C__db | |
C__priv_data | |
C__show_chan_arg | Argument for the 'show channels|subscriptions' callback |
C__subtype_ast_party_func_args | |
C__subtype_ast_party_members | |
C_binternal | |
C_bkt | |
C_bleaf | |
C_btmeta | |
C_btree | |
C_bufhead | |
C_cfg_paths | |
C_cm | |
Csqlite_cache_tables::_columns | |
Codbc_cache_tables::_columns | |
C_cursor | |
C_epg | |
C_epgno | |
C_map_x_s | Generic struct to map between strings and integers. Fill it with x-s pairs, terminate with an entry with s = NULL; Then you can call map_x_s(...) to map an integer to a string, and map_s_x() for the string -> integer mapping |
C_page | |
C_rinternal | |
C_rleaf | |
Cacf_odbc_query | |
Cacf_root | Registered functions container |
Cacl | |
Caco_file | The representation of a single configuration file to be processed |
Caco_info | |
Caco_info_internal | Bits of aco_info that shouldn't be assigned outside this file |
Caco_option | |
Caco_type | Type information about a category-level configurable object |
Caco_type_internal | |
Cactions | List of actions registered |
Cactivate_call_plane_message | |
Cactive_list | |
Cadapter_pvt | |
Cadapters | |
Caddr_range | |
Cadpcm_decoder_pvt | Workspace for translating ADPCM signals to signed linear |
Cadpcm_encoder_pvt | Workspace for translating signed linear signals to ADPCM |
Cadpcm_state | |
Cadsi_display | |
Cadsi_event | |
Cadsi_flag | |
Cadsi_funcs | |
Cadsi_key_cmd | |
Cadsi_script | |
Cadsi_soft_key | |
Cadsi_state | |
Cadsi_subscript | |
Cael_extension | |
Cael_priority | |
Cafter_bridge_cb_ds | |
Cafter_bridge_cb_node | |
Cafter_bridge_goto_ds | |
Cagent_cfg | |
Cagent_complete | |
Cagent_pvt | Structure representing an agent |
Cagents_cfg | |
Cagi_cmd | |
Cagi_command | |
Cagi_commands | |
Cagi_state | |
Calarm_message | |
Calias_mailbox_mapping | |
Calist | |
Call_events | |
Callowed_bearers | |
Callowed_field | A field that we understand and can perform operations on |
Calltrans | |
Canalog_callback | |
Canalog_dialoperation | |
Canalog_pvt | |
Canalog_subchannel | |
Cannounce_listitem | |
Cannounce_pvt | |
Canswer_data | |
Canswer_exec_struct | Structure for 'ANSWER_EXEC' option |
Cao2_container | Generic container type |
Cao2_container_hash | |
Cao2_container_methods | |
Cao2_container_node | Generic container node |
Cao2_container_rbtree | |
Cao2_global_obj | |
Cao2_iterator | When we need to walk through a container, we use an ao2_iterator to keep track of the current position |
Cao2_lock_priv | |
Cao2_lockobj_priv | |
Cao2_rwlock_priv | |
Cao2_weakproxy | This struct should be opaque, but it's size is needed |
Cao2_weakproxy_notification | |
Caoc_event_blob | |
Caoc_ie_billing | |
Caoc_ie_charging_association | |
Caoc_ie_charging_rate | |
Caoc_ie_currency | |
Caoc_ie_data | |
Caoc_ie_unit | |
Caoc_pl_ie_hdr | AOC IE payload header |
Caor_core_response | |
Capp_cdr_message_payload | |
Capp_complete | |
Capp_control_rules | |
Capp_data | |
Capp_forwards | |
Capplication_tuple | Storage object for an application |
Capps | Registered applications container |
Cargapp | |
Cari_channel_thread_data | |
Cari_origination | Structure used for origination |
Casent | |
Caslist | |
Cassociation | |
Cast_acl | Ast_acl is a linked list node of ast_ha structs which may have names |
Cast_acl_list | Wrapper for an ast_acl linked list |
Cast_aoc_charging_association | |
Cast_aoc_charging_association_number | |
Cast_aoc_decoded | |
Cast_aoc_duration_rate | |
Cast_aoc_encoded | |
Cast_aoc_flat_rate | |
Cast_aoc_s_entry | |
Cast_aoc_time | |
Cast_aoc_unit_entry | |
Cast_aoc_volume_rate | |
Cast_app | Ast_app: A registered application |
Cast_app_option | A structure to hold the description of an application 'option' |
Cast_app_stack_funcs | Stack applications callback functions |
Cast_applicationmap_item | An applicationmap configuration item |
Cast_ari_applications_filter_args | |
Cast_ari_applications_get_args | |
Cast_ari_applications_list_args | |
Cast_ari_applications_subscribe_args | |
Cast_ari_applications_unsubscribe_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_add_log_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_delete_log_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_delete_object_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_get_global_var_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_get_info_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_get_module_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_get_object_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_list_log_channels_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_list_modules_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_load_module_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_ping_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_reload_module_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_rotate_log_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_set_global_var_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_unload_module_args | |
Cast_ari_asterisk_update_object_args | |
Cast_ari_bridges_add_channel_args | |
Cast_ari_bridges_clear_video_source_args | |
Cast_ari_bridges_create_args | |
Cast_ari_bridges_create_with_id_args | |
Cast_ari_bridges_destroy_args | |
Cast_ari_bridges_get_args | |
Cast_ari_bridges_list_args | |
Cast_ari_bridges_play_args | |
Cast_ari_bridges_play_with_id_args | |
Cast_ari_bridges_record_args | |
Cast_ari_bridges_remove_channel_args | |
Cast_ari_bridges_set_video_source_args | |
Cast_ari_bridges_start_moh_args | |
Cast_ari_bridges_stop_moh_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_answer_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_continue_in_dialplan_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_create_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_dial_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_external_media_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_get_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_get_channel_var_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_hangup_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_hold_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_list_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_move_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_mute_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_originate_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_originate_with_id_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_play_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_play_with_id_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_record_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_redirect_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_ring_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_ring_stop_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_rtpstatistics_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_send_dtmf_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_set_channel_var_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_snoop_channel_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_snoop_channel_with_id_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_start_moh_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_start_silence_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_stop_moh_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_stop_silence_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_unhold_args | |
Cast_ari_channels_unmute_args | |
Cast_ari_conf | All configuration options for ARI |
Cast_ari_conf_general | Global configuration options for ARI |
Cast_ari_conf_user | Per-user configuration options |
Cast_ari_device_states_delete_args | |
Cast_ari_device_states_get_args | |
Cast_ari_device_states_list_args | |
Cast_ari_device_states_update_args | |
Cast_ari_endpoints_get_args | |
Cast_ari_endpoints_list_args | |
Cast_ari_endpoints_list_by_tech_args | |
Cast_ari_endpoints_send_message_args | |
Cast_ari_endpoints_send_message_to_endpoint_args | |
Cast_ari_events_event_websocket_args | |
Cast_ari_events_user_event_args | |
Cast_ari_mailboxes_delete_args | |
Cast_ari_mailboxes_get_args | |
Cast_ari_mailboxes_list_args | |
Cast_ari_mailboxes_update_args | |
Cast_ari_playbacks_control_args | |
Cast_ari_playbacks_get_args | |
Cast_ari_playbacks_stop_args | |
Cast_ari_recordings_cancel_args | |
Cast_ari_recordings_copy_stored_args | |
Cast_ari_recordings_delete_stored_args | |
Cast_ari_recordings_get_live_args | |
Cast_ari_recordings_get_stored_args | |
Cast_ari_recordings_get_stored_file_args | |
Cast_ari_recordings_list_stored_args | |
Cast_ari_recordings_mute_args | |
Cast_ari_recordings_pause_args | |
Cast_ari_recordings_stop_args | |
Cast_ari_recordings_unmute_args | |
Cast_ari_recordings_unpause_args | |
Cast_ari_response | |
Cast_ari_sounds_get_args | |
Cast_ari_sounds_list_args | |
Cast_ari_websocket_session | |
Cast_assigned_ids | Structure to pass both assignedid values to channel drivers |
Cast_atexit | |
Cast_attended_transfer_message | Message representing attended transfer |
Cast_audiohook | |
Cast_audiohook_list | |
Cast_audiohook_options | |
Cast_audiohook_translate | |
Cast_autochan | |
Cast_autochan_list | |
Cast_autohint | Structure for dial plan autohints |
Cast_blind_transfer_message | Message published during a blind transfer |
Cast_bridge | Structure that contains information about a bridge |
Cast_bridge_blob | Blob of data associated with a bridge |
Cast_bridge_channel | Structure that contains information regarding a channel in a bridge |
Cast_bridge_channel_snapshot_pair | Pair showing a bridge snapshot and a specific channel snapshot belonging to the bridge |
Cast_bridge_channels_list | |
