON object with name and number fields

Definition at line 625 of file json.c.

References ast_json_pack(), and AST_JSON_UTF8_VALIDATE.

Referenced by ast_channel_snapshot_to_json(), and test_name_number().

626 {
627  return ast_json_pack("{s: s, s: s}",
628  "name", AST_JSON_UTF8_VALIDATE(name),
629  "number", AST_JSON_UTF8_VALIDATE(number));
630 }
Number structure.
Definition: app_followme.c:154
struct ast_json * ast_json_pack(char const *format,...)
Helper for creating complex JSON values.
Definition: json.c:591
static const char name[]
Definition: cdr_mysql.c:74
Check str for UTF-8 and replace with an empty string if fails the check.
Definition: json.h:224

◆ ast_json_null()

struct ast_json* ast_json_null ( void  )

◆ ast_json_object_clear()

int ast_json_object_clear ( struct ast_json object)

Delete all elements from a JSON object.

objectJSON object to clear.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 412 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

413 {
414  return json_object_clear((json_t *)object);
415 }

◆ ast_json_object_create()

struct ast_json* ast_json_object_create ( void  )

◆ ast_json_object_del()

int ast_json_object_del ( struct ast_json object,
const char *  key 

Delete a field from a JSON object.

objectJSON object to modify.
keyKey of field to delete.
0 on success, or -1 if key does not exist.

Definition at line 408 of file json.c.

Referenced by ast_ari_get_docs(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), bridge_to_json(), and channel_to_json().

409 {
410  return json_object_del((json_t *)object, key);
411 }

◆ ast_json_object_get()

struct ast_json* ast_json_object_get ( struct ast_json object,
const char *  key 

Get a field from a JSON object.


The returned element is a borrowed reference; use ast_json_ref() to safely keep a pointer to it.

objectJSON object.
keyKey of field to look up.
Value with given key.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 397 of file json.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by add_identity_header(), agent_login_to_ami(), agent_logoff_to_ami(), allocate_subscription(), app_event_filter_set(), app_send(), app_to_json(), append_event_str_single(), append_json_single(), assign_uuid(), ast_ari_applications_subscribe_parse_body(), ast_ari_applications_unsubscribe_parse_body(), ast_ari_asterisk_add_log_parse_body(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_global_var_parse_body(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_info_parse_body(), ast_ari_asterisk_set_global_var_parse_body(), ast_ari_asterisk_update_object(), ast_ari_bridges_add_channel_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_create_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_create_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_play_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_play_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_record_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_remove_channel_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_start_moh_parse_body(), ast_ari_callback(), ast_ari_channels_continue_in_dialplan_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_create(), ast_ari_channels_create_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_dial_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_external_media(), ast_ari_channels_external_media_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_get_channel_var_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_hangup_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_move_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_mute_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_originate(), ast_ari_channels_originate_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_originate_with_id(), ast_ari_channels_originate_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_play_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_play_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_record_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_redirect_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_send_dtmf_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_set_channel_var_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_snoop_channel_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_snoop_channel_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_start_moh_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_unmute_parse_body(), ast_ari_device_states_update_parse_body(), ast_ari_endpoints_send_message(), ast_ari_endpoints_send_message_parse_body(), ast_ari_endpoints_send_message_to_endpoint(), ast_ari_endpoints_send_message_to_endpoint_parse_body(), ast_ari_events_user_event(), ast_ari_events_user_event_parse_body(), ast_ari_get_docs(), ast_ari_mailboxes_update_parse_body(), ast_ari_playbacks_control_parse_body(), ast_ari_recordings_copy_stored_parse_body(), ast_ari_sounds_list_parse_body(), ast_ari_validate_event(), ast_ari_validate_message(), ast_endpoint_snapshot_to_json(), ast_stir_shaken_sign(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), asterisk_publication_devicestate(), asterisk_publication_devicestate_state_change(), asterisk_publication_mailboxstate(), asterisk_publication_mwi_state_change(), cc_available_to_ami(), cc_callerrecalling_to_ami(), cc_callerstartmonitoring_to_ami(), cc_callerstopmonitoring_to_ami(), cc_failure_to_ami(), cc_monitorfailed_to_ami(), cc_offertimerstart_to_ami(), cc_recallcomplete_to_ami(), cc_requestacknowledged_to_ami(), cc_requested_to_ami(), cel_generic_cb(), channel_dial_cb(), channel_dtmf_begin_cb(), channel_dtmf_end_cb(), channel_enter_cb(), channel_fax_cb(), channel_hangup_handler_cb(), channel_hangup_request_cb(), channel_hold_cb(), channel_mixmonitor_mute_cb(), channel_moh_start_cb(), compare_caller_id(), compare_timestamp(), conf_send_event_to_participants(), confbridge_publish_manager_event(), confbridge_talking_cb(), contactstatus_to_ami(), contactstatus_to_json(), create_sound_blob(), dahdichannel_to_ami(), dial_to_json(), dtmf_end_to_json(), fetch_access_token(), fetch_google_access_token(), get_attestation_from_payload(), get_blob_variable(), get_bool_header(), handle_dial_message(), handle_local_optimization_begin(), handle_local_optimization_end(), handle_masquerade(), handler(), hold_to_json(), local_message_to_ami(), manager_generic_msg_cb(), meetme_stasis_cb(), multi_user_event_to_ami(), multi_user_event_to_json(), mwi_app_event_cb(), mwi_startup_event_cb(), peerstatus_to_ami(), playback_to_json(), queue_agent_cb(), recording_to_json(), registry_message_cb(), rtcp_message_handler(), rtcp_report_to_ami(), security_event_stasis_cb(), security_event_to_ami_blob(), send_start_msg_snapshots(), session_timeout_to_ami(), startup_event_cb(), stasis_app_exec(), stasis_app_message_handler(), stasis_end_to_json(), stasis_start_to_json(), stir_shaken_add_attest(), stir_shaken_add_iat(), stir_shaken_add_origid(), stir_shaken_add_x5u(), stir_shaken_verify_json(), subscription_persistence_event_cb(), system_registry_to_ami(), talking_stop_to_ami(), test_suite_event_to_ami(), and varset_to_ami().

398 {
399  if (!key) {
400  return NULL;
401  }
402  return (struct ast_json *)json_object_get((json_t *)object, key);
403 }
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_object_iter()

struct ast_json_iter* ast_json_object_iter ( struct ast_json object)

Get an iterator pointing to the first field in a JSON object.


The order of the fields in an object are not specified. However, iterating forward from this iterator will cover all fields in object. Adding or removing fields from object may invalidate its iterators.

objectJSON object.
Iterator to the first field in object.
NULL object is empty.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 429 of file json.c.

Referenced by ast_ari_validate_application(), ast_ari_validate_application_move_failed(), ast_ari_validate_application_replaced(), ast_ari_validate_asterisk_info(), ast_ari_validate_asterisk_ping(), ast_ari_validate_bridge(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_attended_transfer(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_blind_transfer(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_created(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_destroyed(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_merged(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_video_source_changed(), ast_ari_validate_build_info(), ast_ari_validate_caller_id(), ast_ari_validate_channel(), ast_ari_validate_channel_caller_id(), ast_ari_validate_channel_connected_line(), ast_ari_validate_channel_created(), ast_ari_validate_channel_destroyed(), ast_ari_validate_channel_dialplan(), ast_ari_validate_channel_dtmf_received(), ast_ari_validate_channel_entered_bridge(), ast_ari_validate_channel_hangup_request(), ast_ari_validate_channel_hold(), ast_ari_validate_channel_left_bridge(), ast_ari_validate_channel_state_change(), ast_ari_validate_channel_talking_finished(), ast_ari_validate_channel_talking_started(), ast_ari_validate_channel_unhold(), ast_ari_validate_channel_userevent(), ast_ari_validate_channel_varset(), ast_ari_validate_config_info(), ast_ari_validate_config_tuple(), ast_ari_validate_contact_info(), ast_ari_validate_contact_status_change(), ast_ari_validate_device_state(), ast_ari_validate_device_state_changed(), ast_ari_validate_dial(), ast_ari_validate_dialed(), ast_ari_validate_dialplan_cep(), ast_ari_validate_endpoint(), ast_ari_validate_endpoint_state_change(), ast_ari_validate_event(), ast_ari_validate_format_lang_pair(), ast_ari_validate_live_recording(), ast_ari_validate_log_channel(), ast_ari_validate_mailbox(), ast_ari_validate_message(), ast_ari_validate_missing_params(), ast_ari_validate_module(), ast_ari_validate_peer(), ast_ari_validate_peer_status_change(), ast_ari_validate_playback(), ast_ari_validate_playback_continuing(), ast_ari_validate_playback_finished(), ast_ari_validate_playback_started(), ast_ari_validate_recording_failed(), ast_ari_validate_recording_finished(), ast_ari_validate_recording_started(), ast_ari_validate_rtpstat(), ast_ari_validate_set_id(), ast_ari_validate_sound(), ast_ari_validate_stasis_end(), ast_ari_validate_stasis_start(), ast_ari_validate_status_info(), ast_ari_validate_stored_recording(), ast_ari_validate_system_info(), ast_ari_validate_text_message(), ast_ari_validate_text_message_received(), ast_ari_validate_variable(), ast_json_to_ast_variables(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), and manager_json_to_ast_str().