Cast_bridge_config | Bridge configuration |
Cast_bridge_features | Structure that contains features information |
Cast_bridge_features_attended_transfer | Structure that contains configuration information for the attended transfer built in feature |
Cast_bridge_features_automixmonitor | |
Cast_bridge_features_automonitor | |
Cast_bridge_features_blind_transfer | Structure that contains configuration information for the blind transfer built in feature |
Cast_bridge_features_limits | Structure that contains configuration information for the limits feature |
Cast_bridge_hook | Structure that is the essence of a feature hook |
Cast_bridge_hook_dtmf | |
Cast_bridge_hook_dtmf_parms | |
Cast_bridge_hook_timer | |
Cast_bridge_hook_timer_parms | |
Cast_bridge_merge_message | Message representing the merge of two bridges |
Cast_bridge_methods | Bridge virtual methods table definition |
Cast_bridge_parking | |
Cast_bridge_snapshot | Structure that contains a snapshot of information about a bridge |
Cast_bridge_snapshot_update | |
Cast_bridge_softmix | |
Cast_bridge_tech_optimizations | Structure specific to bridge technologies capable of performing talking optimizations |
Cast_bridge_technology | Structure that is the essence of a bridge technology |
Cast_bridge_thread_obj | |
Cast_bridge_video_mode | Data structure that defines a video source mode |
Cast_bridge_video_sfu_data | This is used for selective forwarding unit configuration |
Cast_bridge_video_single_src_data | This is used for both SINGLE_SRC mode to set what channel should be the current single video feed |
Cast_bridge_video_talker_src_data | This is used for both SINGLE_SRC_TALKER mode to set what channel should be the current single video feed |
Cast_bt | |
Cast_bucket | Bucket structure, contains other buckets and files |
Cast_bucket_file | Bucket file structure, contains reference to file and information about it |
Cast_bucket_metadata | Bucket metadata structure, AO2 key value pair |
Cast_bucket_scheme | Structure for available schemes |
Cast_calendar | Asterisk calendar structure |
Cast_calendar_attendee | |
Cast_calendar_event | |
Cast_calendar_tech | Individual calendaring technology data |
Cast_category | |
Cast_category_template_instance | |
Cast_cb_names | |
Cast_cc_agent | |
Cast_cc_agent_callbacks | |
Cast_cc_config_params | |
Cast_cc_interface | Structure with information about an outbound interface |
Cast_cc_monitor | |
Cast_cc_monitor_callbacks | Callbacks defined by CC monitors |
Cast_cc_monitor_failure_data | |
Cast_cdr | Responsible for call detail data |
Cast_cdr_config | The global options available for CDRs |
Cast_cel_event_record | Helper struct for getting the fields out of a CEL event |
Cast_cel_general_config | A structure to hold CEL global configuration options |
Cast_cfhttp_methods_text | |
Cast_chan | |
Cast_chan_write_info_t | Structure to handle passing func_channel_write info to channels via setoption |
Cast_channel | Main Channel structure associated with a channel |
Cast_channel_blob | Blob of data associated with a channel |
Cast_channel_id | Channel UniqueId structure |
Cast_channel_iterator | |
Cast_channel_monitor | |
Cast_channel_snapshot | Structure representing a snapshot of channel state |
Cast_channel_snapshot_base | Structure containing base information for a channel snapshot |
Cast_channel_snapshot_bridge | Structure containing bridge information for a channel snapshot |
Cast_channel_snapshot_caller | Structure containing caller information for a channel snapshot |
Cast_channel_snapshot_connected | Structure containing connected information for a channel snapshot |
Cast_channel_snapshot_dialplan | Structure containing dialplan information for a channel snapshot |
Cast_channel_snapshot_hangup | Structure containing hangup information for a channel snapshot |
Cast_channel_snapshot_peer | Structure containing peer information for a channel snapshot |
Cast_channel_snapshot_update | Structure representing a change of snapshot of channel state |
Cast_channel_tech | Structure to describe a channel "technology", ie a channel driver See for examples: |
Cast_cli_args | |
Cast_cli_entry | Descriptor for a cli entry |
Cast_codec | Represents a media codec within Asterisk |
Cast_comment | Structure to keep comments for rewriting configuration files |
Cast_conf_user | The MeetMe User object |
Cast_conference | The MeetMe Conference object |
Cast_config | |
Cast_config_engine | Configuration engine structure, used to define realtime drivers |
Cast_config_include | |
Cast_config_map | |
Cast_context | Ast_context: An extension context - must remain in sync with fake_context |
Cast_control_pvt_cause_code | |
Cast_control_read_action_payload | |
Cast_control_t38_parameters | |
Cast_custom_function | Data structure associated with a custom dialplan function |
Cast_data_buffer | Data buffer containing fixed number of data payloads |
Cast_datastore | Structure for a data store object |
Cast_datastore_info | Structure for a data store type |
Cast_datastore_list | |
Cast_db_entry | |
Cast_device_state_info | |
Cast_device_state_message | The structure that contains device state |
Cast_devstate_aggregate | You shouldn't care about the contents of this struct |
Cast_dial | Main dialing structure. Contains global options, channels being dialed, and more! |
Cast_dial_channel | Dialing channel structure. Contains per-channel dialing options, asterisk channel, and more! |
Cast_dial_features | |
Cast_dns_naptr_record | A NAPTR record |
Cast_dns_query | A DNS query |
Cast_dns_query_active | An active DNS query |
Cast_dns_query_recurring | A recurring DNS query |
Cast_dns_query_set | A set of DNS queries |
Cast_dns_record | For AST_LIST |
Cast_dns_resolver | DNS resolver implementation |
Cast_dns_result | The result of a DNS query |
Cast_dns_srv_record | An SRV record |
Cast_dns_test_string | Representation of a string in DNS |
Cast_dns_txt_record | A TXT record |
Cast_dnsmgr_entry | |
Cast_dsp | |
Cast_dsp_busy_pattern | |
Cast_eid | An Entity ID is essentially a MAC address, brief and unique |
Cast_endpoint | |
Cast_endpoint_blob | Blob of data associated with an endpoint |
Cast_endpoint_snapshot | A snapshot of an endpoint's state |
Cast_ev_check_list | Subscription event check list |
Cast_event | An event |
Cast_event_ie | An event information element |
Cast_event_ie_str_payload | The payload for a string information element |
Cast_event_ie_val | |
Cast_event_iterator | Supposed to be an opaque type |
Cast_exten | Ast_exten: An extension The dialplan is saved as a linked list with each context having it's own linked list of extensions - one item per priority |
Cast_fax_debug_info | |
Cast_fax_document | |
Cast_fax_documents | |
Cast_fax_session | The data required to handle a fax session |
Cast_fax_session_details | The data communicated between the high level applications and the generic fax function |
Cast_fax_t38_parameters | |
Cast_fax_tech | Used to register a FAX technology module with res_fax |
Cast_fdset | |
Cast_featuremap_config | Configuration for the builtin features |
Cast_features_general_config | General features configuration items |
Cast_features_pickup_config | Configuration relating to call pickup |
Cast_features_xfer_config | Feature configuration relating to transfers |
Cast_filestream | This structure is allocated by file.c in one chunk, together with buf_size and desc_size bytes of memory to be used for private purposes (e.g. buffers etc.) |
Cast_flags | Structure used to handle boolean flags |
Cast_flags64 | Structure used to handle a large number of boolean flags == used only in app_dial? |
Cast_format | Definition of a media format |
Cast_format_cap | Format capabilities structure, holds formats + preference order + etc |
Cast_format_def | Each supported file format is described by the following structure |
Cast_format_interface | Optional format interface to extend format operations |
Cast_frame | Data structure associated with a single frame of data |
Cast_frame_cache | |
Cast_frame_subclass | |
Cast_framehook | |
Cast_framehook_interface | |
Cast_framehook_list | |
Cast_frames | This is just so ast_frames, a list head struct for holding a list of ast_frame structures, is defined |
Cast_generator | |
Cast_group_info | Channel group info |
Cast_ha | Internal representation of ACL entries In principle user applications would have no need for this, but there is sometimes a need to extract individual items, e.g. to print them, and rather than defining iterators to navigate the list, and an externally visible 'struct ast_ha_entry', at least in the short term it is more convenient to make the whole thing public and let users play with them |
Cast_hangup_handler | |
Cast_hangup_handler_list | |
Cast_hashtab | |
Cast_hashtab_bucket | |
Cast_hashtab_iter | Iterator for traversing the buckets |
Cast_heap | |
Cast_hint | Structure for dial plan hints |
Cast_hintdevice | Structure for dial plan hint devices |
Cast_hostent | |
Cast_http_auth | HTTP authentication information |
Cast_http_digest | |
Cast_http_uri | Definition of a URI handler |
Cast_iax2_firmware_header | |
Cast_iax2_full_enc_hdr | |
Cast_iax2_full_hdr | |
Cast_iax2_meta_hdr | |
Cast_iax2_meta_trunk_entry | |
Cast_iax2_meta_trunk_hdr | |
Cast_iax2_meta_trunk_mini | |
Cast_iax2_mini_enc_hdr | |
Cast_iax2_mini_hdr | |
Cast_iax2_video_hdr | |
Cast_ice_host_candidate | Structure which contains ICE host candidate mapping information |
Cast_ignorepat | Ast_ignorepat: Ignore patterns in dial plan |
Cast_imager | Structure associated with registering an image format |
Cast_include | Ast_include: include= support in extensions.conf |
Cast_iostream | |
Cast_ivr_menu | |
Cast_ivr_option | |
Cast_jb | General jitterbuffer state |
Cast_jb_conf | General jitterbuffer configuration |
Cast_jb_impl | Jitterbuffer implementation struct |
Cast_json | Abstract JSON element (object, array, string, int, ...) |
Cast_json_error | JSON parsing error information |
Cast_json_iter | Iterator for JSON object key/values |
Cast_json_payload | |
Cast_key | |
Cast_lock_track | Lock tracking information |
Cast_lock_track_flags | |
Cast_manager_event_blob | Struct containing info for an AMI event to send out |
Cast_manager_user | User descriptor, as read from the config file |
Cast_mansession | |
Cast_media_index | |
Cast_mixmonitor_methods | MixMonitor virtual methods table definition |
Cast_module | |
Cast_module_info | |
Cast_module_user | |
Cast_msg | A message |
Cast_msg_data | Structure used to transport a message through the frame core |
Cast_msg_data_attribute | |
Cast_msg_handler | An external processor of received messages |
Cast_msg_tech | A message technology |
Cast_msg_var_iterator | |
Cast_multi_channel_blob | A multi channel blob data structure for multi_channel_blob stasis messages |
Cast_multi_object_blob | A multi object blob data structure to carry user event stasis messages |
Cast_multicast_rtp_options | |
Cast_mutex_info | Structure for mutex and tracking information |
Cast_mwi_blob | Object that represents an MWI update with some additional application defined data |
Cast_mwi_mailbox_object | |
Cast_mwi_observer | MWI state event interface |
Cast_mwi_publisher | |
Cast_mwi_state | The structure that contains MWI state |
Cast_mwi_subscriber | |
Cast_MYSQL_id | |
Cast_named_lock | |
Cast_netsock | |
Cast_netsock_list | |
Cast_option_header | |
Cast_option_types | |
Cast_parked_call_payload | A parked call message payload |
Cast_parking_bridge_feature_fn_table | A function table providing parking functionality to the Bridging API Bridging API and other consumers |
Cast_party_caller | Caller Party information |
Cast_party_connected_line | Connected Line/Party information |
Cast_party_dialed | Dialed/Called Party information |
Cast_party_func_args | |
Cast_party_id | Information needed to identify an endpoint in a call |
Cast_party_id_ies | |
Cast_party_members | |
Cast_party_name | Information needed to specify a name in a call |
Cast_party_name_ies | |
Cast_party_number | Information needed to specify a number in a call |
Cast_party_number_ies | |
Cast_party_redirecting | Redirecting Line information. RDNIS (Redirecting Directory Number Information Service) Where a call diversion or transfer was invoked |
Cast_party_redirecting_reason | Redirecting reason information |
Cast_party_redirecting_reason_ies | |
Cast_party_subaddress | Information needed to specify a subaddress in a call |
Cast_party_subaddress_ies | |
Cast_pbx | |
Cast_pbx_args | Options for ast_pbx_run() |
Cast_peer_list | |
Cast_presence_state_message | Stasis message payload representing a presence state update |
Cast_readq_list | |
Cast_rtcp | Structure defining an RTCP session |
Cast_rtp | RTP session description |
Cast_rtp_codecs | |
Cast_rtp_dtls_cfg | DTLS configuration structure |
Cast_rtp_engine | |
Cast_rtp_engine_dtls | Structure that represents the optional DTLS SRTP support within an RTP engine |
Cast_rtp_engine_ice | Structure that represents the optional ICE support within an RTP engine |
Cast_rtp_engine_ice_candidate | Structure for an ICE candidate |
Cast_rtp_engine_test | Structure that represents the test functionality for res_rtp_asterisk unit tests |
Cast_rtp_glue | |
Cast_rtp_instance | |
Cast_rtp_instance_stats | |
Cast_rtp_ioqueue_thread | Structure which contains ioqueue thread information |
Cast_rtp_mime_type | |
Cast_rtp_payload_type | |
Cast_rtp_rtcp_feedback | An object that represents data received in a feedback report |
Cast_rtp_rtcp_feedback_remb | A REMB feedback message (see draft-alvestrand-rmcat-remb-03 for details) |
Cast_rtp_rtcp_nack_payload | Structure for storing RTP packets for retransmission |
Cast_rtp_rtcp_report | An object that represents data sent during a SR/RR RTCP report |
Cast_rtp_rtcp_report_block | A report block within a SR/RR report |
Cast_rwlock_info | Structure for rwlock and tracking information |
Cast_sched_context | |
Cast_sdp_crypto | |
Cast_sdp_crypto_api | |
Cast_sdp_srtp | Structure for secure RTP audio |
Cast_secure_call_store | |
Cast_security_event_auth_method_not_allowed | Auth method used not allowed |
Cast_security_event_chal_resp_failed | An attempt at challenge/response auth failed |
Cast_security_event_chal_sent | A challenge was sent out |
Cast_security_event_common | Common structure elements |
Cast_security_event_failed_acl | Checking against an IP access control list failed |
Cast_security_event_ie_type | |
Cast_security_event_inval_acct_id | Invalid account ID specified (invalid username, for example) |
Cast_security_event_inval_password | An attempt at basic password auth failed |
Cast_security_event_inval_transport | Attempt to contact peer on invalid transport |
Cast_security_event_ip_addr | |
Cast_security_event_load_avg | Request denied because of a load average limit |
Cast_security_event_mem_limit | Request denied because of a memory limit |
Cast_security_event_req_bad_format | Invalid formatting of request |
Cast_security_event_req_no_support | Request denied because we don't support it |
Cast_security_event_req_not_allowed | Request denied because it's not allowed |
Cast_security_event_session_limit | Request denied because of a session limit |
Cast_security_event_successful_auth | Successful authentication |
Cast_security_event_unexpected_addr | Unexpected source address for a session in progress |
Cast_sem | |
Cast_serializer_pool | |
Cast_serializer_shutdown_group | |
Cast_set_party_caller | Indicate what information in ast_party_caller should be set |
Cast_set_party_connected_line | Indicate what information in ast_party_connected_line should be set |
Cast_set_party_id | Indicate what information in ast_party_id should be set |
Cast_set_party_redirecting | Indicate what information in ast_party_redirecting should be set |
Cast_silence_generator | |
Cast_sip_acl | SIP ACL details and configuration |
Cast_sip_ami | AMI variable container |
Cast_sip_aor | A SIP address of record |
Cast_sip_api_tech | |
Cast_sip_auth | |
Cast_sip_auth_vector | |
Cast_sip_authenticator | An interchangeable way of handling digest authentication for SIP |
Cast_sip_body | SIP body description |
Cast_sip_body_data | Data used to create bodies for NOTIFY/PUBLISH requests |
Cast_sip_channel_pvt | A structure which contains a channel implementation and session |
Cast_sip_cli_context | |
Cast_sip_cli_formatter_entry | |
Cast_sip_contact | Contact associated with an address of record |
Cast_sip_contact_status | A contact's status |
Cast_sip_contact_wrapper | A wrapper for contact that adds the aor_id and a consistent contact id. Used by ast_sip_for_each_contact |
Cast_sip_direct_media_configuration | Direct media options for SIP endpoints |
Cast_sip_domain_alias | |
Cast_sip_endpoint | An entity with which Asterisk communicates |
Cast_sip_endpoint_extensions | Endpoint configuration for SIP extensions |
Cast_sip_endpoint_formatter | An entity responsible formatting endpoint information |
Cast_sip_endpoint_id_configuration | Party identification options for endpoints |
Cast_sip_endpoint_identifier | An entity responsible for identifying the source of a SIP message |
Cast_sip_endpoint_info_configuration | Endpoint configuration options for INFO packages |
Cast_sip_endpoint_media_configuration | Media configuration for SIP endpoints |
Cast_sip_endpoint_nat_configuration | NAT configuration options for endpoints |
Cast_sip_endpoint_pickup_configuration | Call pickup configuration options for endpoints |
Cast_sip_endpoint_subscription_configuration | Endpoint subscription configuration |
Cast_sip_event_publisher_handler | Callbacks that event publisher handlers will define |
Cast_sip_exten_state_data | Structure used for presence XML bodies |
Cast_sip_identify_by_vector | |
Cast_sip_info_recording_configuration | Configuration for one-touch INFO recording |
Cast_sip_media_rtp_configuration | RTP configuration for SIP endpoints |
Cast_sip_message_accumulator | Message counter used for message-summary XML bodies |
Cast_sip_mwi_configuration | Endpoint configuration for unsolicited MWI |
Cast_sip_nat_hook | Structure for SIP nat hook information |
Cast_sip_notifier | |
Cast_sip_outbound_authenticator | Interchangeable way of responding to authentication challenges |
Cast_sip_outbound_publish | Outbound publish information |
Cast_sip_outbound_publish_client | Outbound publish client state information (persists for lifetime of a publish) |
Cast_sip_outbound_publish_state | Outbound publish state information (persists for lifetime of a publish) |
Cast_sip_publication | Structure representing a SIP publication |
Cast_sip_publication_resource | Structure representing a publication resource |
Cast_sip_publish_handler | Callbacks that publication handlers will define |
Cast_sip_pubsub_body_generator | Pubsub body generator |
Cast_sip_pubsub_body_supplement | Body supplement |
Cast_sip_sched_task | |
Cast_sip_session | A structure describing a SIP session |
Cast_sip_session_delayed_request | Structure used for sending delayed requests |
Cast_sip_session_media | A structure containing SIP session media information |
Cast_sip_session_media_read_callback_state | Structure which contains read callback information |
Cast_sip_session_media_state | Structure which contains media state information (streams, sessions) |
Cast_sip_session_sdp_handler | A handler for SDPs in SIP sessions |
Cast_sip_session_supplement | A supplement to SIP message processing |