430 {
431  return json_object_iter((json_t *)object);
432 }

◆ ast_json_object_iter_at()

struct ast_json_iter* ast_json_object_iter_at ( struct ast_json object,
const char *  key 

Get an iterator pointing to a specified key in object.


Iterating forward from this iterator may not to cover all elements in object.

objectJSON object to iterate.
keyKey of field to lookup.
Iterator pointing to the field with the given key.
NULL if key does not exist.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 433 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

434 {
435  return json_object_iter_at((json_t *)object, key);
436 }

◆ ast_json_object_iter_key()

const char* ast_json_object_iter_key ( struct ast_json_iter iter)

Get the key from an iterator.

iterJSON object iterator.
Key of the field iter points to.

Definition at line 441 of file json.c.

Referenced by ast_ari_validate_application(), ast_ari_validate_application_move_failed(), ast_ari_validate_application_replaced(), ast_ari_validate_asterisk_info(), ast_ari_validate_asterisk_ping(), ast_ari_validate_bridge(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_attended_transfer(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_blind_transfer(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_created(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_destroyed(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_merged(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_video_source_changed(), ast_ari_validate_build_info(), ast_ari_validate_caller_id(), ast_ari_validate_channel(), ast_ari_validate_channel_caller_id(), ast_ari_validate_channel_connected_line(), ast_ari_validate_channel_created(), ast_ari_validate_channel_destroyed(), ast_ari_validate_channel_dialplan(), ast_ari_validate_channel_dtmf_received(), ast_ari_validate_channel_entered_bridge(), ast_ari_validate_channel_hangup_request(), ast_ari_validate_channel_hold(), ast_ari_validate_channel_left_bridge(), ast_ari_validate_channel_state_change(), ast_ari_validate_channel_talking_finished(), ast_ari_validate_channel_talking_started(), ast_ari_validate_channel_unhold(), ast_ari_validate_channel_userevent(), ast_ari_validate_channel_varset(), ast_ari_validate_config_info(), ast_ari_validate_config_tuple(), ast_ari_validate_contact_info(), ast_ari_validate_contact_status_change(), ast_ari_validate_device_state(), ast_ari_validate_device_state_changed(), ast_ari_validate_dial(), ast_ari_validate_dialed(), ast_ari_validate_dialplan_cep(), ast_ari_validate_endpoint(), ast_ari_validate_endpoint_state_change(), ast_ari_validate_event(), ast_ari_validate_format_lang_pair(), ast_ari_validate_live_recording(), ast_ari_validate_log_channel(), ast_ari_validate_mailbox(), ast_ari_validate_message(), ast_ari_validate_missing_params(), ast_ari_validate_module(), ast_ari_validate_peer(), ast_ari_validate_peer_status_change(), ast_ari_validate_playback(), ast_ari_validate_playback_continuing(), ast_ari_validate_playback_finished(), ast_ari_validate_playback_started(), ast_ari_validate_recording_failed(), ast_ari_validate_recording_finished(), ast_ari_validate_recording_started(), ast_ari_validate_rtpstat(), ast_ari_validate_set_id(), ast_ari_validate_sound(), ast_ari_validate_stasis_end(), ast_ari_validate_stasis_start(), ast_ari_validate_status_info(), ast_ari_validate_stored_recording(), ast_ari_validate_system_info(), ast_ari_validate_text_message(), ast_ari_validate_text_message_received(), ast_ari_validate_variable(), ast_json_to_ast_variables(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), and manager_json_to_ast_str().

442 {
443  return json_object_iter_key(iter);
444 }

◆ ast_json_object_iter_next()

struct ast_json_iter* ast_json_object_iter_next ( struct ast_json object,
struct ast_json_iter iter 

Get the next iterator.

objectJSON object iter was obtained from.
iterJSON object iterator.
Iterator to next field in object.
NULL if iter was the last field.

Definition at line 437 of file json.c.

Referenced by ast_ari_validate_application(), ast_ari_validate_application_move_failed(), ast_ari_validate_application_replaced(), ast_ari_validate_asterisk_info(), ast_ari_validate_asterisk_ping(), ast_ari_validate_bridge(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_attended_transfer(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_blind_transfer(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_created(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_destroyed(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_merged(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_video_source_changed(), ast_ari_validate_build_info(), ast_ari_validate_caller_id(), ast_ari_validate_channel(), ast_ari_validate_channel_caller_id(), ast_ari_validate_channel_connected_line(), ast_ari_validate_channel_created(), ast_ari_validate_channel_destroyed(), ast_ari_validate_channel_dialplan(), ast_ari_validate_channel_dtmf_received(), ast_ari_validate_channel_entered_bridge(), ast_ari_validate_channel_hangup_request(), ast_ari_validate_channel_hold(), ast_ari_validate_channel_left_bridge(), ast_ari_validate_channel_state_change(), ast_ari_validate_channel_talking_finished(), ast_ari_validate_channel_talking_started(), ast_ari_validate_channel_unhold(), ast_ari_validate_channel_userevent(), ast_ari_validate_channel_varset(), ast_ari_validate_config_info(), ast_ari_validate_config_tuple(), ast_ari_validate_contact_info(), ast_ari_validate_contact_status_change(), ast_ari_validate_device_state(), ast_ari_validate_device_state_changed(), ast_ari_validate_dial(), ast_ari_validate_dialed(), ast_ari_validate_dialplan_cep(), ast_ari_validate_endpoint(), ast_ari_validate_endpoint_state_change(), ast_ari_validate_event(), ast_ari_validate_format_lang_pair(), ast_ari_validate_live_recording(), ast_ari_validate_log_channel(), ast_ari_validate_mailbox(), ast_ari_validate_message(), ast_ari_validate_missing_params(), ast_ari_validate_module(), ast_ari_validate_peer(), ast_ari_validate_peer_status_change(), ast_ari_validate_playback(), ast_ari_validate_playback_continuing(), ast_ari_validate_playback_finished(), ast_ari_validate_playback_started(), ast_ari_validate_recording_failed(), ast_ari_validate_recording_finished(), ast_ari_validate_recording_started(), ast_ari_validate_rtpstat(), ast_ari_validate_set_id(), ast_ari_validate_sound(), ast_ari_validate_stasis_end(), ast_ari_validate_stasis_start(), ast_ari_validate_status_info(), ast_ari_validate_stored_recording(), ast_ari_validate_system_info(), ast_ari_validate_text_message(), ast_ari_validate_text_message_received(), ast_ari_validate_variable(), ast_json_to_ast_variables(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), and manager_json_to_ast_str().

438 {
439  return json_object_iter_next((json_t *)object, iter);
440 }

◆ ast_json_object_iter_set()

int ast_json_object_iter_set ( struct ast_json object,
struct ast_json_iter iter,
struct ast_json value 

Set the value of the field pointed to by an iterator.

The object steals the value reference even if it returns error; use ast_json_ref() to safely keep a pointer to it.
objectJSON object iter was obtained from.
iterJSON object iterator.
valueJSON value to store in 's field.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 449 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

450 {
451  return json_object_iter_set_new((json_t *)object, iter, (json_t *)value);
452 }

◆ ast_json_object_iter_value()

struct ast_json* ast_json_object_iter_value ( struct ast_json_iter iter)

Get the value from an iterator.


The returned element is a borrowed reference; use ast_json_ref() to safely keep a pointer to it.

iterJSON object iterator.
Value of the field iter points to.

Definition at line 445 of file json.c.

Referenced by ast_ari_validate_application(), ast_ari_validate_application_move_failed(), ast_ari_validate_application_replaced(), ast_ari_validate_asterisk_info(), ast_ari_validate_asterisk_ping(), ast_ari_validate_bridge(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_attended_transfer(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_blind_transfer(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_created(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_destroyed(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_merged(), ast_ari_validate_bridge_video_source_changed(), ast_ari_validate_build_info(), ast_ari_validate_caller_id(), ast_ari_validate_channel(), ast_ari_validate_channel_caller_id(), ast_ari_validate_channel_connected_line(), ast_ari_validate_channel_created(), ast_ari_validate_channel_destroyed(), ast_ari_validate_channel_dialplan(), ast_ari_validate_channel_dtmf_received(), ast_ari_validate_channel_entered_bridge(), ast_ari_validate_channel_hangup_request(), ast_ari_validate_channel_hold(), ast_ari_validate_channel_left_bridge(), ast_ari_validate_channel_state_change(), ast_ari_validate_channel_talking_finished(), ast_ari_validate_channel_talking_started(), ast_ari_validate_channel_unhold(), ast_ari_validate_channel_userevent(), ast_ari_validate_channel_varset(), ast_ari_validate_config_info(), ast_ari_validate_config_tuple(), ast_ari_validate_contact_info(), ast_ari_validate_contact_status_change(), ast_ari_validate_device_state(), ast_ari_validate_device_state_changed(), ast_ari_validate_dial(), ast_ari_validate_dialplan_cep(), ast_ari_validate_endpoint(), ast_ari_validate_endpoint_state_change(), ast_ari_validate_event(), ast_ari_validate_format_lang_pair(), ast_ari_validate_live_recording(), ast_ari_validate_log_channel(), ast_ari_validate_mailbox(), ast_ari_validate_message(), ast_ari_validate_missing_params(), ast_ari_validate_module(), ast_ari_validate_peer(), ast_ari_validate_peer_status_change(), ast_ari_validate_playback(), ast_ari_validate_playback_continuing(), ast_ari_validate_playback_finished(), ast_ari_validate_playback_started(), ast_ari_validate_recording_failed(), ast_ari_validate_recording_finished(), ast_ari_validate_recording_started(), ast_ari_validate_rtpstat(), ast_ari_validate_set_id(), ast_ari_validate_sound(), ast_ari_validate_stasis_end(), ast_ari_validate_stasis_start(), ast_ari_validate_status_info(), ast_ari_validate_stored_recording(), ast_ari_validate_system_info(), ast_ari_validate_text_message(), ast_ari_validate_text_message_received(), ast_ari_validate_variable(), ast_json_to_ast_variables(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), and manager_json_to_ast_str().