Cast_sip_session_suspender | Struct controlling the suspension of the session's serializer |
Cast_sip_subscriber | |
Cast_sip_subscription | Structure representing a "virtual" SIP subscription |
Cast_sip_subscription_handler | |
Cast_sip_subscription_response_data | Data for responses to SUBSCRIBEs and NOTIFIEs |
Cast_sip_supplement | A supplement to SIP message processing |
Cast_sip_t38_configuration | |
Cast_sip_timer_options | Session timers options |
Cast_sip_tpmgr_state_callback | |
Cast_sip_transport | Transport to bind to |
Cast_sip_transport_state | Structure for SIP transport information |
Cast_slinfactory | |
Cast_smdi_interface | |
Cast_smdi_md_message | An SMDI message desk message |
Cast_smdi_mwi_message | An SMDI message waiting indicator message |
Cast_smoother | |
Cast_sockaddr | Socket address structure |
Cast_sorcery | Full structure for sorcery |
Cast_sorcery_global_observer | Interface for the global sorcery observer |
Cast_sorcery_instance_observer | Interface for the sorcery instance observer |
Cast_sorcery_internal_wizard | Structure for an internal wizard instance |
Cast_sorcery_object | Structure for internal sorcery object information |
Cast_sorcery_object_details | Structure which contains details about a sorcery object |
Cast_sorcery_object_field | Structure for registered object field |
Cast_sorcery_object_type | Structure for registered object type |
Cast_sorcery_object_type_observer | Structure for registered object type observer |
Cast_sorcery_object_wizard | Structure for a wizard instance which operates on objects |
Cast_sorcery_observer | Interface for a sorcery object type observer |
Cast_sorcery_wizard | Interface for a sorcery wizard |
Cast_sorcery_wizard_observer | Interface for the sorcery wizard observer |
Cast_speech | |
Cast_speech_engine | |
Cast_speech_result | |
Cast_srtp | |
Cast_srtp_cb | |
Cast_srtp_policy | |
Cast_srtp_policy_res | |
Cast_srtp_res | |
Cast_state_cb | Ast_state_cb: An extension state notify register item |
Cast_state_cb_info | |
Cast_stir_shaken_payload | |
Cast_str | The descriptor of a dynamic string XXX storage will be optimized later if needed We use the ts field to indicate the type of storage. Three special constants indicate malloc, ast_alloca() or static variables, all other values indicate a struct ast_threadstorage pointer |
Cast_stream | |
Cast_stream_codec_negotiation_prefs | |
Cast_stream_metadata_entry | |
Cast_stream_topology | |
Cast_string_field_mgr | |
Cast_string_field_pool | |
Cast_sw | Ast_sw: Switch statement in extensions.conf |
Cast_switch | |
Cast_taskprocessor | A ast_taskprocessor structure is a singleton by name |
Cast_taskprocessor_listener | A listener for taskprocessors |
Cast_taskprocessor_listener_callbacks | |
Cast_taskprocessor_local | Local data parameter |
Cast_tcptls_session_args | Arguments for the accepting thread |
Cast_tcptls_session_instance | Describes a server instance |
Cast_test | |
Cast_test_execute_results | |
Cast_test_info | Contains all the initialization information required to store a new test definition |
Cast_test_suite_message_payload | A wrapper object that can be ao2 ref counted around an ast_json blob |
Cast_threadpool | An opaque threadpool structure |
Cast_threadpool_listener | Listener for a threadpool |
Cast_threadpool_listener_callbacks | |
Cast_threadpool_options | |
Cast_threadstorage | Data for a thread locally stored variable |
Cast_timer | |
Cast_timing | |
Cast_timing_interface | Timing module interface |
Cast_tls_config | |
Cast_tm | |
Cast_tone_zone | A set of tones for a given locale |
Cast_tone_zone_part | A description of a part of a tone |
Cast_tone_zone_sound | Description of a tone |
Cast_trans_pvt | Default structure for translators, with the basic fields and buffers, all allocated as part of the same chunk of memory. The buffer is preceded by AST_FRIENDLY_OFFSET bytes in front of the user portion. 'buf' points right after this space |
Cast_translator | Descriptor of a translator |
Cast_udptl | Structure for an UDPTL session |
Cast_unreal_pvt | The base pvt structure for local channel derivatives |
Cast_unreal_pvt_callbacks | Callbacks that can be provided by concrete implementations of the unreal channel driver that will be called when events occur in the unreal layer |
Cast_uri | Stores parsed uri information |
Cast_user_list | |
Cast_utf8_validator | |
Cast_uuid | |
Cast_value_translation | |
Cast_var_t | |
Cast_variable | Structure for variables, used for configurations and for channel variables |
Cast_vm_functions | Voicemail function table definition |
Cast_vm_greeter_functions | Voicemail greeter function table definition |
Cast_vm_mailbox_snapshot | |
Cast_vm_msg_snapshot | |
Cast_vm_recording_data | Structure used for ast_copy_recording_to_vm in order to cleanly supply data needed for making the recording from the recorded file |
Cast_vm_user | |
Cast_websocket | Structure definition for session |
Cast_websocket_protocol | A websocket protocol implementation |
Cast_websocket_server | Structure for a WebSocket server |
Cast_xml_doc_item | Struct that contains the XML documentation for a particular item. Note that this is an ao2 ref counted object |
Cast_xml_doc_item_list | The struct to be used as the head of an ast_xml_doc_item list when being manipulated |
Cast_xmpp_buddy | XMPP Buddy |
Cast_xmpp_capabilities | Resource capabilities |
Cast_xmpp_client | XMPP Client Connection |
Cast_xmpp_client_config | XMPP Client Configuration |
Cast_xmpp_global_config | XMPP Global Configuration |
Cast_xmpp_message | XMPP Message |
Cast_xmpp_resource | XMPP Resource |
Casterisk_devicestate_publisher_state | Structure which contains Asterisk device state publisher state information |
Casterisk_mwi_publisher_state | Structure which contains Asterisk mailbox publisher state information |
Casterisk_publication_config | Structure which contains Asterisk publication information |
Castobj2 | |
Castobj2_lock | |
Castobj2_lockobj | |
Castobj2_rwlock | |
Casync_data | Data required for an asynchronous callback |
Casync_datastore_data | |
Casync_delete_name_rec_task_data | |
Casync_minimal_data | Minimal data required to signal the completion of an async resolve |
Casync_playback_task_data | |
Casync_resolution_data | Data used by async result callback |
Catexits | |
Cattended_transfer_properties | Collection of data related to an attended transfer attempt |
Cattended_transfer_state_properties | Properties of an attended transfer state |
Cast_calendar_event::attendees | |
Cau_desc | |
Caudiohook_volume | Audiohook volume adjustment structure |
Caudiosocket_instance | |
Cautopause | |
Cb64_baseio | Structure for base64 encoding |
Cbackend_data | Backend data that the mock sorcery wizard uses to create objects |
Cbackends | List of registered channel types |
Cbaseio | |
Cast_cdr_config::batch_settings | |
Cbe_list | List of registered backends |
Cbksp_req_message | |
Cblind_transfer_cb_data | |
Cblind_transfer_data | Data specifying where a blind transfer is going to |
Ccall_followme::blnumbers | |
Cbody_generators | |
Cbody_part | A multipart body part and meta-information |
Cbody_supplements | |
Cbridge_basic_personality | Structure that organizes different personalities for basic bridges |
Cbridge_channel_control_thread_data | |
Cbridge_channel_impart_cond | Internal bridge impart wait condition and associated conditional |
Cbridge_channel_impart_ds_head | |
Cbridge_custom_callback | |
Cbridge_leave_data | |
Cbridge_list_data | |
Cbridge_manager_controller | |
Cbridge_manager_request | |
Cbridge_metric_defs | |
Cbridge_park | |
Cbridge_playfile | |
Cbridge_profile | |
Cbridge_profile_sounds | |
Cbridge_role | |
Cbridge_role_option | |
Cbridge_roles_datastore | |
Cbridge_run_app | |
Cbridge_sync | Synchronous bridge action object |
Cbridge_technologies | |
Cbucket_test_state | Test state structure for scheme wizards |
Cbutton_definition | |
Cbutton_definition_template | |
Cbutton_template_res_message | |
Ccache_dump_data | |
Ccache_entry | |
Ccache_entry_key | The key for an entry in the cache |
Ccache_file_include | Hold the mtime for config files, so if we don't need to reread our config, don't |
Ccache_file_mtime | |
Ccache_put_snapshots | |
Ccache_test_data | |
Ccaldav_pvt | |
Ccalendar_id | |
Ccall_followme | Data structure for followme scripts |
Ccall_info_message | |
Ccall_info_message_variable | |
Ccall_number_pool | |
Ccall_queue | |
Ccall_state_message | |
Ccallattempt | We define a custom "local user" structure because we use it not only for keeping track of what is in use but also for keeping track of who we're dialing |
Ccallback_data | |
Ccallbacks_called | Tracking object used to verify format attribute callbacks |
Ccallerid_state | |
Ccallthread | |
Ccapabilities_res_message | |
Ccategories_level_t | |
Ccategory_and_metric | |
Ccategory_t | |
Ccause_args | |
Ccauses_map | Map AST_CAUSE's to readable string representations |
Ccc_agent_backend | |
Ccc_agent_backends | |
Ccc_callback_helper | |
Ccc_control_payload | The payload for an AST_CONTROL_CC frame |
Ccc_core_instance | |
Ccc_epa_entry | Instance data for a Call completion EPA entry |
Ccc_generic_agent_pvt | |
Ccc_monitor_backend | |
Ccc_monitor_backends | |
Ccc_monitor_tree | The "tree" of interfaces that is dialed |
Ccc_recall_ds_data | |
Ccc_state_change_args | |
Ccc_status_response_args | |
Ccdr_batch | The actual batch queue |
Ccdr_batch_item | Queued CDR waiting to be batched |
Ccdr_beitem | Registration object for CDR backends |
Ccdr_custom_config | |
Ccdr_func_data | |
Ccdr_func_payload | |
Ccdr_object | An in-memory representation of an active CDR |
Ccdr_object_fn_table | A virtual table used for cdr_object |