446 {
447  return (struct ast_json *)json_object_iter_value(iter);
448 }
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_object_set()

int ast_json_object_set ( struct ast_json object,
const char *  key,
struct ast_json value 

Set a field in a JSON object.

The object steals the value reference even if it returns error; use ast_json_ref() to safely keep a pointer to it.
objectJSON object to modify.
keyKey of field to set.
valueJSON value to set for field.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 404 of file json.c.

Referenced by add_ip_json_object(), add_json_object(), alloc_security_event_json_object(), app_send(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_info(), ast_ari_get_docs(), ast_bridge_snapshot_to_json(), ast_bucket_file_json(), ast_bucket_json(), ast_channel_snapshot_to_json(), ast_endpoint_snapshot_to_json(), ast_json_channel_vars(), ast_rtp_convert_stats_json(), ast_sip_subscription_set_persistence_data(), ast_sorcery_objectset_json_create(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), attended_transfer_to_json(), blind_transfer_to_json(), channel_blob_to_json(), devices_to_json(), dial_to_json(), external_media_audiosocket_tcp(), external_media_rtp_udp(), handler(), identify_module(), launch_asyncagi(), meetme_stasis_generate_msg(), msg_to_json(), multi_user_event_to_json(), publish_acl_change(), recording_publish(), stasis_app_event_filter_to_json(), stasis_app_message_handler(), stasis_app_recording_to_json(), stasis_app_user_event(), stasis_start_to_json(), stir_shaken_add_attest(), stir_shaken_add_iat(), stir_shaken_add_origid(), stir_shaken_add_x5u(), sub_bridge_update_handler(), units_to_json(), and userevent_exec().

405 {
406  return json_object_set_new((json_t *)object, key, (json_t *)value);
407 }

◆ ast_json_object_size()

size_t ast_json_object_size ( struct ast_json object)

Get size of JSON object.

objectJSON object.
Size of object.
Zero of object is not a JSON object.

Definition at line 393 of file json.c.

Referenced by app_event_filter_set(), and AST_TEST_DEFINE().

394 {
395  return json_object_size((json_t *)object);
396 }

◆ ast_json_object_update()

int ast_json_object_update ( struct ast_json object,
struct ast_json other 

Update object with all of the fields of other.


All of the fields of other are copied into object, overwriting existing keys. The other object is not changed, so ast_json_unref() it when you are done with it.

objectJSON object to modify.
otherJSON object to copy into object.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 416 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE(), cc_publish(), channel_to_json(), meetme_stasis_generate_msg(), peerstatus_to_json(), send_conf_stasis(), and send_conf_stasis_snapshots().

417 {
418  return json_object_update((json_t *)object, (json_t *)other);
419 }

◆ ast_json_object_update_existing()

int ast_json_object_update_existing ( struct ast_json object,
struct ast_json other 

Update existing fields in object with the fields of other.


Like ast_json_object_update(), but only existing fields are updated. No new fields will get added. The other object is not changed, so ast_json_unref() it when you are done with it.

objectJSON object to modify.
otherJSON object to copy into object.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 420 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

421 {
422  return json_object_update_existing((json_t *)object, (json_t *)other);
423 }

◆ ast_json_object_update_missing()

int ast_json_object_update_missing ( struct ast_json object,
struct ast_json other 

Add new fields to object with the fields of other.


Like ast_json_object_update(), but only missing fields are added. No existing fields will be modified. The other object is not changed, so ast_json_unref() it when you are done with it.

objectJSON object to modify.
otherJSON object to copy into object.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 424 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

425 {
426  return json_object_update_missing((json_t *)object, (json_t *)other);
427 }

◆ ast_json_pack()

struct ast_json* ast_json_pack ( char const *  format,

Helper for creating complex JSON values.


See original Jansson docs at for more details.

Definition at line 591 of file json.c.

References args, and ast_json_vpack().

Referenced by __ast_test_suite_event_notify(), __expire_registry(), __iax2_poke_noanswer(), add_format_information_cb(), add_identity_header(), agi_handle_command(), analog_publish_channel_alarm_clear(), analog_publish_dnd_state(), app_send_end_msg(), app_to_json(), app_update(), association_to_json(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_global_var(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_info(), ast_ari_asterisk_ping(), ast_ari_channels_get_channel_var(), ast_ari_response_error(), ast_bridge_channel_write_hold(), ast_bridge_merge_message_to_json(), ast_bridge_publish_enter(), ast_bridge_snapshot_to_json(), ast_cel_publish_event(), ast_channel_move(), ast_channel_publish_dial_internal(), ast_channel_publish_varset(), ast_channel_snapshot_to_json(), ast_endpoint_snapshot_to_json(), ast_json_dialplan_cep_app(), ast_json_name_number(), ast_json_party_id(), ast_manager_publish_event(), ast_queue_hangup_with_cause(), ast_queue_hold(), ast_rtcp_calculate_sr_rr_statistics(), ast_rtcp_interpret(), ast_sip_persistent_endpoint_publish_contact_state(), ast_sip_persistent_endpoint_update_state(), ast_softhangup(), ast_system_publish_registry(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), asterisk_publication_send_refresh(), asterisk_publisher_devstate_cb(), asterisk_publisher_mwistate_cb(), attended_transfer_to_json(), beanstalk_put(), blind_transfer_to_json(), cc_publish(), cc_publish_available(), cc_publish_callerrecalling(), cc_publish_callerstartmonitoring(), cc_publish_callerstopmonitoring(), cc_publish_failure(), cc_publish_monitorfailed(), cc_publish_offertimerstart(), cc_publish_recallcomplete(), cc_publish_requestacknowledged(), cc_publish_requested(), cel_attended_transfer_cb(), cel_blind_transfer_cb(), cel_bridge_enter_cb(), cel_bridge_leave_cb(), cel_bs_put(), cel_channel_state_change(), cel_dial_cb(), cel_local_cb(), cel_parking_cb(), cel_pickup_cb(), celgenuserevent_exec(), channel_callerid(), channel_connected_line(), channel_destroyed_event(), channel_dialplan(), charge_to_json(), conf_handle_talker_cb(), confbridge_handle_atxfer(), contactstatus_to_json(), create_sound_blob(), currency_to_json(), d_to_json(), dial_to_json(), dtmf_end_to_json(), e_to_json(), expire_register(), format_log_json(), handle_response_peerpoke(), handler(), hold_to_json(), join_queue(), json_party_name(), json_party_number(), json_party_subaddress(), launch_asyncagi(), leave_queue(), load_module(), local_optimization_finished_cb(), local_optimization_started_cb(), mailbox_to_json(), manager_mute_mixmonitor(), meetme_stasis_generate_msg(), message_received_handler(), moh_post_start(), msg_to_json(), notify_new_message(), pack_bridge_and_channels(), parse_register_contact(), peerstatus_to_json(), phase_e_handler(), playback_to_json(), process_log_list(), process_module_list(), publish_async_exec_end(), publish_channel_alarm(), publish_channel_alarm_clear(), publish_cluster_discovery_to_stasis_full(), publish_dahdichannel(), publish_dnd_state(), publish_format_update(), publish_fully_booted(), publish_hangup_handler_message(), publish_load_message_type(), publish_local_bridge_message(), publish_qualify_peer_done(), publish_span_alarm(), publish_span_alarm_clear(), queue_member_blob_create(), really_quit(), record_abandoned(), recording_to_json(), register_verify(), report_fax_status(), report_receive_fax_status(), report_send_fax_status(), return_sorcery_object(), ring_entry(), rna(), rtcp_report_to_json(), s_to_json(), send_agent_complete(), send_agent_login(), send_agent_logoff(), send_conf_stasis(), send_conf_stasis_snapshots(), send_device_state(), send_dtmf_begin_event(), send_dtmf_end_event(), send_join_event(), send_leave_event(), send_mute_event(), send_session_timeout(), send_start_msg_snapshots(), send_unmute_event(), simple_bridge_channel_event(), simple_bridge_event(), simple_channel_event(), simple_endpoint_event(), sip_poke_noanswer(), skinny_register(), skinny_session_cleanup(), socket_process_helper(), stasis_app_device_state_to_json(), stasis_app_exec(), stasis_app_playback_to_json(), stasis_app_recording_to_json(), stasis_app_stored_recording_to_json(), stasis_app_user_event(), stasis_end_to_json(), stasis_start_to_json(), status_to_json(), talk_detect_audiohook_cb(), test_name_number(), try_calling(), unhold_to_json(), unload_module(), update_registry(), and userevent_exec().

592 {
593  struct ast_json *ret;
594  va_list args;
595  va_start(args, format);
596  ret = ast_json_vpack(format, args);
597  va_end(args);
598  return ret;
599 }
struct ast_json * ast_json_vpack(char const *format, va_list ap)
Helper for creating complex JSON values simply.
Definition: json.c:600
const char * args
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).
static snd_pcm_format_t format
Definition: chan_alsa.c:102

◆ ast_json_party_id()

struct ast_json* ast_json_party_id ( struct ast_party_id party)

Construct an ast_party_id as JSON.

partyThe party ID to represent as JSON.
JSON object with name, number and subaddress objects for those that are valid in the party ID

Definition at line 784 of file json.c.

References ast_describe_caller_presentation(), ast_json_pack(), ast_party_id_presentation(), json_party_name(), json_party_number(), json_party_subaddress(), ast_party_id::name, ast_party_id::number, and ast_party_id::subaddress.

785 {
786  int pres = ast_party_id_presentation(party);
788  /* Combined party presentation */
789  return ast_json_pack("{s: i, s: s, s: o*, s: o*, s: o*}",
790  "presentation", pres,
791  "presentation_txt", ast_describe_caller_presentation(pres),
792  "number", json_party_number(&party->number),
793  "name", json_party_name(&party->name),
794  "subaddress", json_party_subaddress(&party->subaddress));
795 }
static struct ast_json * json_party_subaddress(struct ast_party_subaddress *subaddress)
Definition: json.c:773
const char * ast_describe_caller_presentation(int data)
Convert caller ID pres value to explanatory string.
Definition: callerid.c:1164
struct ast_party_name name
Subscriber name.
Definition: channel.h:341
int ast_party_id_presentation(const struct ast_party_id *id)
Determine the overall presentation value for the given party.
Definition: channel.c:1821
static struct ast_json * json_party_number(struct ast_party_number *number)
Definition: json.c:749
struct ast_json * ast_json_pack(char const *format,...)
Helper for creating complex JSON values.
Definition: json.c:591
static struct ast_json * json_party_name(struct ast_party_name *name)
Definition: json.c:761
struct ast_party_subaddress subaddress
Subscriber subaddress.
Definition: channel.h:345
struct ast_party_number number
Subscriber phone number.
Definition: channel.h:343

◆ ast_json_payload_create()

struct ast_json_payload* ast_json_payload_create ( struct ast_json json)

Create an ao2 object to pass json blobs as data payloads for stasis.

jsonthe ast_json blob we are loading
Return values
NULLif we fail to alloc it
pointerto the ast_json_payload created

Definition at line 735 of file json.c.

References ao2_alloc, ast_json_ref(), ast_json_payload::json, json_payload_destructor(), and NULL.

Referenced by ast_manager_publish_event(), ast_system_publish_registry(), cc_publish(), handle_security_event(), publish_acl_change(), publish_cluster_discovery_to_stasis_full(), publish_format_update(), publish_load_message_type(), queue_publish_member_blob(), and stun_monitor_request().

736 {
737  struct ast_json_payload *payload;
739  if (!(payload = ao2_alloc(sizeof(*payload), json_payload_destructor))) {
740  return NULL;
741  }
743  ast_json_ref(json);
744  payload->json = json;
746  return payload;
747 }
struct ast_json * ast_json_ref(struct ast_json *json)
Increase refcount on value.
Definition: json.c:67
static void json_payload_destructor(void *obj)
Definition: json.c:729
struct ast_json * json
Definition: json.h:1025
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
#define ao2_alloc(data_size, destructor_fn)
Definition: astobj2.h:411

◆ ast_json_real_create()

struct ast_json* ast_json_real_create ( double  value)

Create a JSON real number.

valueValue of the new JSON real number.
Newly allocated real number.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 332 of file json.c.

Referenced by ast_ari_asterisk_get_info(), and ast_rtp_convert_stats_json().

333 {
334  return (struct ast_json *)json_real(value);
335 }
int value
Definition: syslog.c:37
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_real_get()

double ast_json_real_get ( const struct ast_json real)

Get the value from a JSON real number.

realJSON real number.
Value of a JSON real number.
0 if real is not a JSON real number.

Definition at line 337 of file json.c.

Referenced by rtcp_report_to_ami().

338 {
339  return json_real_value((json_t *)real);
340 }

◆ ast_json_real_set()

int ast_json_real_set ( struct ast_json real,
double  value 

Set the value of a JSON real number.

integerJSON real number to modify.
valueNew value for real.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 342 of file json.c.

343 {
344  return json_real_set((json_t *)real, value);
345 }
int value
Definition: syslog.c:37

◆ ast_json_ref()

struct ast_json* ast_json_ref ( struct ast_json value)

Increase refcount on value.

valueJSON value to reference.
The given value.

Definition at line 67 of file json.c.

Referenced by alloc_security_event_json_object(), allocate_subscription(), aoc_publish_blob(), app_event_filter_set(), ari_bridges_play_found(), ari_bridges_play_new(), ast_ari_applications_list(), ast_ari_applications_subscribe(), ast_ari_applications_unsubscribe(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_global_var(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_info(), ast_ari_bridges_list(), ast_ari_bridges_record(), ast_ari_channels_get_channel_var(), ast_ari_channels_list(), ast_ari_endpoints_list(), ast_ari_endpoints_list_by_tech(), ast_ari_recordings_list_stored(), ast_ari_response_alloc_failed(), ast_ari_response_error(), ast_ari_websocket_session_read(), ast_bridge_blob_create(), ast_bridge_blob_create_from_snapshots(), ast_bucket_file_json(), ast_bucket_json(), ast_cel_publish_event(), ast_endpoint_blob_create(), ast_json_payload_create(), ast_manager_publish_event(), ast_multi_channel_blob_create(), ast_multi_object_blob_create(), ast_mwi_blob_create(), ast_rtp_publish_rtcp_message(), ast_sip_subscription_set_persistence_data(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), attended_transfer_to_json(), create_channel_blob_message(), create_sound_blob(), generate_filenames_json(), json_array_from_list(), message_received_handler(), multi_user_event_to_json(), phase_e_handler(), publish_load_message_type(), report_receive_fax_status(), return_sorcery_object(), stasis_app_event_filter_to_json(), stasis_app_message_handler(), stasis_app_playback_to_json(), stasis_app_recording_to_json(), and stasis_app_user_event().

68 {
69  json_incref((json_t *)json);
70  return json;
71 }
struct ast_json * json
Definition: json.h:1025

◆ ast_json_reset_alloc_funcs()

void ast_json_reset_alloc_funcs ( void  )

Change alloc funcs back to the resource module defaults.


If you use ast_json_set_alloc_funcs() to temporarily change the allocator functions (i.e., from in a unit test), this function sets them back to ast_malloc() and ast_free().

Definition at line 62 of file json.c.

References ast_json_free(), and ast_json_malloc().

Referenced by ast_json_init(), and json_test_cleanup().

63 {
64  json_set_alloc_funcs(ast_json_malloc, ast_json_free);
65 }
void * ast_json_malloc(size_t size)
Asterisk&#39;s custom JSON allocator. Exposed for use by unit tests.
Definition: json.c:47
void ast_json_free(void *p)
Asterisk&#39;s custom JSON allocator. Exposed for use by unit tests.
Definition: json.c:52

◆ ast_json_set_alloc_funcs()

void ast_json_set_alloc_funcs ( void *(*)(size_t)  malloc_fn,
void(*)(void *)  free_fn 

Set custom allocators instead of the standard ast_malloc() and ast_free().


This is used by the unit tests to do JSON specific memory leak detection. Since it affects all users of the JSON library, shouldn't normally be used.

malloc_fnCustom allocation function.
free_fnMatching free function.

Definition at line 57 of file json.c.

Referenced by json_test_init().

58 {
59  json_set_alloc_funcs(malloc_fn, free_fn);
60 }

◆ ast_json_string_create()

struct ast_json* ast_json_string_create ( const char *  value)

◆ ast_json_string_get()

const char* ast_json_string_get ( const struct ast_json string)

Get the value of a JSON string.

stringJSON string.
Value of the string.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 273 of file json.c.