Ccdr_object_snapshot | A wrapper object around a snapshot. Fields that are mutable by the CDR engine are replicated here |
Ccdr_syslog_config | |
Ccdr_tds_config | |
Ccel_backend | |
Ccel_config | A container that holds all config-related information |
Ccel_dialstatus | |
Ccel_linkedid | |
Ccel_tds_config | |
Ccelt_attr | CELT attribute structure |
Ccfalias | Structure for conversion between compressed SIP and "normal" SIP headers |
Ccfextension_states | |
Ccfg_entry_args | |
Ccfg_hook | |
Ccfmtime_head | |
Ccfsip_methods | The core structure to setup dialogs. We parse incoming messages by using structure and then route the messages according to the type |
Ccfsip_options | List of well-known SIP options. If we get this in a require, we should check the list and answer accordingly |
Ccfsubscription_types | Subscription types that we support. We support |
Cchan2dev | Mapping for channel states to device states |
Cchan_alsa_pvt | |
Cchan_iax2_pvt | |
Cchan_list | Channel call record structure |
Cchan_oss_pvt | Descriptor for one of our channels |
Cchan_pjsip_pvt | The PJSIP channel driver pvt, stored in the ast_sip_channel_pvt data structure |
Cchanlist | List of channel drivers |
Cchannel | |
Cchannel_lock_frame | |
Cchannel_metric_defs | |
Cchannel_role_snapshot | A channel snapshot wrapper object used in ast_multi_channel_blob objects |
Cchannel_set_debug_args | |
Cchannel_usage | |
Cchans | |
Cchanspy_translation_helper | |
Cchanvar | Structure for queuing ARI channel variable setting |
Ccid_set | |
Ccidinfo | |
Ccilist | |
Cclear_display_message | |
Cclear_prinotify_message | |
Cclear_prompt_message | |
Ccli_alias | |
Ccli_perm | List of restrictions per user |
Ccli_perm_head | |
Ccli_perms | List of users and permissions |
Ccli_sub_complete_parms | |
Ccli_sub_parms | |
Ccllist | |
Cclose_receive_channel_message | |
Ccmts_list | |
Cfm_args::cnumbers | |
Ccodec2_translator_pvt | |
Ccodec_dahdi_pvt | |
Ccolumn | |
Ccolumns | |
Ccommonbuf | |
Ccomplex | |
Ccomplex_task_data | |
Cconf | All configuration options for statsd client |
Cconf_global_options | Global configuration options for statsd client |
Cconf_menu | |
Cconf_menu_action | |
Cconf_menu_entry | |
Cconfbridge_cfg | |
Cconfbridge_conference | The structure that represents a conference bridge |
Cconfbridge_hook_data | |
Cconfbridge_state | A conference state object to hold the various state callback functions |
Cconfbridge_user | The structure that represents a conference bridge user |
Cconfig_item | |
Cconfig_odbc_obj | |
Cconfigs | |
Cconfs | |
Cconsole | |
Cconsole_pvt | Console pvt structure |
Cconsole_state_data | |
Cconsumer | |
Ccontact | |
Ccontact_transport_monitor | |
Ccontrol_dial_args | |
Ccontrol_list | |
Cconvolve_channel | |
Cconvolve_channel_pair | |
Cconvolve_data | |
Ccops_cmts | |
Ccops_gate | |
Ccops_ippool | |
Ccopsmsg | |
Ccorosync_node | |
Ccorosync_ping_payload | A payload wrapper around a corosync ping event |
Ccount_agents_cb_data | |
Ccount_monitors_cb_data | |
Ccreate_addr_info | |
Ccreatelist | |
Ccts | |
Ccurl_args | |
Ccurl_bucket_file_data | Data passed to cURL callbacks |
Ccurl_cb_data | |
Ccurl_settings | |
Ccurl_write_callback_data | Callback data passed to WriteMemoryCallback |
Ccustom_prepare_struct | |
Cdahdi_chan_conf | Channel configuration from chan_dahdi.conf . This struct is used for parsing the [channels] section of chan_dahdi.conf. Generally there is a field here for every possible configuration item |
Cdahdi_distRings | |
Cdahdi_pvt | |
Cdahdi_starting_point | |
Cdahdi_subchannel | |
Cdahdi_timer | |
Cdata_buffer_payload_entry | Payload entry placed inside of the data buffer list |
Cdatabases | |
Cdatum | |
CDBT | |
Cdebug_info_history | |
Cdefault_taskprocessor_listener_pvt | |
Cdefer_bridge_add_obj | |
Cdeferred_data | |
Cdefinetimedate_message | |
Cdetect_information | |
Cdevice_state_subscription | Device state subscription object |
Cdevices | |
Cdevstate_prov | A device state provider (not a channel) |
Cdevstate_provs | A list of providers |
Cdial_head | |
Cdial_masquerade_datastore | |
Cdial_target | |
Cdial_trunk_args | |
Cdialed_cc_interfaces | |
Cdialed_number_message | |
Cdialog_info_xml_state | Structure which contains dialog-info+xml state information |
Cdialplan_counters | Counters for the show dialplan manager command |
►Cdict | |
►COrderedDict | |
►CMultiOrderedDict | |
CSection | |
COrderedDict | |
Cdigestkeys | |
Cdigit_detect_state_t | |
Cdirectory_item | |
Cdirentry | |
Cdirlist | |
Cdisplay_notify_message | |
Cdisplay_prinotify_message | |
Cdisplay_prinotify_message_variable | |
Cdisplay_prompt_status_message | |
Cdisplay_prompt_status_message_variable | |
Cdisplaytext_message | |
Cdistributor_dialog_data | |
CdistRingData | |
Cdn_answer | |
Cdns_HEADER | |
Cdns_query_set_query | A DNS query set query, which includes its state |
Cdns_record | A DNS record to be used during a test |
Cast_dns_result::dns_records | Records returned |
Cdns_synchronous_resolve | Structure used for signaling back for synchronous resolution completion |
Cdocumentation_tree | XML documentation tree |
Cdomain | Domain data structure |
Cdomain_list | |
Cdoublecomplex | |
Cdpcache | |
Cdpreq_data | |
Cdrag_info | Support for drag actions |
Cdscp_codepoint | |
Cdsn | |
Cdtmf_detect_state_t | |
Cdtmf_menu_hook_pvt | |
Cdtmf_store_data | Private data structure used with the function's datastore |
Cdummy_config | |
Cdundi_answer | |
Cdundi_cause | |
Cdundi_encblock | |
Cdundi_entity_info | |
Cdundi_hdr | |
Cdundi_hint | |
Cdundi_hint_metadata | |
Cdundi_ie | |
Cdundi_ie_data | |
Cdundi_ie_hdr | |
Cdundi_ies | |
Cdundi_mapping | |
Cdundi_packet | |
Cdundi_peer | |
Cdundi_peer_status | |
Cdundi_precache_queue | |
Cdundi_query_state | |
Cdundi_request | |
Cdundi_result | |
Cdundi_result_datastore | |
Cdundi_transaction | |
Cdynamic_dtmf_hook_data | |
Cdynamic_dtmf_hook_run | |
Cdynamic_list | |
Cebl_context | |
Cenbloc_call_message | |
Cendpoint_formatters | |
Cendpoint_identifier_list | |
Cendpoint_identifiers | |
Cendpoint_metric_defs | |
Cengines | |
Ctest_container::entries | |
Centry | |
Centry_list | |
Cenum_context | |
Cenum_naptr_rr | |
Cenum_result_datastore | |
Cepa_backend | Backend for an event publication agent |
Cepa_static_data | |
Cepa_static_data_list | |
Cevent | |
Cevent_node | |
Cevent_session | A wrapper for the /ref ast_ari_websocket_session |
Cevent_sources | |
Cevent_state_compositor | The Event State Compositors |
Cevent_sub_data | |
Cevententry | |
Ceventlist | |
Ceventqent | |
Cewscal_pvt | |
►CException | |
CSkipPacket | |
CSwaggerError | |
Cexchangecal_pvt | |
Cexpr_node | |
Cexpression_token | A token in the expression or an evaluated part of the expression |
Cexten_info | Extension to add to our context |
Cexten_state_pub_data | |
Cexten_state_publisher | An extension state publisher |
Cexten_state_subscription | A subscription for extension state |
Cextension | Structure to hold extensions |
Cextension_child_dialstring | Data regarding an extension monitor's child's dialstrings |
Cextension_monitor_pvt | Private data for an extension monitor |
Cexternal_vars | |
Cfake_context | |
Cfast_originate_helper | Helper function for originate |
Cfax_detect | Used for fax detect framehook |
Cfax_gateway | Used for gateway framehook |
Cfax_module | Registered FAX technology modules are put into this list |
Cfax_options | |
Cfax_session | |
Cfaxmodules | |
Cfbuf_t | |
Cfeaturegroup | Featuregroup representation |
Cfeaturegroup_item | Entry in the container of featuregroups |
Cfeatures_config | |
Cfeatures_global_config | Configuration from the "general" section of features.conf |
Cfft_data | |
Cfilter_message_restrictions | Outgoing message modification restrictions |
Cfilter_struct | |
Cfindme_user | |
Cfindme_user_listptr | |
Civr_localuser::finishlist | |
Cfirmwares | |
Cfixed_jb | Private fixed_jb structure |
Cfixed_jb_conf | |
Cfixed_jb_frame | |
Cfm_args | |
Cfollowmes | |
Cfoo_data | |
Cfork_cdr_message_payload | |
Cformat_cap_framed | Structure used for capability formats, adds framing |
Cformat_cap_framed_list | Linked list for formats |
Cformat_interface | Structure used when registering a format interface |
Cformats | |
Cforward_stat_message | |
Cfragment_t | |
Cframe_drop_data | |
Cframe_list | |
Cspandsp_pvt::frame_queue | |
Cframe_trace_data | |
Cfsk_data | |
Cfunc_confbridge_data | |
CFuncDef | |
Cg722_decode_state_t | |
Cg722_decoder_pvt | |
Cg722_encode_state_t | |
Cg722_encoder_pvt | |
Cg726_coder_pvt | |
Cg726_desc | |
Cg726_state | |
Cgate_list | |
Cgatespec | |
Cgen_state | |
Cgeneric_monitor_instance | |
Cgeneric_monitor_instance_list | |
Cgeneric_monitor_pvt | Private data for generic device monitor |
Cglobal_config | |
Cglobal_curl_info | |
Cglues | |
Cgoertzel_result_t | |
Cgoertzel_state_t | |
Cgosub_stack_frame | |
Cgosub_stack_list | |
Cgrab_desc | |
Cgroup | |
Cgroup_entry | |
Cgroups | |
Cgsm_state | |
Cgsm_translator_pvt | |
Ch263_attr | |
Ch263_desc | |
Ch264_attr | |
Ch264_desc | |
Changup_data | |
Chash_bucket | |
Chash_bucket_node | |
Chash_test | |
Chash_traversal_state | |
Chash_traversal_state_check | |
Chashhdr | |
Chdr_list | |
Chdr_list_entry | Linked list for accumulating headers |
Cheader | |
Cheader_data | Data structure used for ast_sip_push_task_wait_serializer |
Cheader_list | |
Chelpers | |
Chep_chunk | |
Chep_chunk_ip4 | |
Chep_chunk_ip6 | |
Chep_chunk_uint16 | |
Chep_chunk_uint32 | |
Chep_chunk_uint8 | |
Chep_ctrl | |
Chep_generic | |
Chepv3_capture_info | HEPv3 Capture Info |
Chepv3_global_config | Global configuration for the module |
Chepv3_runtime_data | Run-time data derived from hepv3_global_config |
Chfp_ag | This struct holds HFP features the AG supports |
Chfp_cind | This struct holds mappings for indications |