Referenced by agent_login_to_ami(), agent_logoff_to_ami(), app_send(), append_event_str_single(), append_json_single(), assign_uuid(), ast_ari_applications_subscribe_parse_body(), ast_ari_applications_unsubscribe_parse_body(), ast_ari_asterisk_add_log_parse_body(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_global_var_parse_body(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_info_parse_body(), ast_ari_asterisk_set_global_var_parse_body(), ast_ari_asterisk_update_object(), ast_ari_bridges_add_channel_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_create_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_create_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_play_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_play_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_record_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_remove_channel_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_start_moh_parse_body(), ast_ari_callback(), ast_ari_channels_continue_in_dialplan_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_create_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_dial_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_external_media_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_get_channel_var_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_hangup_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_move_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_mute_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_originate_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_originate_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_play_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_play_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_record_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_redirect_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_send_dtmf_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_set_channel_var_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_snoop_channel_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_snoop_channel_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_start_moh_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_unmute_parse_body(), ast_ari_device_states_update_parse_body(), ast_ari_endpoints_send_message_parse_body(), ast_ari_endpoints_send_message_to_endpoint_parse_body(), ast_ari_events_user_event_parse_body(), ast_ari_playbacks_control_parse_body(), ast_ari_recordings_copy_stored_parse_body(), ast_ari_sounds_list_parse_body(), ast_ari_validate_date(), ast_ari_validate_event(), ast_ari_validate_message(), ast_json_to_ast_variables(), ast_stir_shaken_sign(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), asterisk_publication_devicestate(), asterisk_publication_devicestate_state_change(), asterisk_publication_mailboxstate(), asterisk_publication_mwi_state_change(), cc_available_to_ami(), cc_callerrecalling_to_ami(), cc_callerstartmonitoring_to_ami(), cc_callerstopmonitoring_to_ami(), cc_failure_to_ami(), cc_monitorfailed_to_ami(), cc_offertimerstart_to_ami(), cc_recallcomplete_to_ami(), cc_requestacknowledged_to_ami(), cc_requested_to_ami(), cel_generic_cb(), channel_dial_cb(), channel_dtmf_begin_cb(), channel_dtmf_end_cb(), channel_enter_cb(), channel_fax_cb(), channel_hangup_handler_cb(), channel_hold_cb(), channel_mixmonitor_mute_cb(), channel_moh_start_cb(), compare_caller_id(), confbridge_publish_manager_event(), confbridge_talking_cb(), contactstatus_to_ami(), contactstatus_to_json(), dahdichannel_to_ami(), dial_to_json(), dtmf_end_to_json(), fetch_access_token(), fetch_google_access_token(), get_attestation_from_payload(), get_blob_variable(), handle_dial_message(), handle_masquerade(), hold_to_json(), local_message_to_ami(), manager_generic_msg_cb(), manager_json_value_str_append(), meetme_stasis_cb(), multi_user_event_to_ami(), mwi_app_event_cb(), mwi_startup_event_cb(), peerstatus_to_ami(), playback_to_json(), queue_agent_cb(), recording_to_json(), registry_message_cb(), rtcp_message_handler(), rtcp_report_to_ami(), session_timeout_to_ami(), startup_event_cb(), stasis_app_message_handler(), stir_shaken_verify_json(), subscription_persistence_event_cb(), system_registry_to_ami(), test_suite_event_to_ami(), and varset_to_ami().

274 {
275  return json_string_value((json_t *)string);
276 }

◆ ast_json_string_set()

int ast_json_string_set ( struct ast_json string,
const char *  value 

Change the value of a JSON string.


The given value must be a valid ASCII or UTF-8 encoded string.

stringJSON string to modify.
valueNew value to store in string.
0 on success.
-1 on error.

Definition at line 278 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE(), and conf_send_event_to_participants().

279 {
280  return json_string_set((json_t *)string, value);
281 }
int value
Definition: syslog.c:37

◆ ast_json_stringf()

struct ast_json* ast_json_stringf ( const char *  format,

Create a JSON string, printf style.


The formatted value must be a valid ASCII or UTF-8 encoded string.

formatprintf style format string.
Newly allocated string.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 283 of file json.c.

References args, and ast_json_vstringf().

Referenced by add_json_object(), alloc_security_event_json_object(), ast_ari_get_docs(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), and units_to_json().

284 {
285  struct ast_json *ret;
286  va_list args;
287  va_start(args, format);
288  ret = ast_json_vstringf(format, args);
289  va_end(args);
290  return ret;
291 }
const char * args
struct ast_json * ast_json_vstringf(const char *format, va_list args)
Create a JSON string, vprintf style.
Definition: json.c:293
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).
static snd_pcm_format_t format
Definition: chan_alsa.c:102

◆ ast_json_timeval()

struct ast_json* ast_json_timeval ( const struct timeval  tv,
const char *  zone 

Construct a timeval as JSON.

JSON does not define a standard date format (boo), but the de facto standard is to use ISO 8601 formatted string. We build a millisecond resolution string from the timeval

tvtimeval to encode.
zoneText string of a standard system zoneinfo file. If NULL, the system localtime will be used.
JSON string with ISO 8601 formatted date/time.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 649 of file json.c.

References AST_ISO8601_FORMAT, AST_ISO8601_LEN, ast_json_string_create(), ast_localtime(), ast_strftime(), and buf.

Referenced by add_json_object(), alloc_security_event_json_object(), app_send_end_msg(), app_update(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_info(), ast_ari_asterisk_ping(), ast_bridge_merge_message_to_json(), ast_bridge_snapshot_to_json(), ast_channel_snapshot_to_json(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), attended_transfer_to_json(), blind_transfer_to_json(), channel_blob_to_json(), channel_callerid(), channel_connected_line(), channel_destroyed_event(), channel_dialplan(), contactstatus_to_json(), dial_to_json(), dtmf_end_to_json(), hold_to_json(), message_received_handler(), multi_user_event_to_json(), pack_bridge_and_channels(), peerstatus_to_json(), playback_to_json(), recording_to_json(), send_device_state(), send_start_msg_snapshots(), simple_bridge_channel_event(), simple_bridge_event(), simple_channel_event(), simple_endpoint_event(), stasis_app_exec(), and unhold_to_json().

650 {
651  char buf[AST_ISO8601_LEN];
652  struct ast_tm tm = {};
654  ast_localtime(&tv, &tm, zone);
656  ast_strftime(buf, sizeof(buf),AST_ISO8601_FORMAT, &tm);
658  return ast_json_string_create(buf);
659 }
char buf[BUFSIZE]
Definition: eagi_proxy.c:66
struct ast_tm * ast_localtime(const struct timeval *timep, struct ast_tm *p_tm, const char *zone)
Timezone-independent version of localtime_r(3).
Definition: localtime.c:1739
#define AST_ISO8601_LEN
Max length of an null terminated, millisecond resolution, ISO8601 timestamp string.
Definition: localtime.h:105
#define AST_ISO8601_FORMAT
ast_strftime for ISO8601 formatting timestamps.
Definition: localtime.h:103
int ast_strftime(char *buf, size_t len, const char *format, const struct ast_tm *tm)
Special version of strftime(3) that handles fractions of a second. Takes the same arguments as strfti...
Definition: localtime.c:2524
struct ast_json * ast_json_string_create(const char *value)
Construct a JSON string from value.
Definition: json.c:268

◆ ast_json_to_ast_variables()

enum ast_json_to_ast_vars_code ast_json_to_ast_variables ( struct ast_json json_variables,
struct ast_variable **  variables 

Convert a ast_json list of key/value pair tuples into a ast_variable list.

json_variablesThe JSON blob containing the variable
variablesAn out reference to the variables to populate.
struct ast_json *json_variables = ast_json_pack("[ { s: s } ]", "foo", "bar");
struct ast_variable *variables = NULL;
int res;
res = ast_json_to_ast_variables(json_variables, &variables);
Conversion enum ast_json_to_ast_vars_code status

Definition at line 797 of file json.c.

References ast_assert, ast_json_object_iter(), ast_json_object_iter_key(), ast_json_object_iter_next(), ast_json_object_iter_value(), AST_JSON_STRING, ast_json_string_get(), AST_JSON_TO_AST_VARS_CODE_INVALID_TYPE, AST_JSON_TO_AST_VARS_CODE_OOM, AST_JSON_TO_AST_VARS_CODE_SUCCESS, ast_json_typeof(), ast_strlen_zero, ast_variable_list_append_hint(), ast_variable_new, ast_variables_destroy(), NULL, and value.

Referenced by json_to_ast_variables(), sorcery_astdb_retrieve_fields_common(), sorcery_astdb_retrieve_id(), sorcery_astdb_retrieve_prefix(), and sorcery_astdb_retrieve_regex().