Chfp_hf | This struct holds HFP features that we support |
Chfp_pvt | This struct holds state information about the current hfp connection |
Chints | |
CHKDFContext | |
CHMACContext | |
Chold_info | |
Chold_intercept_data | Private data structure used with the function's datastore |
Cholding_channel | Structure which contains per-channel role information |
Chook_state | |
Chook_thread_arg | |
Chost_candidates | List of ICE host candidate mappings |
Chtab | |
Chttp_route | Structure to hold http routes (valid URIs, and the files they link to) |
Chttp_uri_redirect | |
Chttp_worker_private_data | |
Ciax2_codec_pref | |
Ciax2_context | |
Ciax2_dpcache | |
Ciax2_ie | |
Ciax2_peer | |
Ciax2_pkt_buf | |
Ciax2_registry | |
Ciax2_thread | |
Ciax2_trunk_peer | |
Ciax2_user | |
Ciax_firmware | |
Ciax_flag | |
Ciax_frame | |
Ciax_frame_list | This is just so iax_frames, a list head struct for holding a list of iax_frame structures, is defined |
Ciax_frames | |
Ciax_ie_data | |
Ciax_ies | |
Ciax_rr | |
Ciax_template | |
Cicalendar_pvt | |
Cice_wrap | |
Cicilist | |
Cidle_list | |
Cxml_context::ids | |
Cie_map | IE payload types and names |
Cilbc_attr | |
Cilbc_coder_pvt | |
CiLBC_Dec_Inst_t_ | |
CiLBC_Enc_Inst_t_ | |
CiLBC_ULP_Inst_t_ | |
Cimagers | |
Cinclfile | |
Ccache_file_mtime::includes | |
Cindicate_data | |
Cinfo_dtmf_data | |
Cinitial_notify_data | |
Cinlist | |
Cinprocess | |
Cinternal_ast_codec | |
Cinternal_state | |
Cinvite_replaces | Structure used to retrieve channel from another session |
Cinvstate2stringtable | Readable descriptions of device states |
Cio_context | Global IO variables are now in a struct in order to be made threadsafe |
Cio_rec | Kept for each file descriptor |
Cioqueues | List of ioqueue threads |
Cip_identify_match | Structure for an IP identification matching object |
Cippool_list | |
Cisdn_msg | |
Citemlist | |
Civr_localuser | |
Cjack_data | |
Cjb_conf | |
Cjb_frame | |
Cjb_framedata | |
Cjb_info | |
Cjb_stream_sync | |
Cjingle_action_handler | Defined handlers for different Jingle actions |
Cjingle_config | |
Cjingle_endpoint | Endpoint which contains configuration information and active sessions |
Cjingle_endpoint_state | Endpoint state information |
Cjingle_reason_mapping | Reason text <-> cause code mapping |
Cjingle_session | Session which contains information about an active session |
Cjitterbuf | |
Ckeypad_button_message | |
Ckeys | |
Ckqueue_timer | |
Clang_format_info | Arguments that are necessary for adding format/lang pairs |
Cldap_table_config | Table configuration |
Cleave_vm_options | Options for leaving voicemail with the voicemail() application |
Climits | |
Cline_stat_res_message | |
Cline_state_req_message | |
Clinear_state | |
Clines | |
Cload_order | |
Cload_order_entry | |
Cload_results_map | |
Cload_retries | |
Cload_task_data | Relevant data associated with taskprocessor load test |
Cloadupdate | |
Clocal_bridge | |
Clocal_optimization | Structure representing relevant data during a local channel optimization |
Clocal_pvt | Local pvt structure for all channels |
Clocale_entry | |
Clocalelist | |
Clock_frame | |
Clock_infos | A list of each thread's lock info |
Clocklist | |
Clog_mappings | |
Clogchannel | |
Clogchannels | |
Clogformatter | |
Clogmsg | |
Clogmsgs | |
Clpc10_coder_pvt | |
Clpc10_decoder_state | |
Clpc10_encoder_state | |
Clsinfo | Leap second information |
Cmailbox_alias_mapping | |
Cmailbox_mapping | A mapping between an SMDI mailbox ID and an Asterisk mailbox |
Cmanager_action | |
Cmanager_channel_variable | List of channel variables to append to all channel-related events |
Cmanager_custom_hook | |
Cmanager_hooks | List of hooks registered |
Cmansession | In case you didn't read that giant block of text above the mansession_session struct, the struct mansession is named this solely to keep the API the same in Asterisk. This structure really represents data that is different from Manager action to Manager action. The mansession_session pointer contained within points to session-specific data |
Cmansession_session::mansession_datastores | |
Cmansession_session | |
Cmappings | |
Cmatch_char | Match_char: forms a syntax tree for quick matching of extension patterns |
Cmatch_recording_data | |
Cmatch_req_args | |
Cmax_forwards | Channel datastore data for max forwards |
Cmax_pjproject_log_level_check | |
Cmbl_pvt | |
CMD5Context | |
Cmedia_info | Structure to hold information about a media file |
Cmedia_offer_data | |
Cmedia_qualifier | |
Cmedia_variant | Structure to hold a list of the format variations for a media file for a specific variant |
Cmember | |
Cmerge_direction | |
Cmessage | |
Cmessage_subscription | A subscription to some endpoint or technology |
Cmessage_templates | The list of e-mail templates |
Cmf_detect_state_t | |
Cmgcp_endpoint | |
Cmgcp_gateway | |
Cmgcp_message | Mgcp_message: MGCP message for queuing up |
Cmgcp_request | |
Cmgcp_response | |
Cmgcp_subchannel | |
Cmime_cbinfo | |
Cminivm_account | |
Cminivm_accounts | |
Cminivm_stats | Structure for gathering statistics |
Cminivm_template | |
Cminivm_zone | Voicemail time zones |
Cminivm_zones | The list of e-mail time zones |
Cmisdn_bchannel | B channel control structure |
Cmisdn_cfg_pt | |
Cmisdn_cfg_spec | |
Cmisdn_jb | |
Cmisdn_lib | |
Cmisdn_lib_iface | |
Cmisdn_party_dialing | Dialed/Called information struct |
Cmisdn_party_id | Connected-Line/Calling/Redirecting ID info struct |
Cmisdn_party_redirecting | Redirecting information struct |
Cmisdn_stack | |
Cmixmonitor | |
Cmixmonitor_ds | |
Cmo_list | List of registered modifiers |
Cmock_channel_pvt | |
Cmock_payload | |
Cmodule_config | The configuration settings for this module |
Cmodule_level | Map a debug or verbose level to a module name |
Cmodule_level_list | |
Cmodule_list | |
Cmodule_load_word | |
Cmodule_user_list | |
Cmoh_files_state | |
Cmohclass | |
Cmohdata | |
Cmonitored_transport | Structure for transport to be monitored |
Cmp3_private | |
Cmsg_data | |
Cmbl_pvt::msg_queue | |
Cmsg_queue_entry | |
Cmsn_list | |
Cmulticast_control_packet | Structure for a Linksys control packet |
Cmulticast_rtp | Structure for a multicast paging instance |
►CMultiOrderedConfigParser | |
CSqlConfigParser | |
CMultitype | |
Cmwi_handler_data | |
Cmwi_stasis_subscription | Wrapper for stasis subscription |
Cmwi_subscription | A subscription for MWI |
Cmwi_subscription_data | |
Cmwi_thread_data | |
Cmwisend_info | |
Cmy_weakproxy | |
Ctables::mysql_columns | |
Cmysql_conn | |
Cmysql_tables | |
CMYSQLidshead | |
Cnamed_acl | |
Cnamed_acl_config | |
Cnamed_lock_proxy | |
Cnamedgroup_member | Named group member structure |
CNamelist | |
Cnamelist | |
Cnaptr | |
Cnaptr_record | |
Cnat_hook_details | Structure which contains hook details |
Cnative_pvt_bridge | |
Cnative_pvt_chan | |
Cnative_rtp_bridge_channel_data | Internal structure which contains instance information about bridged RTP channels |
Cnative_rtp_framehook_data | Internal structure which contains bridged RTP channel hook data |
Cnbs_pvt | |
Cnew_invite | |
Cnode | |
Cnotify_cfg | |
Cnotify_channel_data | |
Cnotify_data | |
Cnotify_option | |
Cnotify_option_item | |
Cnotify_task_data | |
Cnotify_uri_data | |
Cnumber | Number structure |
Ccall_followme::numbers | |
►Cobject | |
CFaxPcap | |
CParsingContext | |
►CStringify | |
CPathSegment | |
CAllowableList | |
CAllowableRange | |
CApi | |
CApiDeclaration | |
CErrorResponse | |
CModel | |
COperation | |
CParameter | |
CProperty | |
CResourceApi | |
CResourceListing | |
CSwaggerType | |
►CSwaggerPostProcessor | |
CAsteriskProcessor | |
CTransform | |
Cobject_type_wizard | Keeps track of the sorcery wizard and last config for each object type |
Codbc_cache_columns | These structures are used for adaptive capabilities |
Codbc_cache_tables | |
Codbc_class | |
Ctables::odbc_columns | |
Codbc_datastore | |
Codbc_datastore_row | |
Codbc_obj | ODBC container |
Codbc_tables | |
Codbc_txn_frame | |
Codmiana | |
Coff_nominal_async_data | User data for off-nominal async resolution test |
Coffered_media | Structure for remembering offered media in an INVITE, to make sure we reply to all media streams |
Coffhook_message | |
Cogg_vorbis_desc | |
Colist | |
Conhook_message | |
Cooh323_config | |
Cooh323_peer | |
Cooh323_pvt | |
Cooh323_user | |
Copen_receive_channel_ack_message_ip4 | |
Copen_receive_channel_ack_message_ip6 | |
Copen_receive_channel_message | |
Copenlist | |
Coprmode | |
Coptional_api | An optional API |
Coptional_api_user | A user of an optional API |
Coptional_ts | |
Copus_attr | Opus attribute structure |
Cosp_callid | |
Cosp_headers | |
Cosp_metrics | |
Cosp_npdata | |
Cosp_provider | |
Cosp_results | |
Coutgoing | |
Coutgoing_helper | |
Couthead | |
Cdundi_transaction::packetlist | |
Cpage_options | |
Cpair | |
Cpark_announce_subscription_data | |
Cpark_common_datastore | |
Cpark_list_data | |
Cparked_subscription_data | |
Cparked_subscription_datastore | |
Cparked_user | |
Cparking_config | |
Cparking_global_config | |
Cparking_limits_pvt | |
Cparking_lot | |
Cparking_lot_cfg | |
Cparking_lot_complete | |
Cparking_lot_extension_inuse_search | |
Cparse_io | |
Cparse_test | |
Cparse_uri_args | Struct used to push PJSIP_PARSE_URI function arguments to task processor |
Cparsed_dial_string | |
Cparty_b_userfield_update | |
Cpath_lock | |
Cpath_lock_list | |
Cpattern_node | |
Cpbx_builtin | Declaration of builtin applications |
Cpbx_exception | |
Cpbx_find_info | |
Cpbx_outgoing | Structure which contains information about an outgoing dial |
Cpbx_test_pattern | |
Cpcap_ethernet_header | PCAP Ethernet Header |
Cpcap_header | PCAP Header |
Cpcap_ipv4_header | PCAP IPv4 Header |
Cpcap_ipv6_header | PCAP IPv6 Header |
Cpcap_record_header | PCAP Packet Record Header |