798 {
799  struct ast_json_iter *it_json_var;
800  struct ast_variable *tail = NULL;
802  *variables = NULL;
804  for (it_json_var = ast_json_object_iter(json_variables); it_json_var;
805  it_json_var = ast_json_object_iter_next(json_variables, it_json_var)) {
806  struct ast_variable *new_var;
807  const char *key = ast_json_object_iter_key(it_json_var);
808  const char *value;
809  struct ast_json *json_value;
811  if (ast_strlen_zero(key)) {
812  continue;
813  }
815  json_value = ast_json_object_iter_value(it_json_var);
816  if (ast_json_typeof(json_value) != AST_JSON_STRING) {
817  /* Error: Only strings allowed */
818  ast_variables_destroy(*variables);
819  *variables = NULL;
821  }
822  value = ast_json_string_get(json_value);
823  /* Should never be NULL. Otherwise, how could it be a string type? */
824  ast_assert(value != NULL);
825  if (!value) {
826  /* To be safe. */
827  continue;
828  }
829  new_var = ast_variable_new(key, value, "");
830  if (!new_var) {
831  /* Error: OOM */
832  ast_variables_destroy(*variables);
833  *variables = NULL;
835  }
837  tail = ast_variable_list_append_hint(variables, tail, new_var);
838  }
841 }
struct ast_json * ast_json_object_iter_value(struct ast_json_iter *iter)
Get the value from an iterator.
Definition: json.c:445
void ast_variables_destroy(struct ast_variable *var)
Free variable list.
Definition: extconf.c:1263
Iterator for JSON object key/values.
Structure for variables, used for configurations and for channel variables.
#define ast_assert(a)
Definition: utils.h:695
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
int value
Definition: syslog.c:37
#define ast_strlen_zero(foo)
Definition: strings.h:52
Conversion failed because invalid value type supplied.
Definition: json.h:1058
#define ast_variable_new(name, value, filename)
struct ast_variable * ast_variable_list_append_hint(struct ast_variable **head, struct ast_variable *search_hint, struct ast_variable *new_var)
Appends a variable list to the end of another list.
Definition: main/config.c:648
const char * ast_json_string_get(const struct ast_json *string)
Get the value of a JSON string.
Definition: json.c:273
const char * ast_json_object_iter_key(struct ast_json_iter *iter)
Get the key from an iterator.
Definition: json.c:441
Conversion successful.
Definition: json.h:1053
enum ast_json_type ast_json_typeof(const struct ast_json *json)
Get the type of value.
Definition: json.c:78
Conversion failed because of allocation failure. (Out Of Memory)
Definition: json.h:1060
struct ast_json_iter * ast_json_object_iter_next(struct ast_json *object, struct ast_json_iter *iter)
Get the next iterator.
Definition: json.c:437
struct ast_json_iter * ast_json_object_iter(struct ast_json *object)
Get an iterator pointing to the first field in a JSON object.
Definition: json.c:429
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_true()

struct ast_json* ast_json_true ( void  )

Get the JSON true value.


The returned value is a singleton, and does not need to be ast_json_unref()'ed.

JSON true.

Definition at line 233 of file json.c.

Referenced by AST_TEST_DEFINE().

234 {
235  return (struct ast_json *)json_true();
236 }
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).

◆ ast_json_typename()

const char* ast_json_typename ( enum ast_json_type  type)

Get the string name for the given type.

typeType to convert to string.
Simple string for the type name (object, array, string, etc.)
"?" for invalid types.

Definition at line 95 of file json.c.


Referenced by ast_ari_validate_boolean(), and check_type().

96 {
97  switch (type) {
98  case AST_JSON_OBJECT: return "object";
99  case AST_JSON_ARRAY: return "array";
100  case AST_JSON_STRING: return "string";
101  case AST_JSON_INTEGER: return "integer";
102  case AST_JSON_REAL: return "real";
103  case AST_JSON_TRUE: return "boolean";
104  case AST_JSON_FALSE: return "boolean";
105  case AST_JSON_NULL: return "null";
106  }
107  ast_assert(0);
108  return "?";
109 }
static const char type[]
Definition: chan_ooh323.c:109
#define ast_assert(a)
Definition: utils.h:695

◆ ast_json_typeof()

enum ast_json_type ast_json_typeof ( const struct ast_json value)

Get the type of value.

valueValue to query.
Type of value.

Definition at line 78 of file json.c.


Referenced by app_event_filter_set(), ast_ari_applications_subscribe_parse_body(), ast_ari_applications_unsubscribe_parse_body(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_info_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_add_channel_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_play_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_play_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_bridges_remove_channel_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_play_parse_body(), ast_ari_channels_play_with_id_parse_body(), ast_ari_events_user_event_parse_body(), ast_ari_validate_boolean(), ast_json_to_ast_variables(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), check_type(), manager_json_to_ast_str(), manager_json_value_str_append(), and pack_bridge_and_channels().

79 {
80  int r = json_typeof((json_t*)json);
81  switch(r) {
83  case JSON_ARRAY: return AST_JSON_ARRAY;
86  case JSON_REAL: return AST_JSON_REAL;
87  case JSON_TRUE: return AST_JSON_TRUE;
88  case JSON_FALSE: return AST_JSON_FALSE;
89  case JSON_NULL: return AST_JSON_NULL;
90  }
91  ast_assert(0); /* Unexpect return from json_typeof */
92  return r;
93 }
#define ast_assert(a)
Definition: utils.h:695

◆ ast_json_unref()

void ast_json_unref ( struct ast_json value)

Decrease refcount on value. If refcount reaches zero, value is freed.

It is safe to pass NULL to this function.

Definition at line 73 of file json.c.

Referenced by __expire_registry(), __iax2_poke_noanswer(), agi_handle_command(), alloc_security_event_json_object(), analog_publish_channel_alarm_clear(), analog_publish_dnd_state(), aoc_event_blob_dtor(), app_data_dtor(), app_dtor(), app_event_filter_set(), app_send_end_msg(), app_to_json(), app_update(), ari_bridges_play_found(), ari_bridges_play_new(), ast_aoc_manager_event(), ast_ari_applications_list(), ast_ari_applications_subscribe(), ast_ari_applications_unsubscribe(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_global_var(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_info(), ast_ari_asterisk_get_module(), ast_ari_asterisk_list_log_channels(), ast_ari_bridges_list(), ast_ari_bridges_record(), ast_ari_callback(), ast_ari_channels_get_channel_var(), ast_ari_channels_list(), ast_ari_endpoints_list(), ast_ari_endpoints_list_by_tech(), ast_ari_recordings_list_stored(), ast_ari_response_error(), ast_ari_sounds_list(), ast_ari_websocket_events_event_websocket_established(), ast_ari_websocket_session_read(), ast_bridge_channel_write_hold(), ast_bridge_merge_message_to_json(), ast_bridge_publish_enter(), ast_bucket_file_json(), ast_bucket_json(), ast_cel_publish_event(), ast_channel_move(), ast_channel_publish_dial_internal(), ast_channel_publish_varset(), ast_endpoint_snapshot_to_json(), ast_manager_publish_event(), ast_queue_hangup_with_cause(), ast_queue_hold(), ast_rtcp_calculate_sr_rr_statistics(), ast_rtcp_interpret(), ast_rtp_convert_stats_json(), ast_sip_persistent_endpoint_publish_contact_state(), ast_sip_persistent_endpoint_update_state(), ast_sip_subscription_set_persistence_data(), ast_softhangup(), ast_sorcery_objectset_json_create(), ast_stir_shaken_payload_free(), ast_system_publish_registry(), AST_TEST_DEFINE(), asterisk_publication_devicestate_state_change(), asterisk_publication_mwi_state_change(), asterisk_publication_send_refresh(), asterisk_publisher_devstate_cb(), asterisk_publisher_mwistate_cb(), attended_transfer_to_json(), beanstalk_put(), blind_transfer_to_json(), bridge_blob_dtor(), cc_publish(), cc_publish_available(), cc_publish_callerrecalling(), cc_publish_callerstartmonitoring(), cc_publish_callerstopmonitoring(), cc_publish_failure(), cc_publish_monitorfailed(), cc_publish_offertimerstart(), cc_publish_recallcomplete(), cc_publish_requestacknowledged(), cc_publish_requested(), cel_attended_transfer_cb(), cel_blind_transfer_cb(), cel_bridge_enter_cb(), cel_bridge_leave_cb(), cel_bs_put(), cel_channel_state_change(), cel_dial_cb(), cel_local_cb(), cel_parking_cb(), cel_pickup_cb(), celgenuserevent_exec(), channel_blob_dtor(), channel_blob_to_json(), channel_to_json(), conf_handle_talker_cb(), conf_run(), conf_send_event_to_participants(), confbridge_handle_atxfer(), contactstatus_to_json(), container_to_json_array(), create_sound_blob(), destroy_subscription(), dial_to_json(), endpoint_blob_dtor(), event_session_shutdown(), event_session_update_websocket(), expire_register(), fetch_access_token(), fetch_google_access_token(), format_log_json(), generate_filenames_json(), handle_msg_cb(), handle_response_peerpoke(), handle_security_event(), join_queue(), json_array_from_list(), json_payload_destructor(), launch_asyncagi(), leave_queue(), local_optimization_finished_cb(), local_optimization_started_cb(), manager_mute_mixmonitor(), meetme_stasis_generate_msg(), message_received_handler(), moh_post_start(), msg_to_json(), multi_channel_blob_dtor(), multi_object_blob_dtor(), mwi_blob_dtor(), notify_new_message(), parse_register_contact(), peerstatus_to_json(), phase_e_handler(), playback_publish(), publish_acl_change(), publish_async_exec_end(), publish_channel_alarm(), publish_channel_alarm_clear(), publish_chanspy_message(), publish_cluster_discovery_to_stasis_full(), publish_dahdichannel(), publish_dnd_state(), publish_format_update(), publish_fully_booted(), publish_hangup_handler_message(), publish_load_message_type(), publish_local_bridge_message(), publish_qualify_peer_done(), publish_span_alarm(), publish_span_alarm_clear(), queue_publish_member_blob(), really_quit(), record_abandoned(), recording_publish(), register_verify(), report_fax_status(), report_receive_fax_status(), report_send_fax_status(), response_free(), return_sorcery_object(), ring_entry(), rna(), rtcp_message_handler(), rtcp_message_payload_dtor(), rtcp_report_to_json(), send_agent_complete(), send_agent_login(), send_agent_logoff(), send_conf_stasis(), send_conf_stasis_snapshots(), send_device_state(), send_dtmf_begin_event(), send_dtmf_end_event(), send_join_event(), send_leave_event(), send_mute_event(), send_session_timeout(), send_talking_event(), send_unmute_event(), simple_bridge_channel_event(), sip_poke_noanswer(), skinny_register(), skinny_session_cleanup(), socket_process_helper(), sorcery_astdb_create(), sorcery_astdb_retrieve_fields_common(), sorcery_astdb_retrieve_id(), sorcery_astdb_retrieve_prefix(), sorcery_astdb_retrieve_regex(), start_message_blob_dtor(), stasis_app_exec(), stasis_app_mailboxes_to_json(), stasis_app_playback_to_json(), stasis_app_recording_to_json(), stasis_app_user_event(), stasis_start_to_json(), stun_monitor_request(), sub_bridge_update_handler(), sub_channel_update_handler(), sub_default_handler(), sub_endpoint_update_handler(), subscription_persistence_destroy(), talk_detect_audiohook_cb(), test_name_number(), test_suite_message_payload_dtor(), try_calling(), unload_module(), update_registry(), and userevent_exec().