Cpcap_udp_header | PCAP UDP Header |
Cpcq | |
Cpeercnt | |
Cpeers | |
Cpenalty_rule | |
Cpermalias | |
Cpermission | |
Cdundi_peer::permissionlist | |
Cpersistence_recreate_data | |
Cpersonality_details | Details for specific basic bridge personalities |
Cphone_profile | Structure to hold phone profiles read from phoneprov.conf |
Cphone_pvt | |
Cphoneprov | Structure for a phoneprov object |
Cphoneprov_file | Structure to hold file data |
Cphoneprov_provider | Structure to hold config providers |
Cpickup_by_name_args | |
Cpitchshift_data | |
Cpjproject_log_intercept_data | |
Cpjsip_func_args | Struct used to push function arguments to task processor |
Cpjsip_history_entry | An item in the history |
Cpjsip_logger_session | PJSIP Logging Session |
Cpktcobj | |
Cplayback_task_data | |
Civr_localuser::playlist | |
Cplaylist_entry | |
Cplaytones_def | |
Cplaytones_item | |
Cplaytones_state | |
Cplc_ds | |
Cplc_state_t | |
Cpool_options_pair | |
Cpost_join_action | |
Cpresence_state_provider | A presence state provider |
Cpresence_state_providers | A list of providers |
Cprint_object_details | Structure used to pass data for printing cached object information |
Cprivacy_args | |
Cprofile_data | |
Cprofile_entry | |
Cprogalias | |
Cprogress | |
Cprometheus_callback | Defines a callback that will be invoked when the HTTP route is called |
Cprometheus_general_config | Prometheus general configuration |
Cprometheus_label | A label that further defines a metric |
Cprometheus_metric | An actual, honest to god, metric |
Cprometheus_metric_wrapper | |
Cprometheus_metrics_provider | A function table for a metrics provider |
Cpsql_columns | |
Ctables::psql_columns | |
Cpsql_tables | |
Cpthread_timer | |
Cpublish_handlers | |
Cpublisher_handlers | |
Cpval | |
CQualityMapping | |
Cqueries | |
Cquery_set_data | |
Cqueue_end_bridge | |
Cqueue_ent | |
Cqueue_stasis_data | User data for stasis subscriptions used for queue calls |
Cquote_set | |
Crbtree_node | |
Crbtree_traversal_state | |
Crbtree_traversal_state_check | |
Cread_dirs_data | |
Crealtime_sqlite3_db | |
Creasons | Diversion header reasons |
Crecurring_data | |
Crefer_attended | Structure for attended transfer task |
Crefer_blind | Structure for blind transfer callback details |
Crefer_progress | REFER Progress structure |
Crefer_progress_notification | REFER Progress notification structure |
Crefresh_data | |
Crefresh_info | |
Cregister_ack_message | |
Cregister_message | |
Cregister_rej_message | |
Cregistrar_contact_details | Structure used for finding contact |
CRegistration | |
Cregistration_response | Structure for registration response |
Cregistrations | |
Creload_queue | |
Creload_queue_item | |
Cremb_values | |
Creplace_channel_store | |
Crequest_data | |
Csip_pvt::request_queue | |
Crequest_transport_details | Structure which contains information about a transport |
Crequests | |
Creregister_data | |
Creset_message | |
Cresolver_data | File-scoped data used during resolver tests |
Cresolvers | |
Cresource_list | Resource list configuration item |
Cresource_tree | A resource tree |
CringContextData | |
Crobin_list | |
Crow_counter_args | |
Crt_cfg_entry_args | |
Crt_multi_cfg_entry_args | |
Crtcp_message_payload | |
Crtp_direct_media_data | |
Crtp_drop_packets_data | |
Crtp_extmap | |
Crtp_glue_data | |
Crtp_glue_stream | |
Crtp_learning_info | RTP learning mode tracking information |
Crtp_red | |
Crtp_ssrc_mapping | Structure used for mapping an incoming SSRC to an RTP instance |
Crtp_transport_wide_cc_packet_statistics | Packet statistics (used for transport-cc) |
Crtp_transport_wide_cc_statistics | Statistics information (used for transport-cc) |
Crule | |
Crule_list | |
Crule_lists | |
Crun_station_args | |
Csay_args_t | Typical 'say' arguments in addition to the date or number or string to say. We do not include 'options' because they may be different in recursive calls, and so they are better left as an external parameter |
Csched | |
Csched_id | Scheduler ID holder |
Csched_thread | |
Cscoreboard | |
Cscramble_information | |
Csdp_handler_list | |
Cselect_soft_keys_message | |
Csend_lock | |
Csend_request_data | Structure to hold information about an outbound request |
Csend_request_wrapper | |
Csendtext_data | |
Cserializer | |
Cserver_identifier | |
Cserver_res_message | |
Cserviceurl_stat_message | |
Cserviceurl_statreq_message | |
Csession_refresh_state | Session refresh state information |
Csession_supplements | |
Csessions | |
Cset_format_access | |
Cset_lamp_message | |
Cset_microphone_message | |
Cset_ringer_message | |
Cset_size_data | Helper struct used for queued operations that change the size of the threadpool |
Cset_speaker_message | |
CSHA1Context | |
CSHA256Context | |
CSHA512Context | |
Cshow_peers_context | Used in the sip_show_peers functions to pass parameters |
Cshutdown_data | |
Csig_pri_callback | |
Csig_pri_chan | |
Csig_pri_span | |
Csig_ss7_callback | |
Csig_ss7_chan | |
Csig_ss7_linkset | |
Cchan_iax2_pvt::signaling_queue | |
Csignaling_queue_entry | |
Csilk_attr | SILK attribute structure |
Csimple_message_summary | |
Csimple_task_data | |
Csinks | |
Csip_ami_outbound | |
Csip_auth | Sip_auth: Credentials for authentication to other SIP services |
Csip_auth_container | Container of SIP authentication credentials |
Csip_cc_agent_pvt | |
Csip_epa_entry | |
Csip_esc_entry | Common ESC items for all event types |
Csip_esc_publish_callbacks | Callbacks for SIP ESCs |
Csip_history | Sip_history: Structure for saving transactions within a SIP dialog |
Csip_history_head | |
Csip_invite_param | Parameters to the transmit_invite function |
Csip_mailbox | A peer's mailbox |
Csip_monitor_instance | |
Csip_msg_hdr | |
Csip_notify | Struct to handle custom SIP notify requests. Dynamically allocated when needed |
Csip_options_aor | Structure which contains an AOR and contacts for qualifying purposes |
Csip_options_contact_callback_data | Structure used to contain information for an OPTIONS callback |
Csip_options_contact_observer_task_data | Task details for adding an AOR to an endpoint state compositor |
Csip_options_endpoint_aor_status | Structure which contains status information for an AOR feeding an endpoint state compositor |
Csip_options_endpoint_compositor_task_data | Task details for adding an AOR to an endpoint state compositor |
Csip_options_endpoint_state_compositor | Structure which contains composites information for endpoint state |
Csip_options_synchronize_aor_task_data | Task data for AOR creation or updating |
Csip_options_synchronize_task_data | Structure which contains information required to synchronize |
Csip_outbound_publish_message | Queued outbound publish message |
Csip_outbound_publisher | |
Csip_outbound_registration | Outbound registration information |
Csip_outbound_registration_client_state | Outbound registration client state information (persists for lifetime of regc) |
Csip_outbound_registration_state | Outbound registration state information (persists for lifetime that registration should exist) |
Csip_peer | Structure for SIP peer data, we place calls to peers if registered or fixed IP address (host) |
Csip_persistent_endpoint | Persistent endpoint information |
Csip_pkt | Sip packet - raw format for outbound packets that are sent or scheduled for transmission Packets are linked in a list, whose head is in the struct sip_pvt they belong to. Each packet holds a reference to the parent struct sip_pvt. This structure is allocated in __sip_reliable_xmit() and only for packets that require retransmissions |
Csip_proxy | Definition of a sip proxy server |
Csip_pvt | Structure used for each SIP dialog, ie. a call, a registration, a subscribe. Created and initialized by sip_alloc(), the descriptor goes into the list of descriptors (dialoglist) |
Csip_reasons | Diversion header reasons |
Csip_refer | Structure to handle SIP transfers. Dynamically allocated when needed |
Csip_registry | Registrations with other SIP proxies |
Csip_request | Sip_request: The data grabbed from the UDP socket |
Csip_resolve | Structure which keeps track of resolution |
Csip_route | Structure to store route information |
Csip_route_hop | Structure to save a route hop |
Csip_scheddestroy_data | |
Csip_session_media_bundle_group | Bundle group building structure |
Csip_settings | Place to store all global settings for the sip channel driver |
Csip_socket | The SIP socket definition |
Csip_st_cfg | Structure that encapsulates all attributes related to configuration of SIP Session-Timers feature on a per user/peer basis |
Csip_st_dlg | Structure that encapsulates all attributes related to running SIP Session-Timers feature on a per dialog basis |
Csip_subscription_mwi | Definition of an MWI subscription to another server |
Csip_subscription_tree | A tree of SIP subscriptions |
Csip_target | Structure which contains transport+port information for an active query |
Csip_threadinfo | Definition of a thread that handles a socket |
Csip_via | Structure to store Via information |
Cskel_config | A container that holds all config-related information |
Cskel_current_game | Information about a currently running set of games |
Cskel_global_config | A structure to hold global configuration-related options |
Cskel_level | Object to hold level config information |
Cskel_level_state | A structure to maintain level state across reloads |
Cskinny_addon | |
Cskinny_container | |
Cskinny_data | |
Cskinny_device | |
Cskinny_device_options | |
Cskinny_line | |
Cskinny_line_options | |
Cskinny_req | |
Cskinny_serviceurl | |
Cskinny_speeddial | |
Cskinny_subchannel | |
Cskinny_subline | |
Cskinnysession | |
Csla_event | |
Csla_failed_station | A station that failed to be dialed |
Csla_ringing_station | A station that is ringing |
Csla_ringing_trunk | A trunk that is ringing |
Csla_station | |
Csla_station_ref | A reference to a station |
Csla_trunk | |
Csla_trunk_ref | A station's reference to a trunk |
Csmdi_msg_datastore | |
Csms_s | |
Csoft_key_definitions | |
Csoft_key_event_message | |
Csoft_key_set_definition | |
Csoft_key_set_res_message | |
Csoft_key_template_definition | |
Csoft_key_template_res_message | |
Csoftmix_bridge_data | |
Csoftmix_channel | Structure which contains per-channel mixing information |
Csoftmix_mixing_array | |
Csoftmix_remb_collector | |
Csoftmix_stats | |
Csoftmix_translate_helper | |
Csoftmix_translate_helper_entry | |
Csorcery_config | Structure for storing configuration file sourced objects |
Csorcery_config_fields_cmp_params | Structure used for fields comparison |
Csorcery_details | Structure used when calling create, update, or delete |
Csorcery_global_observer | A global observer wrapper |
Csorcery_instance_observer | An instance observer wrapper |
Csorcery_load_details | Structure for passing load/reload details |
Csorcery_memory_cache | Structure for storing a memory cache |
Csorcery_memory_cache_fields_cmp_params | Structure used for fields comparison |
Csorcery_memory_cache_thrash | Structure for memory cache thrasing |
Csorcery_memory_cache_thrash_thread | Structure for a memory cache thras thread |
Csorcery_memory_cached_object | Structure for stored a cached object |
Csorcery_memory_fields_cmp_params | Structure used for fields comparison |
Csorcery_observer_invocation | Structure used for observer invocations |
Csorcery_proxy | Proxy object for sorcery |
Csorcery_test_caching | Test structure for caching |
Csorcery_test_observer | Test structure for observer |
Csorcery_wizard_observer | A wizard observer wrapper |
Csortable_keys | |
Csounds_cb_data | |
Cspandsp_fax_stats | |
Cspandsp_pvt | |
CSpandspLog | |
Cspeed_dial_stat_req_message | |
Cspeed_dial_stat_res_message | |
Cspeex_coder_pvt | |
Cspeex_desc | |
Cspeex_direction_info | |
Cspeex_info | |
CSpeexResamplerState_ | |
Cspy_dtmf_options | |
Csql_values | |
Csqlite_cache_columns | |
Csqlite_cache_tables | |
Csqlite_tables | |
Csrv_context | |
Csrv_context::srv_entries | |
Csrv_entry | |
Csrv_record | |
Csrv_result_datastore | |
Cstackelement | |
Cstale_cache_update_task_data | |
Cstale_update_task_data | |
Cstart_media_transmission_message_ip4 | |
Cstart_media_transmission_message_ip6 | |
Cstart_message_blob | |
Cstart_tone_message | |
Cstasis_app | |
Cstasis_app_bridge_channel_wrapper | |
Cstasis_app_command | |
Cstasis_app_control | |
Cstasis_app_control_continue_data | |
Cstasis_app_control_dtmf_data | |
Cstasis_app_control_move_data | |
Cstasis_app_control_mute_data | |
Cstasis_app_control_rule | Rule to check to see if an operation is allowed |
Cstasis_app_event_source | Event source information and callbacks |
Cstasis_app_playback | |
Cstasis_app_recording | |
Cstasis_app_recording_options | |
Cstasis_app_snoop | Structure which contains all of the snoop information |
Cstasis_app_stored_recording | |
Cstasis_cache | |
Cstasis_cache_entry | |
Cstasis_cache_update | Cache update message |
Cstasis_caching_topic | |
Cstasis_config | |
Cstasis_cp_all | |
Cstasis_cp_single | |
Cstasis_declined_config | A structure to hold global configuration-related options |
Cstasis_forward | Forwarding information |
Cstasis_message | |
Cstasis_message_route | |
Cstasis_message_router | |
Cstasis_message_sanitizer | Structure containing callbacks for Stasis message sanitization |
Cstasis_message_sink | Structure that collects messages from a topic |
Cstasis_message_type | |
Cstasis_message_type_statistics | |
Cstasis_message_vtable | Virtual table providing methods for messages |
Cstasis_rest_handlers | Handler for a single RESTful path segment |
Cstasis_state | |
Cstasis_state_manager | |
Cstasis_state_observer | Managed stasis state event interface |
Cstasis_state_proxy | |
Cstasis_state_publisher | |
Cstasis_state_subscriber | |
Cstasis_subscription | |
Cstasis_subscription_change | Holds details about changes to subscriptions for the specified topic |
Cstasis_subscription_statistics | |
Cstasis_threadpool_conf | Threadpool configuration options |
Cstasis_topic | |
Cstasis_topic_pool | |
Cstate | |
Cstate_change | |
Cstate_changes | The state change queue. State changes are queued for processing by a separate thread |
Cstate_notify_data | |
Cstate_struct | |
Cstation_capabilities | |
Cstimulus_list | |
Cstimulus_message | |
Cstir_shaken_certificate | |
Cstir_shaken_datastore | |
Cstir_shaken_general | |
Cstir_shaken_store | |
Cstop_media_transmission_message | |
Cstop_tone_message | |
Cstore_hint | |
Cstore_hints | |
Cstrategy | |
Cstrcolorized_tags | |
Cstream_parameters | |
Cstrong_str | |
Cstrspecial_tags | |
Cstrsyntaxtype | Mapping between type of node and type of syntax to generate |
Cstun_addr | |
Cstun_attr | |
Cstun_header | |
Cstun_state | Here we store credentials extracted from a message |
Cstun_trans_id | STUN support code |
Csubchannel | |
Csubscription_handlers | |
Csubscription_persistence | Structure used for persisting an inbound subscription |
Csubscriptions | |
Csubsystem_alert | |
Csupplements | |
Csuppress_data | |
Cswitches | |
Csync_payload | Frame payload for synchronous bridge actions |
Csync_structs | List holding active synchronous action objects |
Csync_task_data | |
Csystem_config | |
Ct38_parameters_task_data | Structure for T.38 parameters task data |
Ct38_state | T.38 state information |
Ct38properties | T.38 channel settings (at some point we need to make this alloc'ed |
Ctable_configs | Should be locked before using it |
Ctables | |
Ctalk_detect_params | Private data structure used with the function's datastore |
Ctask_data | Userdata associated with baseline taskprocessor test |
Ctask_pushed_data | Helper used for queued task when tasks are pushed |
Ctcptls_packet | |
Ctdd_state | |
Ctech_deferred_destroy | |
Ctechs | |
Cast_category::template_instance_list | |
Ctemplates | |
Ctest | |
Ctest1 | |
Ctest_bridging_chan_pvt | A private structure for the test channel |
Ctest_cb_data | |
Ctest_cdr_entry | |
Ctest_config | |
Ctest_container | |
Ctest_core_format_pvt | A test piece of data to associate with test_core_format_attr |
Ctest_data | Sorcery object created based on backend data |
Ctest_dbl_llist | |
Ctest_files | |
Ctest_item | |
Ctest_listener_data | |
Ctest_listener_pvt | Private data for the test taskprocessor listener |
Ctest_llist | |
Ctest_message_types | |
Ctest_obj | |
Ctest_options | |
Ctest_sorcery_object | Dummy sorcery object |
Ctest_string | |
Ctest_struct | |
Ctest_val | |
Ctests | |
Cthr_arg | |
Cthr_lock_info | Keep track of which locks a thread holds |
Cthread_list | |
Cthread_list_t | |
Cthread_worker_pair | Struct used for queued operations involving worker state changes |
Ctime_unit_labels | |
Ctimerfd_timer | |
Ctiming_holder | |
Ctone_detect_state_t | |
Ctonepair_def | |
Ctonepair_state | |
Ctopic_pool_entry | |
Ctopic_proxy | |
Ctopology_change_refresh_data | |
Ctpeers | |
Cast_taskprocessor::tps_queue | Taskprocessor queue |
Ctps_task | Tps_task structure is queued to a taskprocessor |
Ctps_taskprocessor_stats | Tps_taskprocessor_stats maintain statistics for a taskprocessor |
Ctransfer_channel_data | AO2 object that wraps data for transfer_channel_cb |
Ctransfer_data | |
Ctranslator | |
Ctranslator_path | |
Ctranslators | List of translators |
Ctransport_create_data | |
Ctransport_info_data | Transport information stored in transport_info datastore |
Ctransport_monitor | Structure for transport to be monitored |
Ctransport_monitor_notifier | |
Ctransport_read_data | |
Ctree_node | A node for a resource tree |
Cttinfo | Time type information |
Ctxt_context | |
Ctzhead | |
Cudptl_config | |
Cudptl_fec_rx_buffer_t | |
Cudptl_fec_tx_buffer_t | |
Cudptl_global_options | |
Cunbound_config | A container for config related information |
Cunbound_config_state | Unbound configuration state information |
Cunbound_global_config | A structure to hold global configuration-related options |
Cunbound_resolver | Structure for an unbound resolver |
Cunbound_resolver_data | Structure for query resolver data |
Cunidentified_request | |
Cunistim_device | A device containing one or more lines |
Cunistim_languages | |
Cunistim_line | |
Cunistim_menu_item | |
Cunistim_subchannel | |
Cunistimsession | |
Cunload_string | |
Cunload_strings | |
Cunsolicited_mwi_data | |
Cupdate2_prepare_struct | |
Cupdaters | |
Curi_redirects | |
Curiparams | Uri parameters |
Curis | |
Cuser | Structure to hold users read from users.conf |
Cuser_complete | |
Cuser_profile | |
Cusergroup_cli_perm | List of users to apply restrictions |
Cusers | List of users found in the config file |
CUSHAContext | |
Custm_lang_entry | |
Cval | |
Cvalues | |
CVardesc | |
Cvariable_count | |
Cvarshead | |
Cvarz | |
Cverb_console | |
Cverb_consoles | |
Cversion_res_message | |
Cvideo_codec_desc | |
Cvideo_dec_desc | |
Cvideo_follow_talker_data | |
Cvm_recipient | |
Cvm_state | |
Cvm_zone | |
Cvolume | |
Cvolume_information | |
Cvp8_attr | |
Cwait_bridge_wrapper | |
Cwait_type | |
Cwav_desc | |
Cwavg_desc | |
Cweakproxy_str | |
Cwebsocket_client | |
Ccall_followme::wlnumbers | |
Cworker_thread | |
Cws_transport | Wrapper for pjsip_transport, for storing the WebSocket session |
Cwsabuf | |
Cxml_context | |
Cxmldoc_tree | Container of documentation trees |
Cxmlstate | |
Cxmpp_config | |
Cxmpp_pak_handler | Defined handlers for different PAK types |
Cxmpp_state_handler | Defined handlers for XMPP client states |
Cyy_buffer_state | |
Cyy_trans_info | |
Cyyalloc | |
Cyyguts_t | |
Cyyltype | |
Czombie | |
Czombies | |
Czonelist | |
Czones | |