74 {
75  json_decref((json_t *) json);
76 }

◆ ast_json_utf8_check()

int ast_json_utf8_check ( const char *  str)

Check the nul terminated string for UTF-8 format.

strString to check.
Return values
0if not UTF-8 encoded or str is NULL.
1if UTF-8 encoded.

Definition at line 228 of file json.c.

References ast_json_utf8_check_len().

229 {
230  return str ? ast_json_utf8_check_len(str, strlen(str)) : 0;
231 }
int ast_json_utf8_check_len(const char *str, size_t len)
Check the string of the given length for UTF-8 format.
Definition: json.c:186
const char * str
Definition: app_jack.c:147

◆ ast_json_utf8_check_len()

int ast_json_utf8_check_len ( const char *  str,
size_t  len 

Check the string of the given length for UTF-8 format.

strString to check.
lenLength of string to check.
Return values
0if not UTF-8 encoded or str is NULL.
1if UTF-8 encoded.

Definition at line 186 of file json.c.

References ast_debug, json_utf8_check_first(), json_utf8_check_full(), and len().

Referenced by ast_json_utf8_check().

187 {
188  size_t pos;
189  size_t count;
190  int res = 1;
192  if (!str) {
193  return 0;
194  }
196  /*
197  * Since the json library does not make the check function
198  * public we recreate/copy the function in our interface
199  * module.
200  *
201  * Loop ported from libjansson utf.c:utf8_check_string()
202  */
203  for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos += count) {
204  count = json_utf8_check_first(str[pos]);
205  if (count == 0) {
206  res = 0;
207  break;
208  } else if (count > 1) {
209  if (count > len - pos) {
210  /* UTF-8 needs more than we have left in the string. */
211  res = 0;
212  break;
213  }
215  if (!json_utf8_check_full(&str[pos], count)) {
216  res = 0;
217  break;
218  }
219  }
220  }
222  if (!res) {
223  ast_debug(1, "String '%.*s' is not UTF-8 for json conversion\n", (int) len, str);
224  }
225  return res;
226 }
static size_t json_utf8_check_full(const char *str, size_t len)
Definition: json.c:144
const char * str
Definition: app_jack.c:147
#define ast_debug(level,...)
Log a DEBUG message.
Definition: logger.h:452
static int len(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *cmd, char *data, char *buf, size_t buflen)
static size_t json_utf8_check_first(char byte)
Definition: json.c:112

◆ ast_json_vpack()

struct ast_json* ast_json_vpack ( char const *  format,
va_list  ap 

Helper for creating complex JSON values simply.


See original Jansson docs at for more details.

Definition at line 600 of file json.c.

References ast_log, ast_log_backtrace(), ast_strlen_zero, error(), LOG_ERROR, and NULL.

Referenced by ast_json_pack().

601 {
602  json_error_t error;
603  struct ast_json *r = NULL;
604  if (format) {
605  r = (struct ast_json *)json_vpack_ex(&error, 0, format, ap);
606  if (!r && !ast_strlen_zero(error.text)) {
608  "Error building JSON from '%s': %s.\n",
609  format, error.text);
611  }
612  }
613  return r;
614 }
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
#define ast_strlen_zero(foo)
Definition: strings.h:52
void ast_log_backtrace(void)
Log a backtrace of the current thread&#39;s execution stack to the Asterisk log.
Definition: logger.c:2158
#define ast_log
Definition: astobj2.c:42
#define LOG_ERROR
Definition: logger.h:285
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).
int error(const char *format,...)
Definition: utils/frame.c:999
static snd_pcm_format_t format
Definition: chan_alsa.c:102

◆ ast_json_vstringf()

struct ast_json* ast_json_vstringf ( const char *  format,
va_list  args 

Create a JSON string, vprintf style.


The formatted value must be a valid ASCII or UTF-8 encoded string.

formatprintf style format string.
Newly allocated string.
NULL on error.

Definition at line 293 of file json.c.

References ast_free, ast_vasprintf, NULL, and str.

Referenced by ast_ari_response_error(), and ast_json_stringf().

294 {
295  json_t *ret = NULL;
297  if (format) {
298  /* json_pack was not introduced until jansson-2.0 so Asterisk could never
299  * be compiled against older versions. The version check can never match
300  * anything older than 2.12. */
302  ret = json_vsprintf(format, args);
303 #else
304  char *str = NULL;
305  int err = ast_vasprintf(&str, format, args);
307  if (err >= 0) {
308  ret = json_string(str);
309  ast_free(str);
310  }
311 #endif
312  }
314  return (struct ast_json *)ret;
315 }
#define ast_vasprintf(ret, fmt, ap)
A wrapper for vasprintf()
Definition: astmm.h:280
const char * str
Definition: app_jack.c:147
const char * args
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
#define ast_free(a)
Definition: astmm.h:182
Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...).
static snd_pcm_format_t format
Definition: chan_alsa.c:102

◆ copy_error()

static void copy_error ( struct ast_json_error error,
const json_error_t *  jansson_error 

Copy Jansson error struct to ours.

Definition at line 523 of file json.c.

References ast_copy_string(), ast_json_error::column, ast_json_error::line, ast_json_error::position, ast_json_error::source, and ast_json_error::text.

Referenced by ast_json_load_buf(), ast_json_load_file(), ast_json_load_new_file(), and ast_json_load_string().

524 {
525  if (error && jansson_error) {
526  error->line = jansson_error->line;
527  error->column = jansson_error->column;
528  error->position = jansson_error->position;
529  ast_copy_string(error->text, jansson_error->text, sizeof(error->text));
530  ast_copy_string(error->source, jansson_error->source, sizeof(error->source));
531  }
533 }
int position
Definition: json.h:835
Definition: json.h:837
int column
Definition: json.h:833
Definition: json.h:839
void ast_copy_string(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
Size-limited null-terminating string copy.
Definition: strings.h:401
int line
Definition: json.h:831

◆ dump_flags()

static size_t dump_flags ( enum ast_json_encoding_format  format)

Default flags for JSON encoding.

Definition at line 457 of file json.c.


Referenced by ast_json_dump_file_format(), ast_json_dump_new_file_format(), ast_json_dump_str_format(), and ast_json_dump_string_format().

458 {
459  return format == AST_JSON_PRETTY ?
461 }
static snd_pcm_format_t format
Definition: chan_alsa.c:102

◆ json_party_name()

static struct ast_json* json_party_name ( struct ast_party_name name)

Definition at line 761 of file json.c.

References ast_describe_caller_presentation(), ast_json_pack(), AST_JSON_UTF8_VALIDATE, ast_party_name_charset_describe(), ast_party_name::char_set, NULL, ast_party_name::presentation, ast_party_name::str, and ast_party_name::valid.

Referenced by ast_json_party_id().

762 {
763  if (!name->valid) {
764  return NULL;
765  }
766  return ast_json_pack("{s: s, s: s, s: i, s: s}",
767  "name", AST_JSON_UTF8_VALIDATE(name->str),
768  "character_set", ast_party_name_charset_describe(name->char_set),
769  "presentation", name->presentation,
770  "presentation_txt", ast_describe_caller_presentation(name->presentation));
771 }
int presentation
Q.931 encoded presentation-indicator encoded field.
Definition: channel.h:278
const char * ast_describe_caller_presentation(int data)
Convert caller ID pres value to explanatory string.
Definition: callerid.c:1164
int char_set
Character set the name is using.
Definition: channel.h:273
char * str
Subscriber name (Malloced)
Definition: channel.h:265
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
struct ast_json * ast_json_pack(char const *format,...)
Helper for creating complex JSON values.
Definition: json.c:591
unsigned char valid
TRUE if the name information is valid/present.
Definition: channel.h:280
Check str for UTF-8 and replace with an empty string if fails the check.
Definition: json.h:224
const char * ast_party_name_charset_describe(int data)
Convert ast_party_name.char_set value to explanatory string.
Definition: callerid.c:1347

◆ json_party_number()

static struct ast_json* json_party_number ( struct ast_party_number number)

Definition at line 749 of file json.c.

References ast_describe_caller_presentation(), ast_json_pack(), AST_JSON_UTF8_VALIDATE, NULL, ast_party_number::plan, ast_party_number::presentation, ast_party_number::str, and ast_party_number::valid.

Referenced by ast_json_party_id().

750 {
751  if (!number->valid) {
752  return NULL;
753  }
754  return ast_json_pack("{s: s, s: i, s: i, s: s}",
755  "number", AST_JSON_UTF8_VALIDATE(number->str),
756  "plan", number->plan,
757  "presentation", number->presentation,
758  "presentation_txt", ast_describe_caller_presentation(number->presentation));
759 }
char * str
Subscriber phone number (Malloced)
Definition: channel.h:292
int presentation
Q.931 presentation-indicator and screening-indicator encoded fields.
Definition: channel.h:296
const char * ast_describe_caller_presentation(int data)
Convert caller ID pres value to explanatory string.
Definition: callerid.c:1164
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
struct ast_json * ast_json_pack(char const *format,...)
Helper for creating complex JSON values.
Definition: json.c:591
int plan
Q.931 Type-Of-Number and Numbering-Plan encoded fields.
Definition: channel.h:294
Check str for UTF-8 and replace with an empty string if fails the check.
Definition: json.h:224
unsigned char valid
TRUE if the number information is valid/present.
Definition: channel.h:298

◆ json_party_subaddress()

static struct ast_json* json_party_subaddress ( struct ast_party_subaddress subaddress)

Definition at line 773 of file json.c.

References ast_json_pack(), AST_JSON_UTF8_VALIDATE, NULL, ast_party_subaddress::odd_even_indicator, ast_party_subaddress::str, ast_party_subaddress::type, and ast_party_subaddress::valid.

Referenced by ast_json_party_id().

774 {
775  if (!subaddress->valid) {
776  return NULL;
777  }
778  return ast_json_pack("{s: s, s: i, s: b}",
779  "subaddress", AST_JSON_UTF8_VALIDATE(subaddress->str),
780  "type", subaddress->type,
781  "odd", subaddress->odd_even_indicator);
782 }
unsigned char valid
TRUE if the subaddress information is valid/present.
Definition: channel.h:329
char * str
Malloced subaddress string.
Definition: channel.h:314
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
unsigned char odd_even_indicator
TRUE if odd number of address signals.
Definition: channel.h:327
struct ast_json * ast_json_pack(char const *format,...)
Helper for creating complex JSON values.
Definition: json.c:591
int type
Q.931 subaddress type.
Definition: channel.h:321
Check str for UTF-8 and replace with an empty string if fails the check.
Definition: json.h:224

◆ json_payload_destructor()

static void json_payload_destructor ( void *  obj)

Definition at line 729 of file json.c.

References ast_json_unref(), and ast_json_payload::json.

Referenced by ast_json_payload_create().

730 {
731  struct ast_json_payload *payload = obj;
732  ast_json_unref(payload->json);
733 }
struct ast_json * json
Definition: json.h:1025
void ast_json_unref(struct ast_json *json)
Decrease refcount on value. If refcount reaches zero, value is freed.
Definition: json.c:73

◆ json_utf8_check_first()

static size_t json_utf8_check_first ( char  byte)

Definition at line 112 of file json.c.

Referenced by ast_json_utf8_check_len().

113 {
114  unsigned char ch = (unsigned char) byte;
116  if (ch < 0x80) {
117  return 1;
118  }
120  if (0x80 <= ch && ch <= 0xBF) {
121  /* second, third or fourth byte of a multi-byte
122  sequence, i.e. a "continuation byte" */
123  return 0;
124  } else if (ch == 0xC0 || ch == 0xC1) {
125  /* overlong encoding of an ASCII byte */
126  return 0;
127  } else if (0xC2 <= ch && ch <= 0xDF) {
128  /* 2-byte sequence */
129  return 2;
130  } else if (0xE0 <= ch && ch <= 0xEF) {
131  /* 3-byte sequence */
132  return 3;
133  } else if (0xF0 <= ch && ch <= 0xF4) {
134  /* 4-byte sequence */
135  return 4;
136  } else { /* ch >= 0xF5 */
137  /* Restricted (start of 4-, 5- or 6-byte sequence) or invalid
138  UTF-8 */
139  return 0;
140  }
141 }

◆ json_utf8_check_full()

static size_t json_utf8_check_full ( const char *  str,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 144 of file json.c.

References len(), and value.

Referenced by ast_json_utf8_check_len().

145 {
146  size_t pos;
147  int32_t value;
148  unsigned char ch = (unsigned char) str[0];
150  if (len == 2) {
151  value = ch & 0x1F;
152  } else if (len == 3) {
153  value = ch & 0xF;
154  } else if (len == 4) {
155  value = ch & 0x7;
156  } else {
157  return 0;
158  }
160  for (pos = 1; pos < len; ++pos) {
161  ch = (unsigned char) str[pos];
162  if (ch < 0x80 || ch > 0xBF) {
163  /* not a continuation byte */
164  return 0;
165  }
167  value = (value << 6) + (ch & 0x3F);
168  }
170  if (value > 0x10FFFF) {
171  /* not in Unicode range */
172  return 0;
173  } else if (0xD800 <= value && value <= 0xDFFF) {
174  /* invalid code point (UTF-16 surrogate halves) */
175  return 0;
176  } else if ((len == 2 && value < 0x80)
177  || (len == 3 && value < 0x800)
178  || (len == 4 && value < 0x10000)) {
179  /* overlong encoding */
180  return 0;
181  }
183  return 1;
184 }
const char * str
Definition: app_jack.c:147
int value
Definition: syslog.c:37
static int len(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *cmd, char *data, char *buf, size_t buflen)
int int32_t
Definition: db.h:60

◆ parse_error()

static void parse_error ( struct ast_json_error error,
const char *  text,
const char *  source 

Definition at line 535 of file json.c.

References ast_json_error::column, ast_json_error::line, NULL, ast_json_error::position, ast_json_error::source, and ast_json_error::text.

Referenced by ast_json_load_file(), and ast_json_load_string().

536 {
537  if (error != NULL) {
538  error->line = 0;
539  error->column = 0;
540  error->position = 0;
541  strncpy(error->text, text, sizeof(error->text));
542  strncpy(error->source, source, sizeof(error->text));
543  }
544 }
int position
Definition: json.h:835
Definition: json.h:837
char * text
Definition: app_queue.c:1508
#define NULL
Definition: resample.c:96
int column
Definition: json.h:833
Definition: json.h:839
int line
Definition: json.h:831

◆ write_to_ast_str()

static int write_to_ast_str ( const char *  buffer,
size_t  size,
void *  data 

Definition at line 468 of file json.c.

References ast_str_append_substr(), ast_str_make_space, ast_str_size(), and ast_str_strlen().

Referenced by ast_json_dump_str_format().

469 {
470  struct ast_str **dst = data;
471  size_t str_size = ast_str_size(*dst);
472  size_t remaining = str_size - ast_str_strlen(*dst);
473  int ret;
475  /* While ast_str_append will grow the ast_str, it won't report
476  * allocation errors. Fortunately, it's not that hard.
477  */
479  /* Remaining needs to be big enough for buffer, plus null char */
480  while (remaining < size + 1) {
481  /* doubling the size of the buffer gives us 'amortized
482  * constant' time.
483  * See for info.
484  */
485  str_size *= 2;
486  remaining = str_size - ast_str_strlen(*dst);
487  }
489  ret = ast_str_make_space(dst, str_size);
490  if (ret == -1) {
491  /* Could not alloc; fail */
492  return -1;
493  }
495  ast_str_append_substr(dst, -1, buffer, size);
496  return 0;
497 }
size_t ast_str_size(const struct ast_str *buf)
Returns the current maximum length (without reallocation) of the current buffer.
Definition: strings.h:699
#define ast_str_make_space(buf, new_len)
Definition: strings.h:780
char * ast_str_append_substr(struct ast_str **buf, ssize_t maxlen, const char *src, size_t maxsrc)
Append a non-NULL terminated substring to the end of a dynamic string.
Definition: strings.h:1014
The descriptor of a dynamic string XXX storage will be optimized later if needed We use the ts field ...
Definition: strings.h:584
size_t ast_str_strlen(const struct ast_str *buf)
Returns the current length of the string stored within buf.
Definition: strings.h:688